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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Too ßloody right always go for a general......last op I had I asked the nurse if she would just put the tiniest drop of general in to see what happened......surgeon nodded........OMG.....WHAP.......sensation was immediate...mind blowing....she left me for about 20s and then said okay....here comes the rest....bye-bye.
  2. Thanks..........I was slowly coming to the same conclusion....better to keep the heat out in the first place. I should have been more involved in the build, but it is the wife's house and she doesn't always appreciate my input. The roof/ceiling are both done and I am not sure how to tackle getting insulation under the roof tiles........and I think the only ventilation is through the roof tiles, so If I get it insulated we will then need to retrofit something to promote ventilation.....ßugger.
  3. Rails....got it.....looks like a job for someone else then.....no intentions of crashing through our nice new ceilings......I'll let some unfortunate Thai do that......cheers.
  4. ...and who the hell 'needs' three huge dogs like that?......Particularly in this climate, it must be murder for them.
  5. Yes sure.......The steel sections that are, or appear to be, suspended from thin wires from the the roof trusses themselves. I assume the ceiling is attached to these sections from underneath.
  6. Someone did suggest that it gives them an easier option to track me down if the notes are dodgy.....makes sense I guess.
  7. Just to clarify....I did mean the steel sections that are suspended not the actual ceiling itself. The reason I ask is our space has no insulation of any kind and I was wondering about getting in there to retro fit insulation.
  8. Good luck!! Did the same and was told I had a lesion..... level 4 cancer (which at the time I thought meant stage 4???) That meant a biopsy. The doctor said something strange just before I went into theatre......don't worry it might be benign......which I thought was kind of a strange thing to say in the circumstances.....almost like he knew!!! Anyway, got the all clear a week later...benign.....but picked up a nasty Ecoli infection......(like I cared after being given the all clear). Anyway.....all the best.
  9. Badges from cub scouts maybe??......came first in the UK cross country cycling (before BMX was 'invented') circa 1968.
  10. Yes boss....funnily enough I didn't think it was the bank staff inventing cumbersome bureaucracy on the spot .......I had a sneaky suspicion it was down to the banks procedures.....DOH!!!
  11. Exactly......what on earth was that all about? She was only stood next to me???
  12. Got very close to it once or twice........been a real struggle on the odd occasion....555.
  13. Just looking into buying a small generator....if we lose our aircon I'll have to sit in the car all night.
  14. Haven't been there for ages.........been living in a hotel for almost six months now.......but not one good enough to have a safe!!!
  15. GWh is a unit of energy......nothing to do with you.....but I find it surprising how often people presenting this kind of stuff get things mixed up.
  16. Do you have to do that through employment or can you just pay direct.....any idea of cost? Just wondering if this could a reasonable alternative to health insurance. Cheers.
  17. Yes.......... the stash was mainly for us to use in BKK. Changing enough each week for weekly expenses with the money changers.......no money changers near home.....'lucky' to have a bank.
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