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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. I agree. Very clever move on your part. When you're in over your head, it's best to cut your losses, turn tail and run. Cheerio.
  2. If the aim was to root out Hamas, you send in special ops. Bombing the crap out of residential buildings, in the long term, only jeopardises Israel's own security.
  3. Well Israel had better recalibrate their targeting systems then, because they've hit a lot more kids than they have "Hamas terrorists, their hideouts, installations and munitions".
  4. The world consists of much more than a handful of Western countries.
  5. Good v Evil 🤣🤣🤣 Dehumanizing those that you disagree with leads to what?
  6. Turning Gaza into a parking lot is calling for genocide - there is no ambiguity. Again, it seems nothing has been learnt from the holocaust by some.
  7. Great, it’d be nice if they would withdraw back to their side of the green line and finally stop being the root cause for so much death, destruction and human misery.
  8. So you are fine with any number of dead Palestinian children. Is there a particular number of Palestinian kids that have to die before you deem it a demonic slaughter at Israel’s hands?
  9. Yep. Israel would not exist today if not for US military might. It’s never wise to put all one’s eggs in a single basket.
  10. It would be the number reported by every newspaper or media outlet of worth in the entire world. Your prejudices hold zero weight in the real world.
  11. I wouldn’t know - but that is not the subject matter of your original post is it. To repeat, if the leaders of Hamas are cowards for not being present on the battlefield then so are the Israeli leaders - wouldn’t you agree?
  12. UN sees it differently. The raging war in Gaza is the latest symptom of the international community’s epic failure to address decades of Israel’s illegality and impunity, the expert tasked with monitoring human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories https://press.un.org/en/2023/gashc4390.doc.htm Exactly how many dead Palestinian children is an acceptable number?
  13. Oh, was he the leader of Israel then? You guys lack consistency in the application of logic. If Hamas leaders are cowards for not joining the battle then so too are the Israeli leaders. Why is it so hard to be honest?
  14. Allowing Gazans to return? 🤣🤣🤣 Israel is in the business of stealing land, not returning it.
  15. Parking lot you say. Sounds a lot like genocide. Clearly some have learnt nothing from history.
  16. Destroy them? 🤣🤣🤣 75 years and the Palestinians still persist. BTW - I don’t think we’ll be seeing Netanyahu joining any fighting - he is as cowardly as the Hamas leaders.
  17. Not sure the 3000+ dead Palestinian children would agree with the remarkable restraint opinion. Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of civilians places them firmly in the same category as Hamas - perpetrators of crimes against humanity. IDF = Hamas Hamas = IDF
  18. Not blaming Israel for Hamas is as silly as a smoker not blaming cigarettes for their lung cancer.
  19. Israel is not special. No people are chosen people. We are all equal. Maybe not enabling and supporting Hamas for 15+ years to thwart a peace deal shouldn’t have been a core strategy of the Netanyahu government.
  20. Apologising and making excuses for Israel again..., hard habit to break eh?
  21. Hamas did indeed choose their own path. Why has Netanyahu been such a staunch supporter of Hamas for the last 15 years?
  22. What is astonishing is how anyone can see the obvious wrong in a rapist taking what they want from a victim, the obvious wrong in blaming the victim for fighting back and the obvious wrong for justifying further attacks by the rapist because the victim fought back yet not see the obvious wrong of Israel taking what they want (land) from the Palestinians, the obvious wrong in blaming the Palestinians from fighting back (Hamas don't exist in a vacuum) and the obvious wrong of justifying further Israeli crimes because the Palestinians had the audacity to fight back. What a twisted and bizarre tale Israel is trying to weave, that they are the victim whilst simultaneously blaming the real victim for Israel's own crimes.
  23. Yes Israel is bad, bad, bad. As for the Palestinians...., if a woman in a short skirt gets raped, is it her fault or the rapists? If she hits the rapist back, does that then justify the rape and future rapes?
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