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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Exactly.....not their remit, so why are they commenting on it?....especially if these Indians are not destined to work in the government. Administrations must have a coherent message......in the UK it is called Cabinet responsibility....sign up or resign.
  2. Missed....you out tomorrow night?
  3. This is the only reference I can find to Musk in the article posted..... White House AI and crypto czar David Sacks came to Krishnan's defense, arguing he simply wants to remove country caps. 'Right now, every country in the world gets allocated the same number of green cards, no matter how many qualified applicants it has. So applicants from India have an 11 year wait whereas applicants from many other countries have no wait at all,' he said. 'Supporting a limited number of highly skilled immigrants is still a prevalent view on the right. Sriram is definitely not a ''career leftist''.' Elon Musk responded to Sacks' comments, agreeing they 'make sense.' So Musk wants to limit the numbers and Vivek wants to let rip....in essence??
  4. And this leads to government jobs...or potentially, can lead to government jobs?
  5. Who said they were taking over the USIS?......Musk?......Is that where the clash arose?
  6. Reads........ his mom's basement.
  7. So Vivek is off to a flying start?.......but tech workers work in tech not the government?
  8. You'd like to think so....but that being the case, where do all the right wing dip<deleted> voters come from?
  9. Funnily I do understand the difference between legal and illegal.........but what has the DOGE got to do with either in terms of the administration's policy.
  10. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that small bodies of water can exhibit tidal behaviors under controlled conditions. One notable study is “Experimental Evidence of Multiple Equilibria in a Tidal Resonator” by H.J. van der Berg and L.R.M. Maas, published in 2013. This research involved a laboratory tank designed to study the Helmholtz response of a semi-enclosed tidal basin co-oscillating with the adjacent sea. The experiments revealed multiple equilibria and complex behaviors in the water body, providing insights into tidal dynamics in confined basins.
  11. Separately...why are they sticking their oars into immigration and the granting of these visas......???
  12. "A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian - a culture that venerates Cory from Boy Meets World or Zach & Slater over Screech in Saved by the Bell, or 'Stefan' over Steve Urkel in Family Matters will not produce the best engineers,' he noted". ....Vivek Can't say I would disagree with any of that......but where is the clash with Musk?
  13. Water always remains level. ....NO IT DOESN"T......but the effects on small bodies of water are staggeringly small.....that does not mean they are not there.
  14. Why is it an impossibility? Gravity, in classical theory, acts on anything that has the property of mass. A cubic meter of water has a mass of 1000kg......so on Earth it is pulled toward the Earth's centre with a force of 10,000N.......that is every single cubic meter.....and you think that is not enough to keep it on Earth??????
  15. You are always a tax resident of where you are domiciled and pay income tax in that country on income earned in that country........ regardless of how long you are out of the country. You may avoid tax on foreign income after a number of years, if you can show you are no longer a resident.
  16. Yes it does.....you can measure the twice daily tides in a cup of tea with a laser interferometer......get a grip. But consider the Great Lakes.... Tides in the Great Lakes are measurable. The Great Lakes experience microtides, caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun, just like oceans. However, because the Great Lakes are relatively small bodies of water, their tidal range is typically less than 5 centimeters.
  17. She'd never make it in the English premier League.
  18. Yes...Will Biden quickly accept to annoy Trump?.....which would seem rather childish. Will Biden delay, leaving Trump with an awkward decision to make? Rather childish Or maybe Trump will push Biden to make a decision now ....yes or no..... Or will Trump persuade Biden to say what Trump would like to say .....yes or no....leaving him clear to do whatever??
  19. Density is the answer........ mass per unit volume....that's why a plank of wood (high density) lies on the floor in a breeze but a sheet of polystyrene (low density) can easily fly up into the air in a puff of wind...........but that aside....how does water stay put on a flat earth?.....Is that gravity?
  20. Agreement (Exequatur): After the UK announces the appointment, the receiving country (in this case, the U.S.) must formally accept the individual. This is called the exequatur process, which involves the host country granting the ambassador official approval to serve. Apparently....through quiet diplomatic channels.......the US should have already been given the nod as to who it is going to be......and maybe accepts unofficially. Maybe the US said no.....and the UK is playing political games announcing it this way.
  21. I am indeed, and thank for making the effort to clarify.
  22. No I just wasn't 100% sure you meant the BBC and not me.
  23. No. The UK government makes its appointments and announces it. The country to which an ambassador is hoping to be appointed, then goes through its own acceptance procedures. Two separate and distinct steps. The UK gov doesn't secretly tell the US who it is going to appoint (although they could if they wished to do so) and then waits to see what the US says......I guess this way it puts subtle 'pressure' on the US administration to accept and not be seen to be mealy mouthed about it.
  24. Oh I see. I'd be happy if Putin took the credit (or even Boris Johnson......no, maybe not him) if it resulted in their release.

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