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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Damage? Not cosying up to murderous dictators is a bad thing? I hope this is just the first of many many “damages” from the new PM
  2. Not 4 million but 3.5 million more - on the party list vote. Exact same number of constituency seats though (112 each) both parties with just over 9 million votes. PT got 6.2 million more than third place and 9.8 million more than fourth place so again, hardly describable as being “unwanted”.
  3. Quite the turnout. One wonders how much damage some of these fruitcakes may cause as they fail to accept Thailand modernising over the coming years. They are perhaps the only folks in the known universe less rational than the junta loving but but Thaksin brigade that roams these boards.
  4. Call it whatever floats your boat, the fact remains it was a close run race between MF and PT and the margin between these two and the rest is so large neither of them could be described as unwanted.
  5. What planet are you on? Crossing the floor is rare in all countries. ????????????
  6. ? 140+ seats Clear second in the election So, they did not make it clear “they didn’t want her”
  7. Uninformed prejudiced speculation is of zero value.
  8. It’s all relative. When considering progressive credentials: Pheu Thai > Junta / Democrats Move Forward > Pheu Thai
  9. You’ll get there, eventually you’ll have no choice (much like those who swore by the horse and cart when cars first appeared).
  10. Indoctrinated? How about embracing of change and considerate to the environment and future generations even if it is at the cost of some temporary inconvenience as the technology matures. Selfishness, on the other hand, best describes….
  11. We’ve seen this before many times. Oldies are scared of change and are always amongst the last to come around.
  12. If it were that simple then they wouldn’t have put so much money and effort in to creating their monopoly. This will eat away at their profits whilst at the same time benefit consumers through greater choice and more competitive pricing. This is only the beginning when it comes to demonopolising Thailand - there are better days ahead for all but those who denied Thailand democracy for personal gain.
  13. If you think Pita is for turning, you haven’t been paying much attention to the man’s words and deeds. Your posting history is there for all to see - no need to make anything up.
  14. Who will then almost immediately be forced to call an election that they will lose and no longer be PM. It is a certainty - any minority junta government will immediately face and lose a no confidence motion and be forced to call an election. Your post history is accessible for all to read, fanboy.
  15. To what end? No one else can command the 250 lower house seats required to defeat a no confidence motion (see below). Successful no confidence motion in the lower house. Someone else would immediately lose a no confidence motion in the lower house (see above). Your junta is gone - beaten by better people. Commiserations.
  16. Sincere in their delusions they may be, they have however lost, so they must now bow down before the masses and watch their idols falls - this is the way.
  17. Then you’ll lose your $500. Better odds on failed coup. Even better odds on MF government in July
  18. Now this is a good one. ???????????? They couldn’t care less about the country… or the people. Self interest is all that matters to these usurpers. Securing a system that fills their pockets. Pita, shall save the country from ruin. (BTW - what is a country if not it’s people?)
  19. And the pro democracy side would have a martyr, it would be suicide for the military.
  20. What other option is there but to vote for Pita? If another election is required, pro democracy parties will easily win the majority of lower house seats and round and round we go until the people tire of the unelected Senators and hand the MF coalition 376 lower house seats. Whether it be now or in the months ahead, Pita will be PM.
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