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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Spent a lot of time searching for dog friendly hotels..........and gave up. Those that do advertise as dog friendly have a 10 kg limit....but don't tell you that in their policy.....you have to call and check. We now use AirBnB.
  2. Maybe I dreamt it..... wasn't this one of the original prerequisites for casinos getting the go ahead ... ........'No Thais allowed....foreigners only'?
  3. 1. Community Property (Sin Somros) • Definition: This includes assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage, except for certain exceptions like gifts or inheritances given explicitly to one spouse. • Examples: Salary earned during the marriage, property bought during the marriage, and any income generated from separate property. So say one spouse worked and the other didn't.....the working spouse would have to give the non-working one half the salary they earned during the marriage?......I take it the intention is to share half of whatever was saved and/or invested as opposed to what was actually earned?????
  4. 55555....after 14 years of right wing austerity, bungs to mates, VIP lanes and thanks for the dosh, now you are a Lord...aka the Tories......hardly socialism.
  5. The difference between fat people and thin people? Thin people only eat when they feel hungry and stop eating when they no longer feel hungry.
  6. Presumably crimes committed, convictions and time served in Thailand count for diddly squat in Australia......isn't that how it works?
  7. This stems from too many people being obsessed with money and power, combined with a total lack of empathy. If you introduced a more caring, gun free, secular and socialist society, life would be so much better. Now there's something to get your teeth into.
  8. We put in Korean Banyan trees.....seem to a good job......almost maintenance free.....grew quite quickly.
  9. But are there not even more votes in it for the Dems, if they turned around and beat Trump at his own game......and said look, there you go........ border immigration now down to zero ..... sorted?
  10. And almost half of those who vote in the US are comfortable with this guy having his finger on the button? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/demented-don-meidastouch-video-exposes-trump-s-declining-mental-condition/vi-BB1oWFHZ?ocid=socialshare
  11. Pittsburgh – in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania where Trump is losing is ranked as the top city for most single women who own cats........ Well done Mr Vance.....the Dems secret weapon
  12. Is this your response to another post.....it doesn't seem to relate in anyway to my post???
  13. .......and then the after effects hit.....as they did every nation on earth UK cumulative inflation 20% plus EU cumulative inflation 20% plus
  14. Why do you think I find it's funny?
  15. Hate her, disagree with her.....she is not away with the mixer.
  16. Read all that only find it is from the Daily Fail.....deary me.
  17. Remind me...when did covid hit and the world's supply chains get all b******d up?
  18. Having said that...I am totally convinced Trump is also away with the mixer.
  19. Not me.....I was in no doubt Biden had to go......well before he jumped or was pushed.....it was obvious a long time ago his number was up.
  20. With Trump not doing too badly in the polls I'm surprised that figure isn't much higher.
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