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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. They definitely referred to memory B cells.........and B cells....found it......... https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220210-the-cells-that-can-give-you-super-immunity
  2. ....a mad dash for a decent seat, no food and and pay to visit toilets.....555
  3. Just read an article on people who have had covid and then a booster......seems they are super immune.....something to with increased numbers B cells and memory B cells
  4. I would have to confess I have been incredibly lucky. My wife (26 years younger) does absolutely everything, works hard, is a perfectionist and......hard to believe I know...... she has just bought/built a modern, three bed detached house for us to live in.....all her own money.
  5. When we lived in Germany my wife would travel on the bus with her Thai mates, mostly younger than her, and she would only have to pay a child's fare.....they were not happy with that.
  6. Very true. Thamanant............ with 42 million dollars in the bank.......that wasn't all salary!!!!
  7. Wife at 36...true story.....was asked to move from the wing exit seat on a Ryan Air flight to Rome. She was told she had to be over 16.........not sure if the flight attendant was having a dig at me????
  8. Read recently that as little as 7% of allocated funds actually reaches some projects.....????
  9. When are you arriving?......I'll make sure I'm out of there well beforehand.
  10. Too ßloody right....arm and a leg.....nice though. Had three nights there...like a 5* hotel.
  11. Tuesday nights, half price, Heminway's, Sukhumvit soi 11 is not bad......might be worth a try.
  12. What is the difference between your western wife and your job? After five years your job still sucks.
  13. I new someone would bite....555 There are certainly a lot of monks that Buddhism seems to 'help'. https://fredriklyhagen.medium.com/is-buddhism-a-religion-eeafa59c95f0
  14. I would agree, the rider (pun) here is the motorbikes that whip down between rows of cars and still go through on red. Sukhumvit soi 4 lights are a case in point........"keep your head up" (Argent?. Haven't heard that played for years)
  15. Just love it....the indoctrination of young, malleable minds by religious fanatics.........although I guess Buddism (not really a religion) might be classed as the best of a bad bunch.
  16. Pretty sure most people take comfort in the fact that the polluted air is always "in the distance".....I have tried to explain to my Thai relatives that they're breathing it in and living in it, but they just think I'm mad.
  17. Got to hand it to him....this is pure genius. Who else might have had the foresight to promote exports.....
  18. I would agree with you, the thing that annoys me is why is he saying these things????
  19. So it seems....though the type of fuel dictates if it is allowed????
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