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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I do feel bad about having stepped back.....I didn't want this house, I was more than happy living in Bangkok. As far as I am concerned she is just pouring money down the drain. Having said that I have a sneaky suspicion that I am looking forward to correcting everything. I am an engineer by trade and qualification and have been twiddling my thumbs for sometime......I think there will be plenty to keep me going!!!!!!
  2. Of no direct use to you, but this might offer a glimmer of hope....... Cycling through a nondescript part of nowhere in the back of beyond near Ban Chang and lo and behold...... a tiny little shop selling every type of bread under the sun.....heaven......so there might be hope yet...... keep looking.
  3. Not for something like this? But about to start researching for general household insurance.
  4. A major underlying problem here is village politics and 'face'. The builder is my father-in-law's boss in tessaban ...........negotiations are more delicate than in the Middle East.
  5. "DUI makes me a better rider" says NE man after motorcycle antics - police let him go with a warning...................I rest my case
  6. Please no laughing emojis......I am close to tears already.
  7. I am a bit surprised he was panicking.......the penalty for DUI here is hardly any kind of deterrent .
  8. The quality of the workmanship re: my wife's new house, is staggeringly poor (shock, horror) Some people are passive/aggressive........I have a tendency to be aggressive/aggressive and my wife has been at pains to keep me out of the way during the build. I am almost too embarrassed to show these photos, but the tile edging (or is it just beading?) is atrocious and I am looking for ways to recover the situation. All I can think of doing is gluing right-angled aluminum trim over the top? Any other suggestions/advice? Just as an aside are spirit levels, plumb lines, chalk lines, measuring tapes actually illegal in Thailand?
  9. Serious question.....does this even exist? Answering my own question....it is the yellow card/booklet that was all the rage last year....apparently.
  10. They just cannot wait. I have a 20 min drive each day along relatively quiet, but windy roads. I have to pull in two or three times to let these maniacs pass......they come flying up behind at breakneck speed, slam the brakes on, then tailgate within inches......sick of them.
  11. Why would the Americans be concerned about Thailand's ability to to operate and maintain fifth-generation fighter jets? That's Thailand's problem?
  12. Agree....this is now rampant, particularly in the UK......oh it's due to inflation!!!.....yes, some of it is......but a lot is simply price gouging whilst the opportunity presents itself.
  13. Well blow me down with a feather......thank you.
  14. Seriously.....who the hell goes out in Pattaya carrying a wallet? When I go out I have some cash and a card....... both in a deep pocket (I have short arms as well)......no watch, no flashy (tacky-tacky) gold neck chain, no jewellery......no brainer.
  15. I am far from convinced that emergency vehicles have to drive as fast and/or as recklessly as they do.........having lived in London for sometime it amazes me that there is any justification........loud sirens, horns clearing a path......... fair enough.......but then 70/80 mph through busy streets.......really???
  16. Oooooo.....sorry, no idea to be honest......I'd forgotten there are languages other than English.
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