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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Are there any physically or mentally disabilities you would feel uncomfortable mimicking?
  2. If a man grabbed your daughter Ivanka by the pussy how would you react?
  3. The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1967, deals with presidential succession and disability. It was designed to clarify the procedures for replacing the President or Vice President in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation. The amendment consists of four sections: None of which apply???
  4. This the government's attempt to subvert and control us.....I say we all go out and start smoking....stick it cough, cough... to the man......we will not be controlled........ What next? Tax on billionaires, windfall taxes on bank and excessive profits, free health care for all.....it has to stop.
  5. Because they've been in power for the last 14 years.....or how, during these 14 years, have they managed to <deleted> everything up so badly?
  6. Details of the International Warrant: • Interpol Red Notice: After Vorayuth fled Thailand and failed to appear in court, Thai authorities sought international assistance. In 2017, Interpol issued a Red Notice for Vorayuth, which is essentially a request to law enforcement agencies worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition. This is not the same as an international arrest warrant, but it functions similarly in practice by alerting countries to the wanted status of an individual. Edited 2 hours ago by Will B Good
  7. The police officer killed in the hit-and-run incident involving Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya was Wichian Klanprasert. Officer Wichian was married and had a family at the time of his death. He was a well-respected member of the Thai police force, and his death in the incident, which occurred on September 3, 2012, had a significant impact on his family and the public. The case has been highly publicized due to the controversy surrounding the handling of the investigation and legal proceedings.
  8. But that is exactly what you give up when you buy. Regardless I hope things still pan out for you.
  9. Dump the Trump before it's too late. I would like to see Ted Cruz take his place.
  10. A bit like Kamala Harris you mean?????
  11. I would agree......the ones who go into teaching almost certainly never considered teaching as a career....until....
  12. Step one: Gain power.....that's a no brainer. Step two: Create an enemy upon which the masses can focus their hatred....immigrants Step three: Denigrate the free press at every opportunity until people don't know what to believe Step four: Lie, lie and lie again till it becomes 'normalised' Step five: Nepotism...jobs for the boys, jobs for the family Step six: Retain power at all or any costs Oh wait....that's Trump's play book.
  13. You believe fairy tales? Most of us on here gave them up about age 3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/entertainment-celebrity/rfk-jrs-daughter-says-dad-cut-off-a-whales-head-drove-it-5-hours-home/ar-AA1ppvNp
  14. The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  15. I know this 'Biden was pushed' is being sold hard and I can understand why........ a desperate bid to find a line of attack. But the only people vaguely interested are those inside Trump-world...... those outside, in the real world, are quite pleased he's going.....so you really are flogging a dead horse.
  16. But more than his own daughter....now that is freaky.
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/entertainment-celebrity/rfk-jrs-daughter-says-dad-cut-off-a-whales-head-drove-it-5-hours-home/ar-AA1ppvNp His own daughter lying to paint him as a nutter.....that is terrible.
  18. Not at the same level, but taught in a few UK state schools. Management were obsessed with employing PhDs so they have Dr so and so on their prospectus.........every single one was utterly hopeless.
  19. See you've fallen for it......the UK government states.....I bet it really spreads like wildfire and we'll all have it before Christmas....so they can roll out the jabs and make a fortune.....🤭
  20. Would not argue with that......though he has made some strange decisions......not many people would chainsaw the head off a whale and tie it to the roof of their car........
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