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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. They are in the queue...just behind the 74,000,000 Turks.
  2. When a high-velocity bullet passes by the ear, the first sound typically heard is the supersonic crack. This is because the bullet is traveling faster than the speed of sound, creating a shockwave that moves ahead of the bullet itself. Here’s a breakdown of the sequence of sounds: 1. Supersonic Crack: • This sharp, whip-like sound is the first thing heard. It is created by the shockwave produced as the bullet travels at supersonic speeds, breaking the sound barrier. 2. Whizzing or Whistling: • Immediately following the crack, you may hear the whizzing or whistling sound of the bullet itself as it passes by. This sound is caused by the turbulence and air displacement around the bullet.
  3. I never said it was staged.....I thought he was remarkably lucky to avoid death or devastating injuries. I wouldn't wish those on anyone.
  4. Got barbed wire on my thigh and tightening the tourniquet as I type.
  5. Thought Eric Trump said half his ear had been blown away......remarkable recovery....oh wait....might he have lied?
  6. To be fair I have read somewhere that he claims to have nothing against cats....?
  7. I was joking...there was only you and one other on it....that's a joke as well....555
  8. Just deleted my ignore list......there were hardly any posts coming up...5555
  9. Parents must be well proud of him...... 1. Assault: • In 2005, Robinson was convicted of assaulting an off-duty police officer during a domestic incident and received a 12-month prison sentence. 2. False Identity and Illegal Entry: • In 2012, he was jailed for entering the United States using someone else’s passport, as he had been banned from entering the country. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison. 3. Mortgage Fraud: • In 2014, Robinson was convicted of mortgage fraud. He admitted to conspiring with others to obtain a mortgage by misrepresentation. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. 4. Contempt of Court: • In 2017, he was given a suspended sentence for contempt of court after filming inside Canterbury Crown Court during a trial. • In 2018, Robinson was jailed for 13 months for contempt of court after live-streaming outside a grooming trial in Leeds. This sentence was later quashed, and he was released on bail. • In 2019, he was found guilty again of contempt of court for the same incident and was sentenced to nine months in prison. 5. Public Order Offences: • Over the years, Robinson has been involved in various public order offences related to his activism and protests.
  10. Good one...can't have people living with their own wife...not in the UK.
  11. The Guardian doesn't say he was arrested for terrorism offences.
  12. 5555....Love it....5555 Best post of the day.
  13. Not seen it....but never seen a baby die from being circumcised either.
  14. You would think so....but watching the Thai families come together ...they often meet at out house.....sometimes after years away.....there is no physical contact, other than one of the auntie's......very odd. They are all fine with each other, appear very happy, socialise into the small hours.....but no physical contact?
  15. 60% of the world's male population are uncircumcised......they seem to get by without having had this decision taken for them.
  16. Could not agree more. I would have huge billboards at passport control showing their photos, crime(s) committed, prison sentence served.....and the fact they have been banned for life.
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