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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. OP is obviously referring to the high end of the 'haves' and not the majority of citizens. You can live inexpensively in any country, even the USA, by simply avoiding the metro areas in the USA, or populated coastal areas. My friends use to think my dining out budget was ridiculous, surpassing some of their yearly incomes. But then wondered why I never bought new cars, or why I lived in the neighborhoods I did. Spend here, budget there ... priorities.
  2. "US Department of State’s opinion that the RTAF may not yet have the necessary infrastructure facilities for the F-35s, including airbase security" Guess that's the PC way of saying, too friendly to RU & CH. Good thing for TH, as an expensive POS they don't need to waste money on.
  3. OK, that all makes sense, cones and a bit of compression would solve the issues of years past attempt to roll ground/shake. For 500-600 baht a gr saved, I can wait 1-2 minutes for than next toke or 2.
  4. Agree with that, as been to more than a few, long running, highly rated vendors, I wouldn't return to. Usually due to quality, as not worried about paying a bit more for good quality.
  5. YMMV Just my experience of trying to roll doobie with 'powder', shake of years past. Krap doobie, that doesn't burn even, falls out, or hard draw. Up in smoke or through the screen in a pipe or bong, and a bit of a waste. Only way to cut waste completely is 1 hit pipe/bong of buds. Too much hassle for me.
  6. Not even 1 month .... I wouldn't consider a product based business without at least 1 yr of operating expense, while developing a customer base. No surprise of the failure rate of bars/restaurants here if that's their business strategy.
  7. No instant buzz, but before done smoking 0.5 gr, I'm already relaxing. Finish the beer, off the veranda, start the movie, and it's kicked in by then. After movie ... time for that snack .... repeat. Only smoke at sunset and beyond. So not to get de-energized during the day. I'm lazy enough. Do you hold the cone horizonal or vertical ? I break up the buds as small as my fingernails (not a biter of) will get, and my doobies resemble a nice Pall Mall, about same size, thickness, 1gr ttl wt. Smoke 1/2 at a setting, usually requiring a relight, as a tote or 2, sip or 2, then the damn thing might be out. Occasionally draw enough to not require a relighting, but rare. Usually burns even, sign of a good roll w/years of experience to perfect. Other half might get smoked in couple weeks or next month .. yea, I smoke that infrequent, and usually alone, as wife rarely indulges.
  8. I find the anti CH crowd a bit hypocritical, as so much of their life & products rely on products from CH, whole or parts of. The grid, most cars, all made with CH products/parts, or CH supplied raw materials. They support CH way more than they think, whether buying a car 'made in CH' or not. Simply being able to be on this forum, they are supporting CH.
  9. OR ... after 3 yrs of savings, since no travel/covid, they want to holiday, but their options are now limited since RU flights banned to so many countries, as is their ruble. So with access via CH, they can fly & spend in TH.
  10. Nothing to cry about, except the shark's business savvy. At least now has 3 living things that appreciate him, at least at dinner time. Next time, he should probably ask for more dogs as collateral. Will he take cats ?
  11. That all sounds much better, red chanote & all. Go for it, good luck ... ENJOY
  12. Falls in line with some of the land prices asked for. You can ask whatever ... but ????
  13. How hot .... DAMN HOT Makes sense to me, although I do have a wall around the property, and not for security reasons ...
  14. Supply & demand will weed out the good shops, visited by expats. Tourists, oh well ... will there be enough in low season ? If not, profits up in smoke and yet another failed adventure. Next genius idea, maybe a box/P4P bar vendor ?
  15. Never grind, and actually, didn't know it was a thing until recently. If grinding, and smoking a joint, it would either falls out, and too tight to get a draw on it. Fine for pipes/bongs, but as pointed out, a lot wasted. Maybe why they don't grind tobacco. Obviously some savvy seller thought up the idea of grinding to sell more. Always when buying, nobody wanted a bag with a lot of 'shake' or seeds in it. Days/decades past, as all buds now.
  16. Our local Lotus's didn't have, though no surprise, as has to be one of, if not, the worst Lotus's in TH. They didn't even have any yeast, and I looked everywhere, even the cold case. Rest of baking selection was poor, you sell flour, but no yeast. A good thing actually, as had to search and found a local bakery supply shop I didn't know existed, Found yeast and while there, saw the bread flour I use, and both cheaper than Makro. win win Yes, there is no shortage of coffee choices here. I don't do much experimenting any more, as too disappointing. Not really the coffee purist any way. ENJOY
  17. Topped back at 100% and took about 2.5 hrs.
  18. "The number of weed shops in Pattaya has reached absurd levels!" Let me know when it reaches the level of 'P4P' shops, as not been there in a while, and need a reference point ????
  19. Isn't that along the same lines as Pi π .... never ending ????
  20. Took note of the range, of our DECO SUSU model, older version, 3000w motor/72v50Ah LFP battery. New version, battery slightly updated. Took it down to 1 bar (no % meter), though photo show 2, but any acceleration, and the second bar quickly disappears. So a solid 1 bar, and 80 kms traveled over 7 days. Could probably squeeze 15-20 more kms, from 1 bar, but 80 kms is far enough, and I probably wouldn't take 10 more kms, as a bit of battery abuse. I rarely go below 3 bars before recharging. So 90-100 km range, if needing, much less than the 140-150 kms in 'old' promo. Although, 100 kg load, and not driving 35 kph, steady, w/no head wind. Actually more than the manual states, but much less than DECO's promo. Happy with 80 kms, as no desire to be on a scooter for anywhere near an hour. Dog & myself, rarely drive more than 50 kph. Wife was also on the scooter with me this past week also, 1 day, out for a munch. That's rare, as we usually take the car, which was charging for the past 3 days. So the scooter does come in handy, besides my morning dog run to the park & surf.
  21. Sampled more than a few jarred instant coffees, didn't care for any of them. I think I tossed them all, or wife gave them away.
  22. Many, inclusive, would dispute that. Research UA (another USA backed regime change) at about 2004 Orange Revolution onward, then get back to us.
  23. I even know of one very handsome Yank who left USA in 2000, as US/NATO prepared to attack, invade & occupy sovereign countries for not reason. So happy I ... oops, he no longer pays taxes to support such terrorism ???? ON TOPIC ... as always. Only know, OK, follow 1 comrade on YT, and he seems like a very polite and kind gent.
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