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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. "Without having to wait a long time"...............Does this mean there is no Day 1 and Day 5 requirement.........how does this 'help' welcome tourists??????
  2. That would certainly sharpen my focus during a game of spoof.
  3. Just like the board of directors at a football club announcing full confidence in their manager....then boom!
  4. Sounds like they were trying to muddy the waters knowing the guns were registered to someone else.
  5. Big Joke tells sex offenders preying on children: "I'm coming after you no matter who you are".....this sounds like a serious threat that he intends to do the job for which he is employed......heavy stuff.
  6. Car drivers aren't too bad, but motor-cyclists see red lights as advisory at best or at least a challenge.
  7. Trying to cross soi 3 on a zebra crossing near Bumrungrad today......eventually step out and forced the traffic to stop....not very clever ....... but effective.
  8. Asked Ubonjoe the same question a few months ago.......I returned yesterday to renew my Non-O and just did 30 days insurance (2000 baht I think)........no problems, don't recall anyone even checking it.
  9. This breed of dog is never aggressive and they never bite anyone.............until they do.
  10. Sat in a bar a couple of months ago when an "estate agent" type came in. Dressed quite smartly, shoulder bag looked quite professional. He had a few beers and a couple whiskies......then went mental........screaming at people, threatening them......he never hit anyone and he was lucky no one hit him.....very odd.
  11. Not my flight, but I recently watched as everyones carry on luggage was checked (Air France) I think. One dozy mare tried to get on with a full sized suitcase. The cabin crew went ballistic and were actually screaming at her.
  12. Not an expert, but I would say not a snowball's.....I think he might be able to drive in the UK for 30 days on his Thailand (from memory). After that he must obtain a UK license the same way as all UK citizens.
  13. Did email......rather shocked there was no response....555
  14. Can see my wife setting off all enthusiastic and then muggins having to take over and do the hard graft....555
  15. Wow thanks for that......there are some trees on the boundary, but not enough to give any real shade. Will look into all that and trying to shade the house as much as possible. Cheers.
  16. Yes.....near, but not too near, the house to take the edge of the heat.....like it.
  17. Yes.....that did cross my mind......or he claims he has turned the volume down so he is still entitled.....can of worms.
  18. Cheers. The wife certainly has her heart set on growing anything edible, but I am going to leave her to it. She can have her own plot. I like a nice garden to look at, but not overly keen on the work needed to make it look nice.....555
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