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yogi yogi

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Posts posted by yogi yogi

  1. 9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Biggest cost will be the/rt airfare. Followed by the PCR test in Cambodia & the Thai Test & Go (these cost about the same). Cost of medical insurance for Thailnd but that amount will vary widely  depwlending on how long ypy need to insure for.bear in mind that all costs assume you test negative. Test positive and its a whole other thing.

    i would be tempted to wait till some reduction in costs.............i also need to study if the capital of cambodias economy has been decimated and its borderline unsafe their for outsiders at this time?

  2. 23 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Update: Just spoke to my friend who just landed and cleared the airport.


    The complete test (rapid antigen test) is done at the airport and there is no charge. You get the results before you leave and are then fully cleared to go anywhere. So please disregard 2nd sentence above.

    so adding up costs i wonder what the added costs are.........i guess the test and go in thailand upon return would be the biggest cost

  3. 18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    And get insurance and get the Thailand Pass QR code, and get an RT-PCR test within 72 hours of departure - these are expensive in Cambodia ($130).  The Thailand Pass QR code  can be a headache - some people get it right away but for others, inexplicable delays and need to reapply several times.


    Note that to enter Cambodia you need both a PCR before departure and a test on arrival. I am hearing that this may be done at the airport (not certain) and costs $130, following which you are told to isolate in your residence until you get the results, which you apparently then have to go to pick up yourself in person (seems odd given the isolation policy...I'm still working this one out. A friend just left for Phnom Penh today so I can update soon).



    looking at it that way does not seem like a fair deal that is about 1000 dollars in fees ..........

  4. 5 hours ago, sharksy said:

    Forget the NHS - If I need a dental appointment (e.g. chipped a tooth), I can usually pay £50-£70 and get an appointment same/next day.


    Thailand is obviously a lot cheaper, but you still have to pay.


    One thing I hate about the dentist in Thailand, is the shield they always seem to use on me (not covid related).  Never had that in the UK.

    look harder there are good dentists here in thailand . dig deeper

  5. 8 hours ago, jackdd said:

    In the USA everything medical related is a ripoff, that's no secret.

    Stuff like crowns, inlays etc. in Thailand cost more than in Germany, just way overpriced here considering that most of the cost is for labor and labor is so much cheaper here, so this is stuff I get done when I'm in Germany.

    if u get good work one needs to pay good price?   i have a phd educated dentist here hes a dentstry teacher.  all i know is he  has saved some of my teeth. and checkups are free........here........a gold crown here is 800 bucks whereas in usa it would be 1300 bucks.  one year i forgot my money to pay him for a crown here,  and he just let me pay him later,  that is trust.  no dentist in usa would let u pay later.  this was an odd incident for me as i went to atm and had trouble , he allowed me to pay him  after i left the country for a month.  now he has known me long time and we have facebook accts and phone numbers of each other. and emails.  but still, that was a nice gesture of him.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    This means they are relatively expensive (compared to other dentists in Thailand).

    There are usually two kinds of business models in Thai clinics:

    - Charge a lot, and make a living from three patients a day

    - Be cheap and have customers queuing

    The dentist to which I normally go belongs in the second category, and usually I need to wait a week or so for an appointment.

    dentists in usa if they are good are very expensive. i go to a dentist in bkk he has a phd.  he is fantastic.  office is small and not so special but his service is fair.   in thailand free for check up in usa 120 dollars.  in thailand a gold crown is about 800 bucks in usa almost twice that amount.  their are good dentists here u just have to search .................

  7. i had him check brakes on the road,  the other thais on street were laughing when he was burning rubber when braking hard,  ,,,,,,,,,,all the while im giving him the thumbs up...... to please my need to stopwith good brakes. in my home country that would be a liability issue , to help me with brakes........ 

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