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yogi yogi

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Posts posted by yogi yogi

  1. On 1/24/2022 at 7:18 PM, lolalol said:

    I also sensed that there is a money grabbing strategy going on. 


    People seem to bump into more trouble when they apply for an extension closer to the deadline.


    Initially I didn't think that the government would be in this too, but now I feel like it is possible that there are some kind of understanding between parties within the government.


    Just my gut feeling. 

    i just went ahead and extended on previous deadline of jan 25,   today. i dont trust nobody.  upside is now i can extend again and get the three weeks more i wanted.   

  2. 8 minutes ago, itsari said:

    Milked? Far better to pay 1900 baht for 60 days than running around neighboring countries to get a entry stamp .

    Hopefully the service remains after covid is forgotten

    once other asian countries open up i prefer to move around anyways.........this is a special situation.  viets and phillipines refuse to open but once they do i would rather just move back and forth

  3. 5 minutes ago, lolalol said:

    Better to go sooner than later IMO. 

    I've noticed that people are more likely to bump into more problems when they apply for the extension closer to the deadline.   

    IOs know that those people will consider using visa agency when they bump into trouble at the immigration when they have little visa time left. 

    If I were you I wouldn't wait until the last day.

    Better and cheaper to do it now and maybe get another extension later.

    Just my opinion.










    im on small island with immigration that aint too busy.........i went yesterday just to check and they said i could come today to extend (before new news came out) and they said no problem.  i hear what u are saying though. this has been huge stress on my for 1900 baht.  im mad at myself cause i should have just done it in other citys long ago where they gave out the 60 days from time of expiration.............so i hear what you are saying.  i willl go again to immigration today and ask if i come on last day if i will have any issues...........thanks

  4. 8 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

    Let us know how your extension goes. I am curious to know if on Ko Tao they are demanding things like departure flight bookings, etc. Or is it an easy process?

    ok but now i have a week to extend.  not only just today.  what irks me is to get the 60 days i have to go on the final day of my current visa,,,,,,i wish they would give the 60 days now but they dont.......im only going after the covid extension once then i go to home country so i dont feel im abusing the system............but i have been on some visa sites on fb and they lambast me for not getting a "proper visa"  .  a covid extension is a proper visa.  i think they are mad at me cause they are on long stay visas and they cant get the covid extension

  5. 5 minutes ago, ThaiVisaCentre said:

    You can apply for the covid extension until March 25th now.

    This is fine for anyone which has a Tourist Visa or Exempt entry visa, or has a COVID extension based on one of these visas.

    HOWEVER if the visa before your covid extensions was a non-immigrant visa you MAY NO LONGER obtain covid extensions.


    this has been a big stress for me. i made an error by not getting it extended before in either phuket or bkk.  not sure about samui.  i wanted the full 60 days and then i plan to leave thailand.  some offices only giving 60 days from time of application so now i need to show up at immigration on my last day .......feb 3. thank god feb 3 isnt on a weekend

  6. 1 hour ago, JayClay said:

    I'd say the opposite is true.


    People arriving on tourist and visa exempt since re-opening could be considered to not have a legitimate reason to extend. People who already have long stay visas may have genuine or semi-genuine reasons to not be able to extend using their usual method.


    Personally, I'm not a vindictive person, so I hope that anybody who wants one of these extensions is entitled to one.

    so now the debate is the new rules added to the covid extensions

  7. thanks i made so many errors in my search to stay the full 60 days. i was in phuket , bkk,,  krabi ,  samui and now ko tao.............and tomorrow i will go finally to extend.    what we need now is clarificartion on who can and who cant partake in the new covid extension. looks like those that came in on a tourist visa or free 30 day entry can partake in this new extension?????  my guess is the new rules are weeding out the long stay people in favor of those that have been here 6 months or less?????  

  8. 6 hours ago, ThaiVisaCentre said:

    If they do not extend the Covid Extension there will be a bump of inbound tourism, which will look good for the tourism reports.

    But it's also possible they do extend last minute, you never know. In the past they even extended after the expiration.


    u state below that the covid extension is now extended until march 25.  but i think u might me mistaken?   i think u mean the state of emergency has been extended until march 25 not the covid extension.  ???????????

  9. 2 hours ago, ThaiVisaCentre said:

    It was extended, but it seems like they have added new restrictions, and the last day is now March 25th.

    Mainly if you originally entered under a Tourist visa or 30 Day Visa Exempt you can get one of these.

    Obtaining it on top of other visas types may prove to be difficult according to the new rules.


    so u have news they have extended it?  is it for sure?  so if i came in on a tourist visa (already extended the 30 days extra)  and i can get the covid extension now up until march 25.  is that for sure?


  10. ive waited thru 4 citys to get my covid extension.  my current 30 day extension ends feb 3 and i would have liked to get 60 days from that but the offices are telling me that i get 60 days from the date of application.  which i will tolerate,  but i want all the days i can get thus im waiting until the final hour tomorrow to extend, in hopes of the news the thai govt will extend the covid extensions again before i extend so i can then do the extension in early feb instead.  call me crazy................im the only person staying at this resort............why are not the thais extending the covid extension. i would think they want people in good standing here to stay?  clock is ticking now.  tomorrow last day for covid extensions.  

  11. 22 hours ago, tsk3009 said:

    I was riding back to my hotel at 2 am this morning. The police did a routine stop. Asked me about why I didn't have a mask and all sorts of other questions repeatedly. I had a helmet on and was driving safely. I started getting frustrated and said how f$$^ing stupid it all was to detain me for riding a motorbike for this. I dropped the f bomb a handful of times, not name calling, just out of frustration over the whole stupid scenario, because people go out all the time in Patong with no mask, the bar street, etc. Afterwards, he said something to the effect of you say f$&& f$&$^ f&#^, I take you to the police station. So I roll in to the station and there a five cops there to greet me. I was super <deleted> off now. So I started taking pictures of the 5 cops at the station who arrested me for not wearing a mask. That <deleted> them off and all five of the cops tackled me to get my phone, literally assaulted me. One pushed my head down, other were grabbing at my limbs. My back still hurts a little but nothing too serious. I just tried to resist and not fight back. In the end, I was on the ground with five cops on me. They put cuffs super aggressively on me and marched me up the the upper floor cell which was dirty tiles and a squatter in the corner. So they decide I was drunk and I said I had had a beer or two that night but my mind was perfectly clear. On the fifth time they told me to blow into the breathalyzer, they apparently got a reading of 50, the lowest level of DUI here. So they charged me with not wearing a mask in public which carries a 500 baht fine and DUI of 3000 baht fine. Spent a day in court and pled guilty. I was advised by a friend that was the way to go. After court, they put me back in the cell for a couple hours, not sure why. Funny thing was, when we got back to the police station, I entered a room with 4 cops, two of them hurriedly put on their masks when I walked in. Then I was just released but told to come back Tuesday to go to immigration with the police officer. 

    its possible u will not be welcome in thailand anymore?  how much money do you spend.  do you stay in a nicely priced room or  a dumpy room?

  12. all i can say is the competition for tourists is well known to the thais.  and my gut says 99 percent sure they will extend the covid extension.  other wise people will just bail to cambodia.  and viets are giving very strong hints that something is in the works for next month as well.............

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