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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. If the hotels are on the RTP's collection route, who is going to crack down on the hotels?
  2. Yes......I remember having to pay the tax at little ticket m/c's just before going through passport control.
  3. She was madly in love with the Thai victim, gone out for the night as part of the plot to rub out her husband and then claim his estate. The Thai guy cocked up big style. OR The Swiss guy found out about his wife's lover, lured the Thai guy into the house and setup the whole thing up to look like a break-in gone wrong. OR The Swiss guy could just be telling the truth!!!
  4. I imagine 99.9% of tourists won't even know about this until presented with a demand for payment. So first time around TAT will get away with it, second time around people might just be put off. Family of five.....suddenly an extra 2,500 taken out of their spending money.....might make them look elsewhere the following year.
  5. Yes...seems very odd. Isolate in a household that doesn't isolate ????
  6. Find it difficult to pee at the best of times......no chance I could pee in a swimming pool if I tried.
  7. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/travel-covid-red-list-b1931308.html The UK’s travel red list is to be shrunk significantly to as few as nine countries within days, according to reports. There are currently 54 nations on the list, which enforces strict quarantine rules and huge fees on travellers from regions deemed the highest Covid risk. From Tuesday, the UK’s current green, amber and red categories will be streamlined to just two lists: red and Rest of World (ROW.)
  8. Just found out the wife is has signed a contract to have a three bed house built and it is about 20% finished!! All her money, so I am not too miffed, but it would have been nice to have been involved at an earlier stage!!! However, that aside, could anyone advise on.... 1. Damp course. Should I insist upon one? The builder says it is not needed and if he has to put one in he won't honor the insurance policy. It is a single skin wall. 2. The insurance only applies for two years.......is that typical? UK is 10 years I think. 3. There is no spec' for roof insulation in the loft space.......what would you recommend? I am conscious of creepy crawly things setting up home and wonder how to insulate the space, but still prevent unwelcome guests. 4. Window frames have yet to be ordered. Is UV PVC the best or aluminum or.........? 5. Floor tiles are yet to be ordered......anything we should know? Glazed/unglazed, rough/smooth, what material??? 6. Anything else regarding "inside information" on any building matters/materails would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  9. Revision/review is due 7th Oct (every third Thursday)
  10. If he is not in solitary confinement, he might not have too long to reflect.
  11. Definitely restaurants. Each had an oil drum cut in half at the front.
  12. Oh! I forgot. Two policemen came into the bar we were in about 8.30pm. There was some mild panic. They sat at the bar for about 5 minutes, didn't drink, chatted to the girl running the bar (owner wasn't there) then left.
  13. Just had a quick look on t'interweb.....Had no idea that you could do that, but as you say HV DC is the name of the game.
  14. Like all electricity transmission it must be done at very high voltages so the current and heating loss is as low as possible. I guess the cost and reliability then all depends on the grade and quality of the cabling. You would like to think someone, somewhere knows what they are doing!
  15. Went out last night in Bangkok (yes I know this is the Phuket Forum), bars were packed, drinks served in glasses, music blasting out (sadly), no masks to be seen (hard to drink with a mask), no temperature checks, no hand sanitizer being used. One bar I know of stayed open till 0500. What lockdown?
  16. Agree.....just spent 9 weeks there at East Star Golf.......very nice. Internet was 180 ish.
  17. The one at the end of the tunnel with the white light.
  18. Oh believe me....on my death bed I expect a rapid conversion and sudden, total belief in God. And remember, no man ever lay on his death bed and shout.......... Oh Lord.......I wish I had never slept with so many women.
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