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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Started to panic....I am flying back in a few weeks!!! Cheers.
  2. I find it almost tasteless. Almost as bad as Australian beer/lager.
  3. Read recently it is fallacy that your metabolism slows down in your mid-30's, they say it slows down in your mid-60's. I exercise a lot for general health reasons, but getting rid of your gut is 95% diet, and only 5% exercise.
  4. Bernese Oberland.....heaven on Earth,,,,,Grindlwald, Lauterbrunnen, Murren.......been many times over the years....with a a number of very pretty Thai ladies. You are doing the right thing.
  5. I'm confused....you need a COE to go to the UK?
  6. So you would swear down that our 6'3" Scotsman (no names) is a 100% fully paid up Thai and not Scottish?
  7. All in the timing I guess......you don't want to run out of money and then find you are still fit as a fiddle and will last another 20 years!!!
  8. Dog's <deleted>, nectar, but Singha in its absence.
  9. Had two, but didn't see the ball drop in either case as both greens were not visible from the tee box. Not the same as actually seeing them drop.
  10. Dhanin's father, Chia Ek Chor, and uncle, Chia Seow Hui, left China for Bangkok in the 1920s to begin selling seeds and agricultural chemicals. If your parents are Chinese are you not Chinese?
  11. If the J&J is available go for that. I was told after sinovac/AZ I would have to wait for six months to have an alternative vaccine that allows me to travel without quarantining.
  12. Listen to the end if you have the time. WhatsApp Video 2021-10-12 at 11.43.30.mp4
  13. Both retired 65/38. She worked for 14 years in Germany and has saved all her money as we lived free courtesy of the British tax payer.
  14. Do we know what constitutes a legal sex toy?
  15. Read that as... Fox News! MoPH says mRNA vax is radioactive!
  16. Which is more than the authorities do for people entering Thailand.
  17. Just a suggestion....it avoids a myriad of pitfalls Invest the capital in a tax free fund for her to access when she is 18. Then she can make her own decision re: what to buy.
  18. Articles like this must go along way to removing any trust people might have in Thailand's professionalism.
  19. Are you aware most of the world will consider you to be unvaccinated if you go for the Chinese vaccines?......obviously not a problem if you aren't going to travel or only going to China or HK.
  20. Mandatory quarantine for the fully vaccinated starts Nov 1 at least, but who wants to come to a "dry" country?
  21. Same boat as you. I was told I would have to wait 6 months for a booster??? I wonder....... if you get a booster....will you get a certificate your home country will accept? Not even Thailand accepts sinovac/AZ it seems for anyone returning here. What a pig's ear.
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