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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 4 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    The charges and the evidence have been listed many times before. Nobody here on AseanNow is going to take hours to fin each charge and each item of evidence again.


    It was all shown before and the evidence. Google is your friend.


    Plus, the current mob are certainly guilty of numerous offences and unethical stuations. Don't forget as is customary they got by illegal/unethcal means into power and 5 minutes later passed unethical/imorral laws to stop anybody charging them. Yes many should be in Jail. But what's the chances of these acts of parliamnet being reversed? 


    There's also the question; does Thailand need to move forward in terms of politics/elections/new younger more capable folks running the country who have intelligence and good future based development policies with value for all Thais? 

    Simply list the main 3 crimes you believe Thaksin is guilty of in bullet points. Why do you need to do any research, if you are making these statements then you should already know the facts. It seems the truth is not your friend.


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  2. 15 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

    He did a lot of good for the country and its people, but he was better for himself.. Probably if he just paid taxes for the Thaicom satelite there were no problems, but he got to powerful and had to leave... Bring him back is bringing back the problems too and the military will not accept that. A reason why they don't like the Pheu Thai party as they are constantly influenced by Thaksin and his family to bring him back. Indeed the coupmakers should be punished a law must be made as soon as possible to prevent new coups...But Thaksin please let him stay away 

    The military don’t like Thaksin (or Thanathorn) because under elected leaders the military’s extra curricular activities get wound back.


    Thaksin would be a far far richer man today if he had never entered politics.


    Let the Thai people decide who they want running their country.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, h90 said:

    tons of cases were at court when he run..including human rights for the war on drugs, abuse of power, corrupt. Some people disappearing he got blamed for, I am not sure if that went to court but sure they dig it out if he come back. I don't know which might have expired.
    The war on drugs is the easiest to restart I think

    Not a single charge has ever been filed against Thaksin for the war on drugs. Not one. You sure do get an awful lot wrong in your bizarre crusade against Thai democracy.



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  4. 2 hours ago, wealthychef said:

    Two things can be true at the same time.  Perhaps he is very attuned and his local village is extremely apolitical and at the same time the region as a whole is more radical and populist (bully for them I say). 

    Possible, but likely?

    Facts (and reality) are often deliberately ignored or contradicted in this forum by those who despise democracy but lack the courage to admit it.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    If you want to see inequality try the UK, I haven't seen any food banks here, in the UK even teachers and nurses use them and let's not talk about homelessness, the only country in Europe tackling this huge problem is Finland. I live in a North Eastern rice farming village, whoever is in charge makes no difference to them, army or pue thai, it's just smoke and mirrors, they get on with their lives and farm and from what I can see they have a decent standard of living. At a neighbour's wedding yesterday 400 people turned up in their best, were wined (beer) and dined watched a stage show and danced, money was collected to help pay for everything, we all had a good time. No old aged pensioners having to choose between heating (aircon) or eating here, Bangkok is a long way off, I speak and read Thai, never heard anyone speak about politics at the local shop (an informal get together place in the mornings and evenings). Big city folks will argue about politics, hot air, it will make no difference.

    The north east is a Pheu Thai stronghold.

    Why is that?

    Are you as attuned to the local community as you think you are?


    The country’s biggest opposition party is not just alive and well, but also more popular than ever, at least according to one shopkeeper at the rally who reported that shirts featuring the party’s logo that had been in stock since before the previous election were once again flying off the shelves. Khon Kaen in Thailand’s northeast is one of Pheu Thai’s traditional strongholds.


    Paetongtarn, Pheu Thai take huge lead in Northeast poll as election looms



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  6. 20 minutes ago, h90 said:

    no there are plenty of countries where the society is worse....when there is hunger. No one in Thailand is seriously starving.
    Yes there are several that lost their live or limbs fighting for Democracy against Thaksin. We know a guy in Chumphon who lost his foot from a "military tear gas grenade" Sure he does not want that criminal coming back.


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    The 10'000 Baht = the proverbial carrot in front of the rabbit. 

    In other countries you would call it vote buying; here it is more like "vote paying". All those successive governments over the last decades promised things which had to be executed by the private industry, be it higher minimum salaries, more holidays or, in this case the post-payment of 10'000 Baht. 

    In short, this country is very, very, very far off a democracy as the education level of the average Somchai is simply too poor to understand the system. It's like written in the holy bible "forgive them for they do not know what they are doing". Obviously I would go and take while the taking is good and millions of Thais are not interested in whatever lies and cheats are presented as long as their own greed is satisfied ???? 

    The average Somchai knows a hell of a lot more about what’s going on over here than you do.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    I don't even care what happens in the UK let alone Thailand. Interference can get you into trouble here and it isn't appreciated by Thai citizens whatever colour shirt they wear. Thais must sort their own problems out and these can't be that big otherwise they would have done so by now. Yes there have been political protests, mostly half hearted and not very long lasting mostly because when all is said and done the Thais generally have an agreeable life and society functions in a Thai way they are accustomed to, god forbid we should have situations as in Myanmar.


    Europe needed 200 years of political reform before we have the standards prevalent today led by galant souls protesting against unspeakable exploitation and poverty, by and large Thais live in a rather benevolent society by comparison due in no small measure to the past struggles in Europe. I don't want to see violence (the last coup was relatively peaceful) and we probably wont, some political upheaval and protests, yes, that's just the way it is until things settle back to the status quo. Thais don't need high and mighty westerners telling them how things should be done, if it's so great back home what are we doing here?

    Thailand is one of (if not the most) unequal societies in the world. That inequality has real life implications - misery and suffering. Yes, Thais have to sort their problems out for themselves. They are actively doing this and the outcome of this election is going to be another huge step forward. In the meantime, is it too much to ask, for expats living in Thailand to not lie about events and individuals involved in Thai politics? To not spread false junta propaganda? I’m sure the families of those that have died fighting for democracy in the last 20 years would be ecstatic to hear you think the efforts and sacrifices of their loved ones were half hearted. Why on earth would anyone ever think autocratic authoritarian rule is preferable to democracy? It is an insane position to hold. Absolutely insane.

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  9. 41 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Why on earth should we farang take any notice of Thai politics? We can't change anything and whoever is in power doesn't affect us, the last coup almost went unnoticed where I live, life went on as normal. A coup would have entertainment value only as far as I'm concerned. Whoever has their snout in the trough will go unnoticed by us, corruption will continue and the comedy that is Thai politics will continue its merry dance.

    Some people are able to think, not just of themselves, but others as well. Why would you not want the people in whose country you’ve opted to live to be free. Moral support costs nothing.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, h90 said:

    The problem is your pro democracy politicians are some super rich criminal oligarchs, who use elections to gain power and more money.
    If there would be some democratic new leader like Chamlong for example I would love it.
    I don't like the junta, but they didn't do much...neither positive nor negative and that is in my cynical worldview as good as it gets. I am Libertarian I want as little government as possible.
    And as always you ignore that the junta got most votes in the last election.....You claim you love democracy right? Last election the most votes got the Prayuth party. That is democracy.
    If you can find somewhere a Ron Paul of Thailand I'll play cheerleader all day....but not for some criminals

    Prayuth’s party got the most votes, but not the most seats. They rigged the rules before the vote. They disbanded an opposition party during the election. They rigged the count. They changed the rules after the vote to strip seats from opponents.

    You are simply incapable of acknowledging the mountain of wrongdoing by anti democracy forces in Thailand.


    You are also incapable of seeing beyond your own selfishness. Why are you opposed to letting the Thai people choose their own government? You spout lie after lie, to what end? Prayuth is going to get tossed out because he is a <deleted>.


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  11. 29 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think it's somehow funny when people "think" than an elected politician can't also be a criminal.

    Surprise! One has nothing to do with the other. There are lots of example all over the world of politicians who were elected and then they committed crimes, sometimes real bad crimes.


    Prayut helped to remove the criminal. Thanks! Someone had to do it. 

    What’s even funnier is when people think unelected politicians aren’t criminals.

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