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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Compared to what? The truth is, there is nothing dirtier.
  2. Sounds familiar - like that red wave that was predicted in the mid-terms that turned out to be monumentally wrong.
  3. Yes - he would be the legitimate president of America. God help us all should that happen.
  4. Yes, they may like having a few token people of colour around, but white nationalists aren’t voting for a black president. Anecdotally - We had two American vendors at our site in 2008 and they were adamant America wasn’t ready for a black president. Racism goes to the bone. These yanks were on par with the ultra racist South Africans we were also blessed to have in our company. They would both be MAGA nutters now. MAGA is old, uneducated, poor and white - they arent voting a black man president.
  5. Who do you think is voting for these MAGA nutjobs - normal people?
  6. Can’t wait for the real government to audit these projects.
  7. Nice evasive post, 10 out of 10 for avoiding the topic.
  8. How is a black man going to win the MAGA white nationalist voters over? You may as well be supporting Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny for president.
  9. Lebron James is a touch better at basketball than me too. I guess it’s lucky for me I’m not running against fruitcake Ron. Being irrational and a cult member aptly describes white nationalist, religious nut job MAGA peanuts. Old man Joe, even in his current “reduced capacity” circumstances is going to beat you wingnuts senseless because what you stand for is unpalatable to rational, non cultist, sane individuals.
  10. Of course it matters. The Move Forward Party must not lose the House speakership to other coalition parties if it wants to avoid problems in tabling any amendment to the lèse majesté law in the Parliament.
  11. Where do you think MAGA is heading? Election denial, alternative facts, book banning, religious fundamentalism….? WTF is Q-Anon, how do you explain that level of idiocy. Desantis is a small, inadequate man playing footsy with a devil (fascism) in order to gain power. The Democrats have to win in 2024 or irreversible damage will be done to America. Fingers crossed.
  12. Hitler’s political career began in 1919, the Holocaust began in 1933. You’ll not find any “left wingers” apologising for trying to nip the neo-fascist movement in the bud this time around.
  13. It was over 3-4 years ago. Pro democracy landslides for many many generations to come. The fat lady has sung, packed up her stuff and gone home. The show is over. The good guys won.
  14. Nothing more than run of the mill haggling and horse trading between coalition partners. Odds are PT want something other than the Speaker’s position - probably economic / financial ministries and this is just a negotiating tactic. Proverbial storm in a tea cup.
  15. The latest cuckoo whacko right wing nut job - Maga fascists may very well be the end of a free and democratic America. The hand maids tale springs readily to mind whenever this Desantis fruitcake is mentioned.
  16. Yep. Not the second loser (BJT) Not the third loser (PPP) Not the fourth loser (UTN) Not the fifth loser (DP) The first loser actually got nearly as many seats (141) as the second, third and fourth losers combined (147) The first loser got more party list votes (10.9 million) than the second, third, fourth and fifth losers combined (7.5 million) Hmm. It appears the first loser did rather well compared to all but the winners.
  17. On the chart, only Belgium and Switzerland have compulsory voting. Guess you’re wrong again.
  18. Turnout is very high in Thailand when compared to the rest of the world - it’s almost as if there has been an epic battle raging between dictatorship and democracy here over the past two decades… regardless, such high turnout makes any claims of voter apathy disingenuous (if not outright dishonest).
  19. Foreign policy was not a topic in the election? From a pre-election interview: During a recent interview with the Standard, Pita Limjaroenrat, the leader and prime ministerial candidate of the Move Forward Party, pointed out that “international relations was less about choosing sides than choosing principle” because “the new world order is no world order.” Pita explicitly “promised to move fundamental rights to the front of Thailand’s foreign policy.”
  20. I would think it went better than planned and he’ll be home at a time of his choosing.
  21. Comprehension issues? Your post doesn’t align with “reserved and patient” They certainly picked his “kind” as the pro democracy side got close to 70% of the vote. Time for you to come back to reality.
  22. You really do have a thing for juntas. ???????????? Even for your fellow Thai junta lovers, supporting the Myanmar regime will be a bridge too far. Insanity.
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