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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. It is staggering isn't it......what goes through their minds? All forms of empathy seem to be totally absent from most people.
  2. Laws don't seem to work here though, but yes, I should do that.
  3. My thoughts exactly!!! Buying his land, however, means he could possibly move 20m and start up again. I have in mind storing animal waste right next his cafe.........but any action like this leaves us wide open to retribution.......aaarrrgggghhhh.
  4. I am trying to keep calm, but I can see this resulting in a jail sentence for me.....hence the request for any suggestions. What he is doing is totally unacceptable.
  5. House is half built, way out in the sticks, nothing but rice fields as far as the eye can see. A trader has bought a small strip of land right up against our boundary, opened a small cafe and installed a massive loudspeaker system and karaoke machine. IT IS SERIOUSLY DEAFENING. My wife is going to speak to the village head, but I can't see that achieving anything. She says after that she will have to speak to the head of the district. Note: The cafe owner knows what he is doing and has invested a good deal of money in the sound system, he is not going to just give it up because I ask him nicely. This is potentially heartbreaking, my wife has sunk her life's savings into this house. Any positive, constructive suggestions?
  6. Can I clarify? The international certificate? Is that the little yellow vaccine book and do we need it if everything is already on Mor Prom?
  7. I don't think you will get the number until after your second shot....I didn't.
  8. Had no problems......much to my surprised. Stuck the 60000 number in and there I was....all jabbed up.
  9. Had a similar choice....but the RR is not a car you drive yourself, you have to be chauffeured .......so I went for the Bentley.......it was then that I woke up.
  10. Mmmmmm.......I received a paper certificate with loads of data, batch numbers, serial numbers etc......plus that 60000 number......and it was that number that got me into Mor Prom. Maybe someone on here will know what to do. Got all mine done at Phyathai 2, BKK.
  11. I wonder if they have the same two speed gear box as most Thai cars?........extremely slow and extremely fast with nothing, it seems, between the two.
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