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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. No. Have to confess I haven't......but will give it a go.....cheers.
  2. I would seriously consider confiscating the drivers mobile phone before you set off and offer to buy him/her coffee and cake every 90 minutes of the journey in exchange.
  3. 100% agree. When I found out the wife signed a contract to have a house built there I went ballistic. I told her she may as well put her money in a pile and burn it. Every penny spent building a house in Isan is a penny wasted. House is nearly finished.....!!!!
  4. Like the police.....no doubt taking a sizable % of said takings............ are even going to even admit gambling was taking place. You have lost the lot dear.
  5. In the same boat as you, albeit a week later than you.....however, having never successfully managed to use the online system I am going to stick with the postal version......what a farce.
  6. Hi, On the odd I day I have visited (I have stayed away on purpose) the builders were fighting back with their own sound system.......frickin mental the lot of them. Thais seem to have no inclination whatsoever to simply relax and listen to nature, they have to have some sort of noise drowning it out.
  7. Google translate......put into camera mode....usually good enough to get the gist.
  8. The UV is made up of 'packets' of discrete energy, the shorter their wavelength the more energy they pack. That is why radio waves (in the order of kilometers) do no harm and gamma rays (in the order of atomic or even nuclear size) give you cancer. The UV (mainly UVC, the shortest and most energetic) has the energy to disrupt the viral components.......I guess.
  9. I asked why is everything steel in our house.....doh! 'Architect' explained unless you are using teak the termites will destroy everything within 10 years.
  10. I just returned on a multiple entry visa, took UbonJoe's advice and just did 30 days insurance with True....2,500 baht I think. No one even looked at as far as I can recall.....although I guess it was vetted for the Thai pass.
  11. We are 90% complete now (same as you: wife's land Isan). Went the opposite though. Complete turnkey contract. Penalty of 1.300 baht per day for late completion. Way over due, but not overly concerned as I fully expected it to be late......and don't expect to see a penny of the penalty money either. Good luck. Keep us all posted.
  12. Yes! Saw a survey where 20% admitted to having watched a movie on a laptop!!!!
  13. Very true....hardly a soul around us, out in the boonies, bothers with lights.....truly amazing.
  14. Years ago now, somewhere near Saraburi, I saw a petrol tanker driver steering with his elbows as he opened a can of what looked like beer......and I am pretty sure he a fag in his mouth.......!!!!
  15. The most 'reliable' indicator would seem to be based on excess deaths and therefore historical data (if it exists)
  16. Agree. Sadly you could substitute any politicians name from almost anywhere in the world.
  17. Not silk! What did you go for? Just cotton?
  18. Can't be better than the UK's. We are world beating at everything........No 10 even had time to party things went so well.
  19. How do curtain fabrics stand up in this climate? I am trying to convince the wife to fit blinds or shutters, but she is demanding curtains............
  20. Interesting! Taking into account depreciation, maintenance costs, lost opportunity cost of capital.......what do estimate your payback time to be?
  21. PM Says at General Debate Government Tried Its Best To Reduce People’s Expenses......really? How about making a serious effort to eradicate or at least minimize corruption....a huge expense to every single person in the whole country (except those actually benefitting from said corruption)? How about an effective Monopolies and Mergers commission to break up the likes of CP and prevent them fixing prices due to a serious lack of competition.?
  22. From some past threads on here, quite a few posters seem to care very little about drink driving and don't perceive it as any great crime.
  23. If only he had a private jet standing by and a police escort to get out of the country........
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