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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. The UK is entitled to announce he has been appointed by the UK government. Acceptance by the US is a separate procedure.
  2. Yes.....though I have suspicion I wouldn't be alone in that.....is there a punchline coming???
  3. You can't trust the msm headlines.......... the UK's new ambassador to the US - is set to work with Reform UK leader Nigel Farage Sources say new ambassador ready to engage with Reform UK leader Lord Mandelson is set to call on told The Telegraph that he would be “happy” to act as a link to Mr Trump and Mr Musk for Lord Mandelson if it helped the UK’s national interest.
  4. Have you any idea what would happen if you were to leave Thailand for a trip abroad say, before the extension is approved???
  5. No....not at all.....someone who has the best interests of the Russian people at heart, recognises the importance of World peace, a leader who will strive to avoid unnecessary conflicts and one that will not be afraid to allow Russians the chance to live in a true democracy.
  6. Brit' overturned his car few months back outside our gate......scum. Crawled out of the rear window that had popped out......drunk as a skunk...... and immediately demanded no one was to phone the police.....
  7. Might be worth checking he's not wired into to your electricity meter if he keeps laughing every time he sees you....555
  8. .....and being transported in a 'car'.....???.....with that record. Pound to a penny none of them were wearing their seatbelts.
  9. I was advised....eerie music and scary sounds......totally freaks them out.
  10. Flew home three or four later and was puzzled by so many people at the airport with head bandages, broken arms etc. then it twigged.
  11. My thoughts straight off.....self-promotion, stay in the lime light, only bad publicity is no publicity, trying to gain political credence......God I hope they tell him where to go.
  12. Moderation in all things....including moderation........OW
  13. It is going to drop straight into his lap, Jan 20, and 'they' will just lap it up....regardless.....whatever is needed to release them is the most important aspect.
  14. Agree.....Pattaya/BKK, entertaining for a while, but then they start to weigh you down. Trying to strike a nice balance is the trick.......we visit BKK three or four times a year and I spend two or three months back in the UK. spring/summer Isaan does my head in after a week.
  15. Could you ever imagine the reverse happening?
  16. Well 5 and 9 cheered me up somewhat.
  17. BKK, Pattaya, Phuket I would tend to agree......out in the sticks they are....on the surface at least......very friendly.
  18. Have you considered move away from "Mind your own Business".......and maybe try living in......."Hi. How are you doing" near Pattaya.
  19. I know I shouldn't have......but that really made me laugh.....cheers
  20. While cults are often associated with small groups, their defining traits revolve around ideology, control, and structure rather than their size.
  21. I imagine they were locals and well known.....if they are 'mafia' no one will say a word or point any fingers.
  22. Like minded, but the downfall of Putin rather than Russia as a whole......power vacuums have a nasty habit of biting you on the bum. Let's get rid of Putin in the hope he's replaced by someone not quite as psychotic.

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