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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. As a general rule, people in power don't really give a flying **** for .'ordinary' people. Boris Johnson refers to the common herd as 'chatter'......(let the bodies pile high) They only pretend to care on occasions when they feel it might benefit them.
  2. Not read the thread.....but I felt cheated. Booked QSuite...... BKK to London.........No QSuite on the BBK to Doha route.......spoke to the guy next to me and he said it is regular thing.......they reserve the Qsuite flights for Doha to London, the 'big money' route........and just plain (pun) cheat on the BKK-Doha leg. Won't book again.
  3. What would I do without you.....555 Red Bull gives you wiings (it doesn't)
  4. Soz......not sure I have ever looked at my profile???.........Nong Bua Daeng.....Chaiyaphum.
  5. Being pedantic......not a poor country......just a disproportionate number of staggeringly poor and staggeringly rich citizens.......but that's corruption for you.
  6. 100%....price cartels, monopolies, total lack of competition. Absolutely criminal......and now True + DTAC......not even being referred.
  7. OneMoreFarang Apologies........Sorry to muscle in........don't like to start a thread just to ask a quick question.
  8. Thanks......I wonder.....would it be a good idea to find an independent qualified electrician to check everything out?......or can you rely on the PEA to do a class job?
  9. Had these fitted just yesterday.........are these okay....the right thing?
  10. Imagine Thais in charge of a nuclear arsenal........would Thailand be the safest or most dangerous place to be?......tricky one!
  11. ßloody hell forgotten about that.......had a quadruple hemorrhoidectomy in Germany. Doctor gave me eight, big white tablets on leaving hospital........these are your pain killers, see your GP again in eight days. I thought wow, these must be morphine based super-dooper pain killers. Three days later I was in tears and hoped to die in the night. Went back to my GP and told him the pain was indescribable.....he laughed (said something in German) and said I'm not surprised........you've been taking one paracetamol a day.......
  12. That link I gave is Sky Sports if you are interested.....free.
  13. No man ever lay on his deathbed and said........"God. I wish I'd never slept with so many women".
  14. Not too sure they are his teeth......I think he just borrows them from Firmino
  15. Stood with a 'lively' girl I'd known for sometime, looking down on Pattaya one night......she gave every impression of being the original party girl.........she said.....you know, there is not one single girl down there who enjoys working in a bar.........
  16. Oooo good luck,,,,,,had a double osteotomy last year to remove wisdom teeth still inside the jaw....... got some notion of how bad pain can be.
  17. Walking back last night watched a Thai guy jump on his bike. He rode out of his front gate round to the wall at the back of his house, switch the water supply on (or off?) and rode back to the front, closed the gate......555
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