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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Much less, between 4 - 7 yrs. @superal wunderground got it right, little late but raining☔
  2. What channel is the 'Straight Award 2023' on, as I'd like to watch that ... ... oh wait, that would be 'homophobic' and woke cancelled. Along with any other 'white' or 'straight' awards. Amazing the bigots don't see the hypocrisy of their special interest groups, crying to be all inclusive and treated equal, while demanding exclusivity for themselves. Google 'gay' or 'black' awards or events ... the list is endless. Then Google 'white' or 'straight' for a reality check, and then tell me who the bigots & racist are again.
  3. "Psychoactive-drugs Free, is always the best way to go" ... ... as a lifestyle agree, but as a hobby, can be fun. Sadly ... timeless ...
  4. wunderground, though not till midnight. Kind of strange, as just north, SRY way, skies were dark, started to get dark here & windy, and now seems to have dissipated. Do hope it shows up at midnight, as so dry here, and knock the rest of the air pollution down. For a few days anyway. Usually get the forecast right, more often than wrong.
  5. Sorry OP, can't help. Off Topic ... USA still on the honor system, receive & return a form yearly, no certification needed. Kind of makes sense, since Thai bank basically verifies my existence when extending visa. Not sure how much, if at all, USA & Thai Imm/Emb talk to each other in the event I don't show up to extend.
  6. Just set on table outside your house ... ... 'free-please take' / ฟรี - กรุณารับ Although, secure the table.
  7. Always been the policy at Boots & Watson's, to the point, I stopped going to them, as more times than not, pharmacist MIA. Yet to have any problem, getting anything ... YMMV
  8. Getting some of that now, heavy overcast and winds. Actually a 70% chance of rain in the forecast later. Good, the solar panels could use a rinsing off
  9. 13k should be more than enough IMHO. Unless total krap build material wise and sun exposed. We have a 13k in the bedroom, 23m², and could easily get by with 9k BTU unit. House good build material, insulated block & roof/ceiling. Actually gets damn chilly. Since a kitchen and heating up things, 13k should do. 18k being overkill IMHO. Especially since exhaust fan will be taking most of the heat out. We have the 13k, and a 24k BTU unit, which they condition 105m² daily, and do it quite well. Bedroom & main room, usually leave bedroom door open, though neither room needs supplementing from the other. Mitsubishi Inverter fan myself.
  10. Unless been to, and recently preferred, people shouldn't comment on what they don't know. Recent shows ... can't help. 40 yrs ago, attended, and simply can describe as female impersonators, all singing (hindsight, maybe lip-sync), but quite talented, and none of the major flamboyancy you see now in the news or YT, IF your watching such things.
  11. Pros & Cons of a Republic ... ... people of that town, city, township, county, parish, state decide what is best for them. Don't like it ... file a suit if you think your rights are infringed or move.
  12. Ground level ... usually looks good, unless you know what you are supposed to be seeing ... beyond the smog.
  13. With the above in mind, now 2.6kWh used since midnight, we'll need 8-10kWh for those 15ish hours of less/no production overnight/early AM 1700-0800 hs, on warmer days/nights. One 10kWh ESS simply not enough for us, for off grid, unless very conservative use of ACs. Huge difference with change of seasons. Overcast, rainy, cool temps and one 10kWh ESS was plenty. 1/3 of consumption during 2/3 of a 24 hr day.
  14. Cancel that edit, only if staying in bedroom, not the worst idea, but ... ... In main room, making coffee, need AC on, so 3.5kWh ... back on ESSs ???? EDIT: House cool, ACs maintaining temp, water kettle & coffee machine off. Now we're producing consumption ????
  15. A few final numbers added to yesterday for 24 hr period. 18.4kWh while still producing matching consumption 23.4kwh consumed for 24 hr day ... 'on the meter' Driving EVs during that period, normal daily driving: ... scooter, 12 kms using ~ 0.5kWh ... car, 15 kms using 4% / 2kWh Dining out, not normal, so maybe add 2 or 3kWh for dinner prep & AC use, during that 2hrs out of the house. Easily anther 5kWh added to meter, so a 30kWh a day +/- For an outdoor temps day of H33° / L24° We used 1.5kWh from midnight - 0600 hrs Actually fell asleep early, so we'll call that 7kWh +/- overnight when not producing during warm temps. Increased #s when daily temp H35+ & L30 +/- come March, April, early May EDIT: 0730 production now matching consumption. ????
  16. Try a different pharmacy as I just bought a years (6x60tabs) supply about 8 days ago.
  17. Normal daytime use, 0000/midnight to 1630, still producing what we're consuming. No extras today, no EVs charging. Using: 2 frigs, 2 ACs (9 & 24BTUs), 65" TV on most of the day, and laptop to that, TV as my monitor. Just now, wife threw in a load of wash (?) in , and jumped in shower (3.5kWh (5mins). I already showered (3.5kWh (10mins). I baked bread, 2.2kWh for 30mins, and that's it for the day, for electric use, aside from morning coffee, <0.5kWh. Produced 23.4kWh and consumed 18.4kWh, up to now. See what happens, consumed now till midnight. Heading out for a munch, then after dinner, wee bit of torrents before sleep. AC's will be off in about 15 mins.
  18. UP2U ... and your finances, but if it's in the budget, and she is worthy, and responsible enough, grades ... bla bla bla ... Why not ... IF her first phone, or if prone to losing things and or need replacing every year... ... hell NO, let her lose some <10k baht phone before going all in expensive. Also, at 17, will she actually use the features, or is simply chit chat, msging, IG, then any <10k baht phone would do. Don't need 35k baht worth of features, if 10k baht phone will do.
  19. CoR and transfer of Visa to new PP used to be 'free' service. Scamming was so rampant, that head Imm office made it UP2 Imm office. My experiences: ... CoR ... 2X free ... CoR ... ฿300, want receipt ฿600 Visa tfr to new PP: ... Free ... asked for ฿1000 then ฿500-฿100-no receipt, refused to pay - FREE ... Last Oct 500 w/receipt
  20. Depends what you're trying to do, and already stated, design of room, ceiling height mainly. With average RH of 60-80% all year, the fan may help, till temps hit 35C, then not a whole lot of perspirations, moisture is going to be evaporating off your skin, thus the cooling effect. That's if it's not rainy season and knocking on 100% RH. Fan with AC use, whether set on cool or just dehumidifier mode will make a noticeable difference. Getting the RH down near 50%, and temps closer to 30C. We keep AC's on 26-28C Not a fan of ceiling fans, in hot weather, as may simply circulate the hotter air near the ceiling downward. Better, an exhaust fan placed high, then the cooler AC air will force the hotter, up & out. Our house cools off much quicker, if turn on exhaust fans when starting the ACs, if needed. Though we usually turn ACs on before house warms up, then just leave on all day. At night, can get away with just the AC and or floor fan on low. Sometimes, when cooler, not needing either, if temps outside are mid 20sC. We rarely open the windows, as simply too much humidity or smog, depending on season, and better kept outside.
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