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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Damn....yes......you are so right....thanks for that.
  2. Tucked under the spare wheel, which is bolted down underneath a Bose speaker system.........but might just nip out and check it again....555
  3. It terms of energy supply it is critical that the Thais do not go down the road of nuclear!!!!
  4. Yes.....I wondered if that is a major driving force for all the bureaucracy
  5. 5555.... We did ponder for a while where to keep it........if we are in a decent hotel we use their safe, otherwise it seemed to be about the safest place!!!!
  6. Spot on.....these are huge beasts and needed to be treated as such....muzzled and on leads in public, collared all the time.
  7. Went to our branch of the Bangkok Bank late on yesterday. Brilliant, only three people in front of us and three tellers at the counter. Soon realized two of the tellers are not serving……okay, still not too bad. 20 minutes pass and the first guy up is still stood at the counter. Then one of the other tellers gives in and opens up. 15 minutes later it is our turn. Just want to deposit some cash into my account. With the wife, as they don’t speak any English, and I am too stupid to learn a fourth language. It is my account, my bank book, my bank card, but because I am with my wife the tellers wants her ID. She makes the wife stand back, remove her mask, then goes and photocopies her ID and makes her sign it back and front, she then stamps it four times. Getting somewhere? We now hand over the cash and she laboriously checks each note under black light, then goes and takes a photocopy of each note, signs each one and stamps each page twice. Getting somewhere? Now she fills in a form and I think I have to sign it….no! The wife has to sign it…..something to do with her ID. Finally I get a form to sign, but have to do it again because I have to print not sign. Getting somewhere? The teller now spends at least three minutes tapping her keyboard and keeps taking info' off my wife’s ID. I am now close to tears. Finally, the teller gives us a load of bits and pieces of paper, which the wife promptly puts in the bin on the way out. Give me strength…..we must have been in there close to an hour. Rant over and feeling much better.
  8. Bigger than my swimming pool.......55
  9. I read somewhere (on here I think) that some insurance companies will not pay up if you test positive, have to quarantine, but you are asymptomatic........they don't miss a trick.
  10. Harsh, but his chances of survival beyond a couple of years (assuming this is a true story) are nil. If I were to chip in anything to anyone it would be for a child with leukemia who, these days, stands a chance of leading a normal life.
  11. If I lived in a house in BKK AND could charge the car overnight AND didn't do any long journeys AND the price was 'right'......I might just consider it an option.
  12. Mmmmm....sounds like they have closed down for now......lots on Booking.com show as 'fully booked'......they aren't, they have been mothballed for the foreseeable.
  13. Tricky......personally, I would plump for sticking it inside.....let's see how the vote goes.
  14. You do know he was drunk and killed someone......wait on.....was that sarcasm???
  15. Could not agree more.......why should anyone, let alone a kid, face the risk and trauma of even a 'nip' ......as dog owners call them.
  16. The bigger problem is when 'nothing' is seen to happen to ***** like this, it is a massive green light to their ilk that they can do what the hell they like.
  17. Yes....I owned one of the very last Staffies in Germany.......at the time an American pit bull was let loose in a children's playground (on purpose) and it savaged a kid to death. The Germans (understandably) went ape **** and banned a whole host of dogs and made it compulsory to wear muzzles for others. Any dog with the name German in its title, German Shepard, German Rottweiler were, funnily enough, exempt....... even though dog bites from German Shepherds were by far and away the most common to cause injuries.
  18. ßloody 40 here today......haven't moved more than 6' from the aircon.....5555
  19. Drop in the ocean compared to the corruption that takes place on these projects.
  20. We always stay at the Lord Nelson.......nothing flash....but we like it.
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