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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Plod is a 16th century verb meaning to walk slowly and one of Enid Blyton's character was a policeman named PC Plod who was named after this action.....and the name stuck.
  2. Good point if they are living here......I only got married because all visa routes to bring my then gf over to germany were closed. My only option was to marry.........I really didn't see it as a marriage just a loophole........that was 16 years ago.
  3. Quite staggering isn't it?.......mentioned this before.....we eat in a little 'restaurant' near what was a junction, but has now changed to cross roads.......what a nightmare.....already seen two accidents. One a motorbike and a car, neither slowed down...boom.... and another.....a motorcyclist just cut right across the corner as a car came the other way.....
  4. To be fair all religions are utterly corrupt........when you have to pay huge sums of money NOT to go to a place that doesn't even exist and more to GO to a better place that also doesn't exist....I think the Catholic church has to take first place.
  5. I can't believe that people........even in expensive hotels.....steal food.....bread buns, cheese and ham from the breakfast buffet....or worse, pile their plates up and leave a mountain of food totally untouched...... even three or four slices of bread!!!! I once saw a women take back to her room the big, fresh fruit platter that is usually positioned on the way out of the hotel restaurant......unbelievable.
  6. Even if true, I would not have any great sympathy........they are the aggressors having stormed into someone else's country, raping and murdering women and children. Were you expecting tea and sympathy for the Russian soldiers, for all their hard work in destroying another nation?
  7. It was a good few of years suffering with GERD before I went to the doctor. She asked how often do I get heartburn?......I said three or four times a day like most people.....she was horrified.......NO! Most people never get heartburn. I was whisked of for biopsies, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum.....all clear though the lower oesophagus was badly inflamed. Two days after starting on (at that time) pantoprazole the GERD went, totally....what a wonder drug..... for me at least.
  8. A 'fixer'....rather than an agent I would have said....bit of a wide boy.......I may have paid more than that for all the docs, but only ever recall him saying "give me 500 baht and I'll get you a fancy leather folder for the certificate".
  9. What???.....Might be wrong, but I recall paying 500 baht.....albeit 16 years ago...but still!!!
  10. Government Signals Concern Over Infectious Waste Management.........that would be better
  11. Exactly.......I don't get obsessive about any of this stuff....if we book into a hotel I check the fire escape route....30 seconds......I drive around corners and junctions on the assumption something is coming the other way.....not rocket science...you would think!!!!
  12. https://www.gowercroft.co.uk/news/what-is-vacuum-glazing/
  13. Funnily enough, stopped for noodles yesterday and sat just off the roadside.........thought.....nope. Moved much further inside.......just a matter of tickling the odds in your favour....why not?
  14. Due to drive down to Bangkok next week for a few days........seven hour drive. i have cancelled it.....I know the odds of being injured or killed are small, but really not prepared to take the risk unless it is a journey that is truly necessary.
  15. As an aside............I see UK food manufacturers are 'panicking' and looking for either alternate suppliers or alternatives to sunflower oil.
  16. I was told no problem. Had AZ plus Sinovac here, then Pfizer booster back in the UK.....a week later went for flu jab (in the UK) and they said no problem.
  17. Main aches come from the kids.....biggest pain is the wife.....otherwise fit and well at 66....
  18. OMG.....missing a good old, damp and chilly morning in Yorkshire after a few days of gentle, cool breezes. 23C for us most of yesterday.....actually wore a fleece for the first time ever.
  19. Fair enough....if the meat genuinely was full of gristle......do we know that it was?
  20. That is some slope.......any problems?
  21. Seriously.....what does 'good numbers' really mean?....Sweet mouth.
  22. Quote: "They complained the meat was gristly" Sounds to me like they were just looking for a way out of the 'fine'
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