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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Not related but just bought a Phillips One razor......WOW!!! Usually have a beard, but going to start shaving now so I can use it everyday .
  2. Happen to me not so long ago. Went to one of regular bars and the price for a small Singha had jump from about 100B to 165B. Same answer......not many customers at the moment so we had to put the price up????
  3. No, but you might be a tad warmer.
  4. And it is this sycophantic weakness of being too frightened to drop Trump that will be the undoing of the Republicans.....shame they didn't have the orbs to do anything about him.
  5. You have to go through a rip in space-time fabric and enter into Trump World.....normal logic used in this world is not applicable.
  6. Come Nov 6 you best put on your big boy pants.
  7. I am so not surprised......of course this will be down to the left wing press which dominates the UK media...... GB News, The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph......and how they constantly push left wing agendas down the throats of the ordinary UK voter.
  8. And you're worried about 6 or 7 people installing Harris as a candidate????????
  9. Even if that were the case she still has to be voted into power by some 150 million voters (more now that Taylor Swift has encouraged younger voters to take part).
  10. That is a huge mistake...believe me. Apart from the odd cold I have 'never' been sick for decades and assumed all was good. Just been diagnosed with a potential serious disease as a consequence of moderately high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Too late now to reverse the damage....all I can do is limit the future damage from being any worse than it might have been.
  11. Bit perplexed that he has declined another debate.......having wiped the floor with Harris (as predicted on here) and won every poll after the debate that asked who won?......you would have thought he would be mustard-keen to give her another drubbing.......very strange?
  12. Those additional votes will be from all the illegal immigrants he allowed in.
  13. Mouth is watering.
  14. Pure genius.....just need to be single (I wish) and I would do that.
  15. Imagine if we are the exceptions and still have another 30 years to go.......OMG!!!
  16. Got to admit it is odd that a loser like Trump, who has never won the popular vote, can still be a 'winner' (of sorts).
  17. Hahaha......wouldn't disagree.....I'm 68 and just starting to wonder what the next few years hold. None of the men in our family have enjoyed longevity.....stay here tough it out and see what happens, up root and return 'home' before it is too late......bit of a dilemma.
  18. YEP!.....my old boss....fit as a lat.....not an ounce of fat, rode in cycle races every weekend.....dropped dead from a massive heart attack at 52. You can't judge a book from its cover.
  19. Definitely....although the nearest is a 90 minute drive.....but if I can make there I will..... next time....555
  20. Couldn't agree more.....why can't people make false accusations, racist statements and incite people to commit crimes.....you have to wonder what is the world coming to????
  21. Yet more evidence of the lunatics that seem to occupy the States.....and 10 likes ....555 I'm surprised baby eating lizard people are not mentioned anywhere.
  22. She was to use the whole debate do nothing but correct his 33 lies.......sensible?????

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