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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. My grandchildren are all five years old and take great offence at that characterisation.
  2. You have to hand it to him......he hides it well.
  3. Double check it is gold.....keep the paperwork and go straight to another dealer and get them to confirm it is the real McCoy.
  4. I would guess so....all the covid 19 app stuff was in English
  5. Intelligence required for sure for those qualifications.....but there can be a big difference between being highly educated and being highly intelligent.
  6. Mmmm....I watch rents for a couple of properties I'm interested in...... nice ones, well appointed.....lived there before BKK soi 8/soi 11.....6 million gets you 20k rent, 25k at a real push. Not a 'bad' return if you expect the value to appreciate....but nothing like 12% plus.
  7. Couldn't give a monkey's....much the same as you would feel...I guess....about Trump shooting someone...you'd still vote for him.
  8. Good point....back in BKK next week.....going to keep a careful eye out for any blisters and report back.....if I see none that will be conclusive evidence that it is a hoax.
  9. The contents being primarily water....which is what the bacteria are after in order to survive and multiply.....so with bacterial diarrhea, Immodium could have a detrimental impact on the sufferer.
  10. Barack Hussein Obama......to give him his full name....as Trump likes to, time and time again....555
  11. or....it is a(nother) massive hoax perpetrated by the likes of Bill Gates to sell more vaccines.....not sure how he gets the blisters to appear on the skin.....that is the clever bit.
  12. Details of the International Warrant: • Interpol Red Notice: After Vorayuth fled Thailand and failed to appear in court, Thai authorities sought international assistance. In 2017, Interpol issued a Red Notice for Vorayuth, which is essentially a request to law enforcement agencies worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition. This is not the same as an international arrest warrant, but it functions similarly in practice by alerting countries to the wanted status of an individual.
  13. J.D. Vance has expressed opposition to in vitro fertilization (IVF). He has raised concerns about the ethical implications of the procedure, particularly in relation to the creation and disposal of embryos. Vance's views align with some socially conservative positions that question the moral aspects of IVF, especially concerning the status of embryos that are not implanted. In various public statements, Vance has indicated that he believes life begins at conception, which informs his stance on IVF and other reproductive technologies. His opposition to IVF is part of a broader pro-life perspective that emphasizes the protection of human life from the moment of conception.
  14. Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) is a viral infection that can be transmitted to humans in several ways. The virus is related to the variola virus, which causes smallpox, but mpox is generally less severe. Here’s how it can be transmitted: ### **1. Direct Contact with Infected Animals:** - **Animal to Human Transmission:** Mpox is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can spread from animals to humans. This can happen through direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids, or skin lesions of infected animals. Animals that can carry the virus include certain rodents (like squirrels and rats) and primates. - **Eating Undercooked Meat:** Consuming meat from infected animals that is not properly cooked can also be a source of infection. ### **2. Human to Human Transmission:** - **Close Physical Contact:** The virus can spread from person to person through direct contact with the skin lesions, body fluids, or respiratory secretions of an infected person. This includes close personal contact such as hugging, kissing, or sexual contact. - **Respiratory Droplets:** Mpox can be transmitted through respiratory droplets, particularly during prolonged face-to-face contact. This is less common than transmission through direct contact but can occur. - **Contaminated Objects:** The virus can survive on surfaces, so touching objects, clothing, or bedding that have been contaminated with the virus can lead to infection. ### **3. Mother-to-Child Transmission:** - **Vertical Transmission:** Pregnant women can transmit the virus to their fetus through the placenta, which can result in congenital mpox. ### **Prevention Measures:** - **Avoid Contact with Infected Individuals or Animals:** Limiting exposure to potentially infected animals and individuals is key. - **Good Hygiene Practices:** Frequent handwashing, avoiding sharing personal items, and disinfecting surfaces can help reduce the risk of transmission. - **Vaccination:** Smallpox vaccines have been found to be effective against mpox, and specific mpox vaccines have also been developed in recent years. ### **Summary:** Mpox can be transmitted through direct contact with infected animals or humans, respiratory droplets, and contaminated objects. Preventive measures such as avoiding contact with infected individuals and animals, maintaining good hygiene, and vaccination can reduce the risk of contracting the virus.
  15. The interest on your capital would cover the rent and you would have the total freedom to up sticks and move if necessary plus with renting you carry none of the risks....fire, subsidence, coups, maintenance....... On top of that you retain your capital and don't run the additional risk of having a fire sale if money is needed in an emergency.
  16. Nothing happened? Satellite Data: NASA (the ones who never landed astronauts to the moon) and other space agencies have been using satellites to measure sea levels since the early 1990s. This data shows a clear trend of rising sea levels, with an average increase of about 3.3 millimeters per year over the past few decades. So even if the rate increase remains constant and doesn't accelerate, the impact will be devastating for..... ### **Small Island Nations** 1. **Maldives**: An archipelago in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is the world's lowest-lying country, with an average elevation of just about 1 meter above sea level. Rising sea levels threaten to submerge many of its islands. 2. **Kiribati**: Located in the central Pacific Ocean, Kiribati is highly vulnerable to rising sea levels, with some of its atolls already experiencing significant land loss and saltwater intrusion. 3. **Tuvalu**: Also in the Pacific, Tuvalu faces similar threats as Kiribati, with many of its islands only a few meters above sea level. 4. **Marshall Islands**: Another Pacific nation, the Marshall Islands is grappling with rising sea levels that threaten to inundate its low-lying atolls. 5. **Fiji**: While some of Fiji’s islands are mountainous, others are low-lying and vulnerable to sea level rise. Fiji has already begun relocating some communities. ### **Coastal Countries** 1. **Bangladesh**: A densely populated country with much of its land just above sea level, Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to rising sea levels, which could displace millions of people. 2. **Vietnam**: The Mekong Delta in Vietnam is a crucial agricultural area but is highly susceptible to rising sea levels and saltwater intrusion, threatening both food security and livelihoods. 3. **Netherlands**: Although the Netherlands has extensive flood defenses, rising sea levels continue to pose a long-term threat, particularly to areas that are below sea level. 4. **Indonesia**: Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is one of the fastest-sinking cities in the world due to a combination of rising sea levels and subsidence. The country is planning to move its capital to a new location. 5. **Egypt**: The Nile Delta is at risk from rising sea levels, which could impact agriculture, infrastructure, and densely populated areas. ### **U.S. Coastal Regions** 1. **Florida**: Particularly Miami, faces significant risks from sea level rise, with regular flooding becoming more common. 2. **Louisiana**: The state has been losing land to the Gulf of Mexico for decades, and rising sea levels exacerbate this issue. 3. **New York City**: Coastal areas of New York, including parts of Manhattan, are at risk, especially from storm surges amplified by sea level rise. These are just a few examples, but many other regions around the world are also threatened by the ongoing impacts of climate change and rising sea levels.
  17. That crossed my mind.....and Mu Si.....that will end up a millionaires paradise.
  18. Agree.....it is pretty obvious now that the Trump team are bricking it and desperate for an out..... If they can find an out (no muting of mics?) .........AND make it look like it is the Dems that are at fault........ it will be a win-win for Trump?
  19. Is the smart money moving to just outside BKK or all the way to Korat I wonder?
  20. I hope so ...rents are going to dive to the bottom.
  21. Time for your pills...or to at least check you BP.
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