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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I think if some of them can prove they only used their fingers they shouldn't really be prosecuted.
  2. What a post!!!......love the accusation that Zelensky is a tin pot dictator and by implication Putin is a well loved, democratically elected leader.......... cognitive dissonance at its finest. 2,000 plus Ukrainian children blown to bits by Putin.......you must be so proud of his achievements.
  3. Yes...it's what you do to minorities......all over the world.....ignore or even better suppress.
  4. Last time I travelled by coach....BKK/Chaiyaphum I was the only person wearing the safety belt provided.......but I know some on here claim I'm crazy......what if you crash into a lake????
  5. Not quite that simple. The RTP need to know who you are, or who your father is, before imposing a penalty.
  6. Bit like you on here I guess....555
  7. I think he's formed a tag team with Colin so he can go 24/7.
  8. I have to say people really need to stop this.....oh it was on Fox News so I didn't watch to it.....or.... oh the BBC....bunch of communists, not going to watch that. I regularly read newspapers like the Daily Express and the Guardian.....it's important to what is happening in every branch of the media.
  9. Nearly called our current dog Radar...555
  10. Agree 100%. Why are people so concerned?.....live and let live.....if it has no direct, negative impact on your life....move on let others enjoy their lives.
  11. Four!!! One in each corner.....but that's a whole other story.....555
  12. The Council is headed by the Prime Minister or a designated representative, often the Deputy Prime Minister, and includes a Secretary-General, senior legal experts, and appointed advisors who specialize in constitutional, civil, and administrative law. Doesn't seem that mysterious?
  13. No...... the makers, point blank, deny their toy would do that using a legal technique called...... lying through their teeth.
  14. I can't un-see that...WT...? Over 1k sales in four weeks.....????? One can only assume they were bought to punish an unruly child.
  15. ...and I mean to get as much pleasure as i can.
  16. I see....so the average Yank looked at this question and thought.....wait on.....they must mean Eastern Arabic numbers not the far more familiar Western Arabic numbers.....so no.....they shouldn't be taught......vvvvv (5555)
  17. Oh dear.....TURTLES.....all the way down....5555 “Turtles All the Way Down” (Western Adaptation): • The phrase comes from a philosophical anecdote about infinite regress. • A story describes a person claiming the Earth is flat and rests on a giant turtle. When asked what supports the turtle, they reply: “It’s turtles all the way down.” • This idea humorously highlights the problem of infinite regression in explanations.
  18. Oh dear......I was referring to my guess as to what your comeback might be.....
  19. Do you not know what the Arabic numerals are?????
  20. Too scared to say......mind you don't get a ban.

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