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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Sounds like a recipe for a disaster.......edging out and neither noticing the other.
  2. Chinese Buyers Bring Back Hope for Thailand’s Condominium Market...........not if you live in a condo they don't
  3. I/the wife have never done a TM30 on returning home......we travel regularly here and abroad.....IO have never raised the matter.
  4. Very...... TIP: If on a single carriageway always tag along behind someone......never be the lead car.
  5. Drunk driver obviously unharmed......didn't the (very rich) BKK car dealer do the same a few years ago, but couldn't be tested for drugs or alcohol by the RTP as he had bumped his head and had to be rushed to hospital
  6. File attached, but you can do it online.... https://extranet.immigration.go.th/ TR has just advised noi need to TM28!!! landlord_notification_receipt.pdf
  7. OH! Wow....thanks for that.....just about to go through it all....cheers.
  8. You can do the TM30 online....it is the house owners/gf's responsibility. If you have moved to that address you need to complete a TM28.....in theory within 24 hours AND report to the local police that that is where you are living......although the police aren't interested and will wonder what you are on about.
  9. Severe case of sloping shoulders by the sounds of it........
  10. Like Songkran 2020 would wash away covid19 and that would be the end of it?
  11. Ha! .............You sound like a real keeper.
  12. Forgive my ignorance, but how can you adopt an adult?
  13. Ha!.....My 'Thai cousins' have just returned from Cambodia......none of them have a passport. I asked the wife how do they cross country to country?......She explained they work for the Chinese who send a photo of each of them to the border guards along with a description of the clothes they will be wearing (plus a wodge of cash).....job done.
  14. As opposed to something that is just intensely annoying....555
  15. A place to visit....then get out......not somewhere to 'live'......and I love my visits.
  16. I am thrilled not to own a gun.......I would be serving life if I had one and 20/30 morons in my village would have been wasted. NO ONE has the right to play music loud enough to disturb another person's peace.
  17. In bed for 9pm....asleep 9:01pm.....drives the wife mad that I can fall fast asleep so quickly.
  18. The only real deterrent would be to impound the car they are driving for 12 months and pay for its storage......even if it is their brother's/cousin's etc........that would make them think twice
  19. Lazada carry a reasonable range......not to pricey if you scroll through.
  20. Relax.....CP will take them over soon. Then CP will be able to increase the price of the empty packets of food they currently sell and make another killing.
  21. Of all the frightening statistics that really stands out.....!!!!!
  22. Protects against surges and spikes and provides power backup.
  23. 300 baht (1998)......'lady' had just had henna tattoos all down her back......worth every satang from memory.
  24. No way that is correct.........you are always liable for UK tax (as a British citizen) on income earned in the UK, including pensions, dividends, interest payments..........regardless of where you live.

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