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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Pervert alert.....no not Trump.....man hugs daughter at the DNC......what is the world coming to?
  2. Hahaha.....you haven't even lost yet.....what will you be like come the reckoning in November?
  3. Love that song by The Eagles.....Desperado
  4. Must get my glasses. Read that as......... Shinawatra dysentery .....thought we had a new pandemic coming
  5. Trump Is A Soft Target And Easy To Beat. Donny Will Lose Bigly Based On His Age Alone. Apparently, Republicans are lining up to trash him.
  6. Ooooo...touched a nerve? Wrong time of the month for you?
  7. Vance, Pence, Obama, CNN, NYT, the Iranians, Jewish Space lasers, Fauci, ANTIFA, BLM....... Infamy, infamy.......They all had it in for me.
  8. I don't imagine for one moment that was just bravado.
  9. Ice van drivers....we have a lot around here.....drive like absolute maniacs......I think it's because the ice is melting.
  10. Maybe you need to brush up on your fact checking skills????.....and these are just a few examples....... 1. **Border Policy and Immigration**: Trump claimed that illegal immigration had significantly declined during his presidency and that the border was "stronger than ever." However, while illegal border crossings initially decreased after he took office, they later surged, especially in 2019. 2. **Economic Claims**: Trump asserted that under his administration, the U.S. economy was the "best ever" before the COVID-19 pandemic. While the economy did perform well, especially in terms of stock market gains and unemployment rates, other factors like wage growth and economic inequality remained concerns. 3. **Climate Change**: Trump made a bizarre comment suggesting that rising sea levels due to climate change could be a good thing because they would create more beachfront property. This statement oversimplifies the severe and widespread consequences of rising sea levels, including displacement, loss of habitat, and increased flooding. 4. **Bacon Prices**: He also exaggerated the increase in bacon prices, claiming they had risen four or five times since 2021, when in reality, the price increase was much more modest. These examples highlight some of the inaccuracies in Trump's statements during the interview, reflecting a pattern of exaggeration and misleading claims
  11. Once this has been totally debunked we will be told that his account had been hacked by the Iranians........nothing to do with Mr Trump..... 🤭
  12. About once a term, at primary, we had chocolate cake with chocolate custard........OMG I can still smell and taste it....555
  13. OMG....twice? ....Seriously?......I've watch a couple of movies twice, even read a few books twice......but hat off to you....Trump and Musc twice......that is truly impressive.
  14. Oh dear.....it looks like even the ones paid to stand behind Mr Trump are giving up.
  15. Good point....555 Certificate of innocence issued to someone awaiting trial.....only in Thailand.
  16. As long as Dusty Miller isn't in it...I really don't care......oh wait.....Chalerm as deputy PM.....😲
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