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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Why do other people give a flying ........, what other people do in their private lives? If it doesn't harm anyone else why are people so obsessed with it all. Live and let live.
  2. Beer fine...... but if they start to distill there'll be dead bodies all over the place.
  3. Nana and soi 7 are not good for the bank balance that's for sure....555
  4. Thanks for that......will investigate....cheers.
  5. It is a mystery to me......wife bought some for 120 baht....I was furious.....she said they have to charge that price because they bought them from someone who bought them from someone else......I give in at times.
  6. Thanks for that......great help. Just been looking at AVV's have you ever used those?.......could they be a solution if things get sniffy? My worry now is that all the pipework is boxed-in underneath the house and access would require drilling through the concrete........messy!!!
  7. ??? I am not worried......I would prefer to be found positive before flying and have the opportunity to rearrange my holidays rather than test positive when I get here and then it is too late.......????
  8. Now let me think! Are there any senior politicians, hi-sos, RTP top brass or Generals getting grief from living downtown with these monkeys?.......Nope.....don't see a problem then.
  9. Can someone answer a couple of questions please?......don't want to start a thread. I am pretty certain our bungalow has been plumbed without vent pipes. However, there are three grey water and two black water tanks only metres away from the sinks and toilets.......... 1. As the run to these tanks is very short, is venting not necessary? 2. The vents on the septic tanks themselves are just 1m high, 25mm plastic pipes.....is this going to cause proböems with bad smells......if so, can I just extend them upwards or even along the ground to the boundary? Cheers
  10. This will certainly hit the 'little people' at the end of chain........doesn't seem right.
  11. Hahaha......can't imagine that goes down well in an all you can eat buffet......worth a try I guess....555
  12. You have to accept the covid test result from before the flight and not test people once they get here......... As a tourist i would not come because of the risk of failing the covid test once here......holiday ruined....gone.
  13. Wouldn't argue with that......but there must be 100's if not 1000's in the same situation......I was just puzzled as to why this case in particular had been highlighted.
  14. Wife used to drive me mad..........I would order a dish and she would order two or even three.....her excuse being she would normally be sharing with family??? She now has to eat everything she orders......on my orders!, so now she only orders two dishes but then claims part of each dish is inedible and she can't finish up.
  15. Yep...heading against the traffic flow first and last day....
  16. 54 and 47.......hardly young bucks........but seemingly just as hot headed.
  17. .......the personal reason being you were going to be sacked?
  18. Apparently you can divorced in any country you want regardless of where you married!!! I guess the problem then arises if you can't agree which country. She will presumably demand the UK to get access to your estate, but you will want to divorce in Thailand???? Or you can get an international divorce!!!
  19. If it did I would seriously start saving up for the wife.
  20. Funnily enough....as a non-smoker I love the smell of cigarettes and cigars, in particular,......not in an enclosed space though.......but ganja...yuk.
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