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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Oh boy....this is going to dominate the news for weeks to the exclusion of all else, unless Putin goes nuclear, which might just get a mention Thai family have been glued to the TV for 24 hours.
  2. We had a huge box of second-hand plimsolls for gym lessons........no one had 'trainers' (still to be invented). It was first come, first serve every lesson........last ones there ended up with size 11's and no laces........very amusing on a 12 year old.
  3. Hard to imagine that these supplies are not being syphoned off at every stage of distribution........nice little earner for the RTP et al.
  4. A Thai government cloud system run and managed by the Chinese........where do I sign?
  5. I looked into my Thai wife getting UK ILR and then British citizenship (?) or at least a British passport...........but then found out we had to actually live!!!!
  6. Wife tells me she was 'hired' as a 'pretty' for the trip by her own manager........but the manager never told her that was the real purpose. Reckons she was pushed overboard when she refused to play along..........no need for the police or an investigation, the wife is never wrong.
  7. Why is your marriage like a hurricane? All is warm and cozy at first......then suddenly your house has gone.
  8. Good point...I have a pet rock in my garden that's smarter than Trump.
  9. Dead against the idea of a prenup' myself..........it's the wife house and land.........so should anything happen to her I am looking to inherit....555
  10. Briefly got something like 73 baht to the GBP (years ago)......I guess that spoilt me as it has since been the bench mark. Would be happy to see something like 50+ baht in the future.
  11. Agree..... I am, against my better judgment, occasionally tempted to buy into the Bangkok condo market, but looking at the strength of the baht I think....stuff it.
  12. No....UK has never been in the Schengen visa system....typical Brits.....they refused to sign up to it. As an aside I could not live with my wife in the UK, but I could live anywhere in mainland Europe with her no problem. Under EU law I had the automatic right to live with my wife. Under UK law I has no automatic right to live with her as I am British....mental!!!!
  13. When are you flying out? You could apply for the Day 5 version if you are worried about getting there Pass in time.......the hotel will then sort things out for you and allow you to cancel Day 5........pretty sure they will......they all seem very accommodating. I had to apply for 7 day to get my pass and then switched to Day 1 and 5 with the hotel direct.
  14. They will rip you off in the UK......doubt they have even seen pure gold. 99% of the population think gold is the color of 9 carat gold.
  15. Not sure much has changed since Brexit.....other than an attitude toward foreigners!!!!!!! I lived with my This wife in Germany for 16 years and she had to apply for a visitors visa every time we went to the UK.
  16. 100% behind that......gold, gold, gold all the way.......I would try to persuade her to give up the idea of a diamond (good luck with that).
  17. Agree and I imagine it was also a case of .....where can we all go for a jolly?
  18. Shame that all the UK has as a leader is a "Pound Shop" Churchill........more worried about upsetting Russian donors to the Tory party than peace in Europe. And as for SWIFT, the US and the EU will not suspend Russia, so he knows he is free to bang on about it to make it look like he gives a fig.
  19. Looks like the daughter can't be a****d to look after it/train it. At three months it needs to empty its bladder (outside) at least every three hours. I would ensure it was kept solely in their daughter's room and that she has to change the nappies......that might inspire her to start taking care.
  20. Surely it is electric....why would it need oil?
  21. Not in those words, but if you don't buy in the next few weeks there will be nothing, absolutely nothing, left.
  22. A classic case if quality assurance versus inspection. Best to get things right first time.....proper education, training and driving tests......stop people just buying licenses would be a good start.
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