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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Wrong……again. The rice scheme bypassed the middlemen by allowing farmers to sell (mortgage) their rice directly to the government. Your blind anti democracy obsession is causing you to post embarrassing inaccuracies even against the easiest of targets such as Yingluck’s flawed rice scheme. ????????????
  2. Strange comment, given PT are favourites to win the upcoming election (and the Democrats just had the best mid term election results in decades for a party with the sitting President.
  3. If the policy is no good, then PT will lose the following election and then the newly elected government will get a chance to implement their policies which, if they prove to be successful will get them re-elected. No coups required.
  4. “If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” - Sam Harris
  5. PT are, no doubt, putting forward the maximum realistic number they believe is achievable and beneficial to the country - your straw man argument is redundant to all but the most gullible anti democracy neophyte.
  6. Educate yourself, read a book. https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9780801449994/fighting-for-virtue/
  7. Until there is a fair trial your list is nought but allegations.
  8. * after a fair trial As goes for everyone, innocent until proven guilty.
  9. Seems Freedom House (along with every other NGO that reports on rule of law) disagree with you - Although Thailand’s constitution grants independence to the judiciary, in practice Thailand’s courts are politicized, and corruption in the judicial branch is common. The Constitutional Court, which has been accused of favoring the military, has sweeping powers, including the ability to dissolve political parties, overthrow elected officials, and veto legislation. In 2018, the government enacted a law that made criticism of the Constitutional Court with “rude, sarcastic, or threatening words” a criminal offense, further shielding the body from accountability. In February 2020, the Constitutional Court abolished the popular opposition party FFP after what observers characterized as a highly politicized trial. In 2019, Kanakorn Pianchana, a judge in Yala province, shot himself in court immediately after acquitting five Muslim defendants from Thailand’s deep south on murder charges. Before shooting himself, Kanakorn read a statement stating that he had been under intense pressure by superiors to find the five guilty despite a lack of evidence. https://freedomhouse.org/country/thailand/freedom-world/2021#CL 3-0
  10. *after a fair trial All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law
  11. Nonsense. The evidence from economic research over the past few decades suggests boosting wages back to a normal trajectory would strengthen aggregate demand and consumer confidence, help keep inflation on target, and bolster government revenues at a vital moment in the post-COVID recovery. Benefits of raising minimum wage: higher labour force participation and productivity among low-wage workers better job retention and lower turnover, reducing costs of job search and training reducing the “monopsony” power of very large employers to suppress wages more money in workers’ pockets, leading to more consumer spending. https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691169125/myth-and-measurement
  12. Not true. Wages can go up without a cost of living increase quite easily…, all it takes is for profits to go down. Have you any ideas what has happened to the respective share of the pie going to wages and profits since 1971? Educate yourself, don’t just parrot the false narrative that perpetuates exploitation of the working class. https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
  13. Then you are also stating, unwittingly no doubt, that you know nothing of how politics works. ????????????
  14. Thank you for what? The military and the courts are one and the same - there is no hair to be split here. Yingluck was removed from the Prime Ministership as part of the coup conducted the the Thai establishment of which the courts were a willing co-conspirator. And her supposed crime… transferring a public servant - how utterly ridiculous. Yingluck was removed from power in a coup.
  15. What points? You've a chronic Thaksin obsession. You're unable to see things as they are. There is not a single type of corruption that is not committed on a far far grander scale by the anti democracy military elites than anything Thaksin and his kin were ever accused of, let alone actually guilty of. The “Thaksin is the devil” nonsense is a mere sideshow meant to distract the mentally limited whilst the status quo is maintained - a free for all orgy of corruption by the military elites. Elected governments in Thailand were all significantly less corrupt than all of the coup installed regimes - this is a simple and undeniable fact that all of the “but, but Thaksin” nonsense in the world will never convince any rational individual otherwise. Your obsession with Thaksin is a guise, a fig leaf you hide behind because you haven’t the courage to simply state you are an authoritarian right winger who only believes in democracy if your side wins. The double standards and hypocrisy one must stoop to in order to maintain the “Thaksin took it to another level” tomfoolery is hilarious. Nobody is fooled
  16. Methinks you lack a thorough understanding of the topic at hand. Thaksin took it to another level you say? When dictator Marshal Sarit Thanarat died in 1963, the Thai public discovered he had accumulated 2.8 billion baht (then US$112 million) during his life - equivalent to 30 percent of the national budget at the time Thaksin is not the cause of Thailands woes and you are fooling none but the true believers with your fantasies.
  17. Wrong. https://www.epi.org/blog/inflation-minimum-wages-and-profits-protecting-low-wage-workers-from-inflation-means-raising-the-minimum-wage/
  18. Thanathorn’s position is that Thaksin should face a new trial under a neutral judge - why do you think that is? - why do you disagree with Thanathorn?
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