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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 11 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    So you admit that Hamas is deliberately trying to increase their own civilian casualties, or that they don't care about it, it's all in their plan. Scumbags. Filthy, homicidal scumbags that need to be eradicated.


    Never denied it.

    It is their exact aim.

    Always explicitly has been.

    Israel has constantly been warned that it was Hamas's aim to entice them into committing war crimes.

    "He who fights monsters should take care not to become one"

    And what did silly Israel do?


    The only ones who can eradicate Hamas are the Palestinians.

    The only thing Israel can achieve is to grow and empower Hamas.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    You have been shown that significant a portion of Palestinians  support hamas, why do you continue to lie and claim otherwise? 

    Let's not introduce confusion - it is a significant MINORITY of Palestinians that support Hamas.


    And a more impressive significant number (i.e. a majority) of Israeli's support"


    Nearly half of Jewish Israelis want to expel Arabs, survey shows

    Pew study finds 79% believe Jews should get preferential treatment over Arab citizens; number of those who believe settlements are helpful to Israel’s security growing;.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    I answered yours, but you never answered mine. Again: "What do you think would happen if Palestine takes the moral high ground, releases the hostages and initiates a ceasefire?"


    For the tenth time I'll answer.


    What I think should happen and what I think would happen are two different things.


    1. Hamas should release the hostages, unilaterally initiate a ceasefire and unconditionally commence peace negotiations.


    2. What would happen is that it would make no difference to the Israeli response. Naturally the hostage survival rate would be higher, the IDF death toll would be lower and the Palestinian civilian death toll would be lower, but everything else, no change. Israel will do as it pleases which increasingly seems to be expelling all 2 million Gazan's to Egypt and annexing Gaza in its entirety - which long term probably equates to an increase in future hostage deaths, IDF deaths and Palestinians civilian deaths.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Israel calling Israel calling we the freedom fighters of Gaza refute the claim we took the life of Shani Louk we took care of her as our own Daughter. We did not Brutalise Israeli Citezens in the kibutz in Israel its all propaganda spread from The Devil Netannahu. We did not kidnap any men woman and children they came with our Brigade on there own free will as guests. We simply den'y all claims of these happened. Shalom. Here Endeth this message.


    • Confused 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I worked for a short time as an English teacher in a Muslim school in Bangkok as no Yanks could handle it. This was just after the 9/11 thing. They all had Osama Bin Laden pencil cases etc and shouted 'death to America'. I put them right and explained it should be USA, not America. 

    Probably not a good example.

    Thais have a bad habit of dressing up as Hitler.

    • Sad 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Even by your own account, Hamas basically chose to sacrifice all them babies and children you pretend to care about.

    As for, going exactly according to plan - the Arab world is not getting involved and does not really wish to.


    Hamas did indeed deliberately lure Israel into committing war crimes.


    We'll see.

  7. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    Israel can, with effort, dismantle Hamas military capabilities, and send it's political apparatus into a state of disarray.

    I think that's the scope aimed at.

    The only ones going on about total victories are politicians and those hyper invested in either sides' rhetoric (yourself being a prime example of).


    Worked with Fatah.

    Worked with AQ.

    Worked with IS.

    All born again under  new names and logos.

    • Confused 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I did.

    You keep asking questions in hope of getting answers that fit your narrative.

    Be so kind as to direct me to your alleged response or simply restate it again - nothing to be embarrassed of is there?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    I do not understand the question. My serious opinion in regard to what? 


    If Israel annexes the Gaza and expels 2 million Palestinians to Egypt - do you agree with it, do you think it is a good idea, do you think it will lead to peace, do you think the same thing will then happen to the West Bank.

    More speculatively, could this have been Bibi's plan all along, has he outsmarted Hamas, what will America do, will global protests grow, will other Arab countries declare war on Israel....????


    Second question - already asked and answered so deleted.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:



    There is a fundamental psychological difference between intentionally murdering babies up close and personal and engaging in bombing military targets.


    Most people are able to bomb military targets, but cannot bring themselves to personally killing babies. It takes a rare personality to kill babies up close, and such people need to be taken away from society, whether they are Israeli, Arab, Thai, whatever.

    Who do you think you're kidding.

    War brings out the worst in humans.


    Australian special forces did some awful things (39 murders) to Afghani's that were hard to believe - and this from people who grew up in a safe, secure, low crime, modern and society.


    Even outside of war - I recall the Palestinian teen abducted by Israeli's and burned alive.


    The kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir occurred early on the morning of 2 July 2014. Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli citizens on an East Jerusalem street. His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive. The perpetrators subsequently claimed that the attack was a response to the abduction and murder of three Israeli teens on 12 June. The murders contributed to a breakout of hostilities in the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict




    No team has a monopoly on evil.

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    Is this still going according to the Hamas plan?

    Could very well be - depends entirely on the reaction of the Arab world.

    If Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan et al jump in, I'd say Hamas has got what they wanted.

  12. Just now, Yellowtail said:

    Germany did not have the capability to project power across the globe either, 


    Germany did not have the capability to project power across the globe either, 

    - Germany, the main antagonist of WW2, did not have the capability to project power across the globe?



    - Time will tell.

  13. Just now, Yellowtail said:

    You should be thrilled, think of all the Palestinian babies that would be saved! 

    What is your serious opinion if this is actually what Israel does, annexes Gaza and expels 2 million Palestinians to Egypt?

    What do you think will then happen in the West Bank?

    • Confused 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    That is like saying the only people who could wipe out the Nazis were Germans. Or the only people who could wipe out the Japanese imperialists were Japanese. Both patently untrue- the Allies did a pretty good number on both as I recall. 


    False analogy.

    Hamas hasn't the capability to project power across the globe.

    They can't even fight Israel fairly.


    2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Wipe out Hamas and their supporters, destroy their terror network, roll up the outside funders and make them all room temperature, then work on a reasonable political solution for Gaza. One that involves a modicum of democracy, backed up by aid so that they can become self sufficient.  Prevent the young from being taught hate and anti-semitism at school.  Allow human rights and freedom. Gaza could bloom if given the right incentive and without Hamas holding it back.


    Catch up, the Israeli's already have a reasonable solution for Gaza.

    Guess what it is...

    Yep, they're going to steal it and relocate 2 million Palestinians to the Sinai.

    Gaza may bloom, but there won't be any Palestinians living there.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    You're right, I forgot. In 2005. 8,000 Israelis moved out of Gaza. They foolishly left behind greenhouses and materials for the Gazans to use. Millions of dollars in outside aid also came in. But the Gazans wisely refused to copy the dirty Jews and try to make money by growing flowers and other valuable crops. No, they wisely decided to loot and burn anything left behind by the departing Jews. Turned the piping onto rockets to get revenge on them.  So yes, the Jews in  way sowed the seeds of their own discomfort.

    Looks like those 8,000 Israeli's may soon be moving back in.


    Bombshell ‘plan’ for Gaza surfaces

    A bombshell plan to permanently relocate 2.3 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt has surfaced, which critics say exposes Israel’s true objective.

    Israel’s Intelligence Ministry has devised the wartime proposal, which outlines the transfer of the entire population of the disputed territory to the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted the report was “a concept paper” drafted as part of a hypothetical exercise.


    A leaked copy of the report, which said it was drafted on 13 October, just days after the Hamas massacres of 7 October, offers strategies “to effect a significant change in the civilian reality in the Gaza Strip”.

    It proposes moving the millions of people who reside in Israel to tent cities in Sinai while permanent cities in a humanitarian corridor are constructed.

    A security perimeter would then be established on the Israeli border to prevent displaced Palestinians from returning to Gaza.



    • Haha 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    If you want to know why Gaza is so poor, in spite if massive infusions of aid money, look no further than Hamas.  They have built a tunnel system that some say is 500km in length under and around Gaza.  It honeycombs the area beneath the city. One of the recently released hostages described it as like a spider's web.  This is the key to wiping out Hamas. Smoke them out of their tunnels and destroy the facilities.  


    The only people who can wipe out Hamas are the Palestinians.


    Israel can keep killing Palestinian babies until the cows come home and all they'll achieve is a strengthened Hamas.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:


    You're lying again. I said nothing of a full-frontal assault. Please re-read my post and apologize. 


    I never attributed "full frontal assault" to you, I was merely explaining why Hamas resorts to terrorism.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    You have posted countless comments either supporting, excusing, justifying or deflecting from the terrorism of Hamas. Some of your earlier comments were slightly more considered and nuanced, but now accusing Israel of wanting the genocide of the Palestinian people, you seem to have completely abandoned any earlier pretence of balance.


    You thus expose yourself as a supporter of the terrorism of Hamas. You will no doubt reply with some false equivalence of Israel being terrorists, because it seems to be the only methodology you use when defending Hamas.


    In your opinion, what is Israel's preferred path to peace?

    Does Israel want a one or two state solution?

    What is their current official position in regards to their preferred option?


    Can you answer the questions maturely, without resorting to childish point scoring?

    • Haha 1
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