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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Looks like guard houses at either side.....for tiny guards???
  2. 100 dB.....that is deafening!!!! The decibel scale is logarithmic.
  3. Might get something like this.....555
  4. No....very similar to what I have in mind
  5. Funnily enough we are out in the sticks......and by chance I drove beyond our house (to be) and a guy about a mile down the road has gone for the same style.......now it looks like we are copying him!!!
  6. I think the difference is the potential for an all out war leading to a nuclear confrontation, which none of the other conflicts come close to.
  7. Now that is clever....my mind jumped straight to broken glass and razor wire.....tut.
  8. If I had the choice I would go for Soi 8 or Soi 11......nice bars and restaurants, soi 8 is a dead end, so no through traffic.......and, not that it interests me,.......soi 7 and soi 4 are only 5 min walks.
  9. You need money for Thong Lo....there if I had the money. Smart restaurants, nightclubs....(English pub).......and more dentists than you can shake a stick at for some reason.
  10. Damn....never crossed my mind.....mmmmm??
  11. Going for this......but each to his own.
  12. Might be talking out of my ****, but you might want to check with the head honcho about wall height.
  13. I am now considering "banking", not too big, around the edge of the topped up land......just enough to catch the rainwater and stop the erosion, in the hope it then drains into the ground????
  14. Not those tacky tacky Thai ones???......Sorry if I offend, but told the wife I will leave her if she puts those in
  15. If you are a fully paid up member of the GERD club stuff like Gaviscon doesn't even touch the sides....... all the better if does work for you though!
  16. Agree....it is a no brainer. If these halfwits thought they would lose their bikes things would change overnight.........(or the RTP would get even wealthier?)
  17. Had GERD for years before doing anything about. Finally gave in when I found I couldn't swallow certain foods....rice in particular. Been on omeprazole for 12 years.......if a I miss a tablet my stomach is on fire within 12 hours........it scares me rigid that one day they might stop working
  18. Yes.....but I bet my dad is bigger than your dad.
  19. Any other options you would consider in similar circumstances?
  20. Ha......out in the sticks, 7 hours north of Bangkok, and had to show mine (or did i just proffer it?) three times in a year
  21. Had my suspicions that would be the case!!! We have no gable ends so......whirlybirds???
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