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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. No, what I am questioning, is what other areas of medicine do you think that you are better placed / more informed to confidently stride off in the opposite direction to the expert scientific studied position of medical professionals who have devoted their lives to advancing their chosen fields? Excellent health….for a 66 year old - which is an entirely different thing from being in excellent health. https://www.medicareallies.com/senior-insurance-blog/aging-is-real-10-ways-your-body-changes-after-60 Big Pharma ‘bout to be your best friend bro.
  2. It would be interesting to see a list of other ailments you’re “willing to exercise your immune system” combatting…. Cancer?, Diabetes?, High Blood Pressure? Tuberculoses?, Hepatitus?…etc, Or is your area of expertise restricted to just Covid?
  3. Should they fail to deliver, the consequence will be that PT fail to win the subsequent election. Wow - democracy has a self correcting mechanism, elections.
  4. PT’s policy to raise the minimum wage is very similar to those being either proposed or already enacted around the world. The primary driving force - making up for lost ground as labours share of the pie has spent decade after decade trending downward.
  5. Since wage-push inflation’s birth, research has debunked its theoretical role as a cause of inflation. Instead of higher wages leading to higher prices and inflation, higher prices lead to higher wages. In other words, wages do not push up prices—instead, it’s the other way around. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-is-wage-push-inflation-5214749
  6. Thaksin wins election after election because of the massive population in the north of Thailand. Bangkok is as developed as any major first world city. The rest of Thailand is as underdeveloped as its neighbours Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Hmm? In 2010 52% of Thais lived in the North / North East yet government expenditure was only 13%.
  7. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2019/1/4/17989224/intellectual-humility-explained-psychology-replication
  8. 30% of the workforce in agriculture is unsustainable in the modern global economy. Labourers on rice farms in Thailand exist barely above subsistence levels, hardly a plausible foundation to launch Thailand into a first world economy status. How many people does it take to do the work of a single tractor?
  9. Yingluck dissolved parliament and called an election - the correct course of action, returning power to the people, letting them decide who is best to lead the country going forward. We all know who would have won the election, therefore, we all know why the election was not allowed to occur. No coup was necessary. As for Prayuth, for someone who never wanted the position, he sure seems incredibly reluctant to leave.
  10. It will make certain jobs in certain industries disappear, no doubt, but it will also create new opportunities in other industries. 30% of the Thai workforce is in agriculture; this is unsustainable. China’s massive economic growth over the past 30 years has been fuelled by rural to urban migration.
  11. Nonsense. Raising the minimum wage will provide the impetus to consolidate and mechanise agriculture in Thailand; the results of which will be increased production efficiency and improved global competitiveness. The Vietnamese and Cambodians won’t be taking any Thai rice farming jobs - machines and scale efficiency will render these jobs redundant.
  12. The anti vax position is just ridiculous. I am fully aware that both logic and reason have long been abandoned by the basement dwellers who bewilderingly think they’re qualified to debate medical experts. Seatbelts do not prevent 100% of motor vehicle accident fatalities, I still use them. https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/covid-19/how-should-psychiatry-respond-to-covid-19-anti-vax-attitudes/
  13. How does being vaccinated reduce the risk to others, is to me, such an absurd question that highlights just how far down the rabbit hole some have tumbled. How on earth have we reached a point where facts and truth and science are so wilfully disregarded in favour of prejudice, self interest and delusion. Those who proudly proclaim ”I do my own research” and shout with all their might “fake news” may very well bring about the end of democracy if not humanity itself. Poor white Americans protesting against expanding healthcare….????
  14. YLL (years of life lost) is the measurement. If your cancer patient had a 12 month life expectancy but died due to Covid complications in month 1 of that period - then 11 months of life has been lost due to Covid.
  15. Educate yourself. https://www.rrh.org.au/journal/article/1583 6-0
  16. Just because someone voted for them in one election it doesn’t mean they will vote for them in the following election. Elections are practically the only recourse the average citizen has to keep politicians reasonably honest. Can you guess why one side prefers coups to elections?
  17. Rhetorical. “If you see a turtle on a fence post, you know it didn’t get there by itself” - Bill Clinton It is no accident Thailand is as she is.
  18. No need to pretend anything, it’s a done deal….gonna be a landslide no amount of military cheating can contain. As for stability, coup after coup obviously doesn’t work, may as well give democracy a go lest we end up with a revolution.
  19. Thaksin’s Universal Healthcare Plan has won nothing but universal praise from all around world. It only makes you look foolish to post as you have done in relation to the 30 baht scheme. You are allowing your Thaksin obsession to override whatever rationality you may posses. Just a vote grab eh? In Thailand in 2001, before the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS), nearly one in four people were uninsured. Others were covered by insurance that offered only partial protection. The result: over 17,000 Thia children under five died each year, two-thirds from easily preventable infectious diseases, and out-of-pocket health spending tipped one in five of the poorest Thai households below the national poverty line. http://millionssaved.cgdev.org/case-studies/thailands-universal-coverage-scheme
  20. The industry will have to consolidate. Flushing excess labour out of agriculture is one of the aims of this PT policy. Outside of Bangkok, Thailand is very underdeveloped. Once PT enact their policies, there’ll pretty soon be an available workforce to begin rectifying this. Sounds exactly how the free market is meant to work. How are the Vietnamese and Cambodians going to take Thai rice farming jobs?
  21. Thailand has the potential to support faster and sustained income growth of rural households,” said Fabrizio Zarcone, World Bank Country Manager for Thailand. “
  22. Empty threats, businesses aren't charities - if they could reduce costs or do away with employees - they would regardless of whatever the minimum wage is. The result of reducing employee exploitation is that poorly managed businesses will fold and well managed businesses will thrive. Raising the minimum wage isn’t just pro worker; it is also pro economic growth.
  23. Nobody was forced. The farmers always had the option to sell their rice in the open market for less than the government was paying.
  24. There was a coup bro, the farmers did not get a chance to vote for anyone. BTW - the reason for the coup was because PT would have won an election.
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