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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Defo driving (a car)....but he put heart and soul into that response......... I wasn't going to say anything.
  2. Is it easy to do at the airport? I always go for the multiple one at immigration.
  3. Ha.....I was half joking.......UbonJoe had just corrected me in the previous post....555
  4. I guess if they are looking for tea money their decibel meter is set up to aid that endeavour.
  5. I got stopped by the police on my scooter........what were they doing in your scooter?
  6. Only fly in the ointment might be if you want a multiple entry visa???
  7. Older than both her parents (real mum and step-dad) by about 5/6 years. I honestly can't recall being concerned, although I don't know why I wouldn't have been. I think as the wife had no hesitation (or showed no hesitation) in introducing me to the family, and it is huge (80% of the village), I just didn't think about it. What problems there were, arose with my kids initially, as the wife is younger than my two eldest. My youngest was 18 at the time and a little anti- at first, but emotions soon settled down and we have all holidayed together, been to family events etc......no problems.
  8. 26 years age difference. never think about it, never bothered me and never had any cause to be concerned......except once......... Sat in an Irish bar in Paris and two woman walked towards me and the wife, each carrying a pint of Guinness. Wife was 23 at the time. I was convinced they were going to throw the beers in our faces. They put the beers down on our table and said.....that's for you....the prettiest girl in the world......and that's for....the luckiest <deleted> in the world.
  9. Got a metal kettle and toaster.......both fitted with two pin plugs.
  10. Years ago (1998?) was at a pop concert in Bangkok and someone starting firing a gun......all hell broke loose......fortunately there was loads of space to run into otherwise many would have been crushed. Walking along Silom road (2000?) and saw a kid, late teens, get his face slashed with something like a craft knife. Not 'daily' dangerous though, are they? Think I misunderstood the title, but having typed all that I'm not deleting it.
  11. An out and out tea money exercise.......I was tootling along, never drive 'fast' (driving 50 years without some much as a scratch (probably die tomorrow)), pulled over.....Papers, licence, passport please......pay now, or go to the police station and pay double.
  12. How odd....never, ever taken vitamin C (other than in foods) and never had kidney stones.......must have been lucky.
  13. Stayed in a few hotels recently and seen this.......pajamas at breakfast......and quite often, during the day, just wearing the hotel's bathrobe in and around the hotel.......something I find very odd.
  14. Had a bladder infection and was treated for two months using two different antibiotics......paying for regular visits in the meantime for 'reviews'. Still in pain after two months and only then I was tested to see what was actually causing the infection??? I was given the correct antibiotic....one dose.....problem solved. I read up to find that 70% of all such infections are caused be E Coli and the two antibiotics I received are totally useless in fighting it. I am pretty sure the doctor knew what he was doing......spinning things out and maximising the hospitals income.........healthy patients are of no use to a private hospital.
  15. What's the fuss? It's not like he used any plastic bags, no one died.....Jeez, get off his back.
  16. I was fined 200 baht for driving on a dual carriageway near Saraburi......... I was told I did not have permission to drive on it?
  17. I have a sense of the 'emperor's new clothes' surrounding this farce.
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