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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Just read that.....abducted that poor girl, strangled her then set fire to her body.....4 1/2 years....!!!!!
  2. Not the huge, chain smoking white ones with tattoos I hope.
  3. Can't see this having any great impact on the 'two week tourist' market. You still run the risk of testing positive when you get here.......then bang! Holiday ruined, money wasted.
  4. Just read about a Thai guy (in Thailand) abducted a woman, strangled her and set fire to her body. Sentenced to 33 years......reduced to 4 1/2 years. Oddly enough he was in the Army????
  5. I did go to the Bank to sort out my card being refused occasionally and the teller gave me her phone and told me to ring Customer Services......no one answered.
  6. Mine works in ATM's but is frequently refused online and occasionally by the likes of Big C and Lotus.
  7. That is all I used....but it was from a Thai hospital......not sure how they would validate certificates from other countries?
  8. Don't know you from Adam.....but that has made my day.
  9. Just been for my third extension (married for 16 years) and we were both taken aside and 'interviewed'. My wife was asked questions like....... what is my mother's maiden name and father's name, how many siblings do I have, what are their names, where was I born.... I was asked what is our address, how many people live in the house, what is my mother-in-law's name...... After 16 years......seriously???
  10. I wonder how many of his injuries occurred due to the car over turning and how many occurred after having been pulled out of the wreckage!!
  11. Asking with some trepidation.......but how did it go?
  12. Thailand’s Section 32 of the 2008 Alcohol Beverage Control Act prohibits any person from conducting an advertisement, displaying name, symbol, or trademark of alcoholic beverages in Thailand...... Yet adverts the size of two football pitches are allowed to totally blot the landscape everywhere you go.....
  13. Gives you an idea of how endemic people smuggling/illegal workers must be, when 'every' road traffic accident seems to involve these poor souls.
  14. Funnily enough I was going to raise that issue.......presumably Ukraine has the capabilities to bomb a major city, if not Moscow?......or are Russia's air defences so strong it would be a suicide mission. I have not seen any discussion in the press.......but it does seem a conscious decision has been made not to bomb.
  15. I hate to say it but.......get used to it?
  16. Before people consider lynching him......... I heard he stole five loaves and he was last seen heading toward the fishmongers
  17. Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails versus sugar and spice and all things nice.
  18. So it is the passing wind that spins them aiding extraction!
  19. I guess the argument was .....no one wants to go there because there is no airport, so let's build an airport........when really.....no one wants to go there.
  20. Agree 100%.......I guess from his point of view.....having given a guarantee (for what it is worth) on the stability of the ceiling, why allow anything that might result in difficulties for him. Looks like a retrofit under the tiles and fitting some ventilation.
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