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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Wow.....thanks for that....excuse my ignorance, but what is a "police box"? Re: Your girlfriend, the only advice I can give is to make sure that Swiss immigration think/know your gf has every reason to return to Thailand.....employment, property, kids, elderly parental care.
  2. God that is awful.....and everything I pictured happening if she bought....and lo and behold.......
  3. It is surprising how many little places there are out in Isan like this.....middle of nowhere, seemingly no customers, no passing trade.....all set up at the side of the road. I think many are there just as an add on to some other work or business they have, in the hope of adding a little extra to the pot.
  4. They used this idea during WW2........as listening posts (before they had radar) for enemy aircraft coming across the channel. Some of the structures have survived to this day.
  5. Could be that or he is waiting for the offer on his land. If I found out that was/is his intention I would (moderators look away now) invite a few Thai 'friends' from BKK up for the weekend.
  6. Like you, it is my wife's village!!! And I am the same as you....bass note....what the....? I pleaded with her not to buy property in Thailand for this very reason....over and over again....rent and we can move......but she wanted her own house, near the village (1km) and that was it.
  7. Good job you posted that in case I accidentally bought something.....phew......555
  8. No way I could tolerate it, not in a million years,. I have already explained that to the wife.......and I can see it ultimately being the beginning of the end for our marriage.
  9. Ooooo........a reflector, refocussing the sound back into the cafe.......plus add a little of my own noise........????
  10. I can see it coming to that. Poor wife worked 14 years to save up for this dream house..........it truly is heartbreaking.
  11. I know what you mean. If we came to an arrangement as to when and for how long we could maybe live with it......go shopping, go out......but what a farce!!!!
  12. Yes told the wife to find out who owns what, with a view to buying the surrounding land and maybe his land as well .
  13. You just cannot stop bass notes reaching your ears. Even if we could sound proof the house that leaves an acre of garden we can't even use. I was intending to add a swimming pool, but have told the wife I am not putting a penny into the property now.
  14. I visited the site last week and there were half a dozen older Thais sat about in the cafe.......they must be deaf, because the noise was tremendous.
  15. Thanks. I understand your response, but until you experience the sound level you wouldn't realize sound proofing will achieve nothing.
  16. It is set back from a country road, very little traffic, but power lines run along the road and water supply is not an issue for us (I am told)
  17. I wondered about the relationship side of things......if they are friends we are dead in the water.
  18. Yep....thinking along this lines......it is just the retribution you invite that scares me off....for the moment. at least.
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