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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Might not be totally suitable for you, as it is/was a small, one-woman practice, nothing flash........the little cut through from soi 7 to soi 8....... (if she is still there!!!)
  2. Not a link, but Mike is the expert here....
  3. ......and in the UK many people think Sunak is out of touch and delusional.....he has nothing on this guy. This kind of upfront, in your face, lie has to be counterproductive in the long term.
  4. No...in the future......... now that expats will be expected to file a tax return.
  5. They ask to see a copy of your tax return as one of the documents you have to supply for an extension (in triplicate of course)......
  6. Seriously.....is there any need for so much of the chest area to be on display?
  7. Spent sometime in Moscow.....something you didn't do was park in front of one restaurant and then eat elsewhere.
  8. You'd have thought the soi 2 traders....the Marriot in particular, could come to some arrangement.....it was a handy little cut through.
  9. A misunderstanding over actual size is a problem I faced many a time.
  10. So if you are not driving one of the blessed plates....what are you looking at?......Brake failure, wet roads, sharp bends......seems a tad unfair.
  11. Well his total obsession with the "war on woke" went down well...doh! Maybe the American electorate are wising up....555....what am I saying?
  12. Safety flip flops will be a must.......I've heard talk of them banning smoking.....we'll see.
  13. There's very little doubt in my mind that he is one 'sick' individual.
  14. That being the case....what the hell has the Constitutional Court being doing all these months.....counting their money?
  15. I've always understood that as I am "domiciled" in the UK.....I will always pay UK tax on UK income regardless of where in the world I live and for how many days a year I live there....is that correct?
  16. So you just don't tell the DR you even exist? ......and immigration won't tell them because have their own rules?
  17. <link to Bangkok Post removed per forum rules - sorry>
  18. I think he had suspicions they were cheating him.......but not sure of the details.....think it was Chaiyaphum???
  19. Wouldn't surprise me if you are correct....Land Of Scams. I see there is a big fuss about fuel pumps at the moment......some guy checked to find he'd been short changed by 5 litres.
  20. ......maybe they could each clutch their chest, spend sometime in luxury hospital suite and then serve their sentence at home?
  21. 555......exactly....555
  22. I think the tricky bit here is that you still have to, if you are being honest, report the cash brought in to the Thai tax authorities......you might not have to declare it at customs, true......

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