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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Sheryl Thanks for cleaning up this thread. Although they still have it listed on their website, I arrived at Andalab early this morning with my urine sample only to find out they no longer have the Chlamidia antigen test available. Their excuse was the are no test kits available....but I could of course have the multiplex PCR STI test for 3,800 baht. I have dealt with this lab a bit over the years and they have been straight shooters in the past so I don't think they were lying and trying to upsell...but who knows TIT. I told them they need to edit the available test list on their website to show they no longer offer Chlamidia Antigen tests. There was also some confustion over my request to ensure my urine culture included sensitivity so I posted this for them to read on whatsapp: Also called an antibiotic susceptibility test, this test identifies the type of bacteria causing the infection and which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to, meaning which antibiotics will kill the bacteria. So the results for my urine culture will be ready early next week. Should I try and also get Chlamidia antigen tests for my GF and I in the interim or do you think I should first wait for the results from my culture?
  2. I was unaware of this new expansion of Vachira. I speak fluent Thai and so I will do some research on their service offerings and pricing next time I am down in Phuket. As I have already posted in this thread, Andalab, which is literally across the road from Vachira do a full check up package for 990 baht and it has been at that exact price for more than a decade so definitely good value. If this new Vachira facility is offering services priced in between Government Vachira and Extortionate Bangkok Hospital prices that would be a clever move by them. There are lots of well shod middle class Thais in Phuket that would certain pay to get away from the huge crowds at Vachira but whom would never consider paying the rip off prices at Bangkok Hospital.
  3. @Hellfire Please do not post on this thread. Your comments are adding absolutely nothing constructive. I started this thread specifically to request input from Sheryl. I did so because I am very confident in her ability to provide me with accurate and helpful information.
  4. Sheryl I am not clear on what you are suggesting. I think your advice boils down to: 1. Urine culture for me only 2. Chlamydia antigen test for both of us 3 Chlamydia blood test for both of us Is that correct?
  5. Voting will have absolutely zero impact upon who given the job of PM moving forward. You are forgetting who is in charge.
  6. No he is not. Anutin has been given the nod from above. This staged court ruling is just part of the propaganda to prop up the transition.
  7. I will, well at least up until China moves on Taiwan.
  8. The link is the article at the start of this thread. It states 70% of all people with loans have missed a payment. And of course that statistic will not be accurate, nor anywhere near the actually truth because TIT.
  9. Sheryl Thank you very much for taking the time to give me a detailed reply. Very much appreciated. My GF went to andalab this afternoon and picked up two urine culture sample bottles. Clinic is closed over the weekend so on Monday we will be waking up and then catching a sample of our morning urine (mid stream) and then ensuring the samples arrive at the clinic within the hour. They told us they only need the one sample in the culture container and can use some of that to do the UTI infection test (which I guess is this sensitivity test you refer to?). Here is the quoted prices supplied by the clinic staff I was texting with today via whatsapp: 1. Urine test infection (UTI) 100. baht - result 1 hr 2. Urine culture 600. baht - result 7 days If it is the case that I have Chlamydia isn't that a moot point anyway now because I am already medicating with Doxycycline? So what is to be gained from me testing for that STD? On the other hand it would seem prudent to have my GF tested because a positive result would require that she also starts on antibotics. We have been together (and living in each other's pockets every day) for a decade now. My GF is not from a bar but we did (at my suggestion) have mutual STD package test (at Andalab) at the start of our relationship. We were both clear and we shared each others printouts. This was ten or more years ago so I cannot remember what was tested for BUT having just reviewed the Andalab website it is very interesting to note that the STD test program that they currently offer does not include Chlamydia so it probably did not include it way back then either. I have not had any other sexual partners (and to the best of my knowledge she has not either) so It would come as a shock if she tests positive. It would either mean that one or both of us already had Chlamydia more than a decade ago and have lived with it unknowingly all that time. Or that my partner has had sex with someone else. It is perhaps relevant that I mention that I do not drink or take recreational drugs so there is absolutely zero chance that I have had some drunken sexual encounter that I do not remember. So my plan on Monday will be to get us both a UTI test and Urine culture and to get my GF both a Chlamydia swab and blood test. Your thoughts and criticisms are welcome.
  10. "She said that the school director had set up a committee of trustees who will make sure that the money is spent properly." Thai trustee is an oxy moron. The spoils have already been divided up it would seem.
  11. Small house requires 5000-7000 watts. You need 20 panels not 11.
  12. I have been here a long time. Me personal rule is never rent a place where the owner wants to on sell water or power. Only rent a place where you pay your bills directly yourself. I have not read the posts above me in this thread but I am sure someone has mentioned that a few years back they passed legislation to stop this practice. Like all laws here enforcement is haphazard on non existent.
  13. Watch this space, lots more stories like this will pop up shortly. It is just part of the transitional propaganda prempting Anutin's replacement of Prayuth.
  14. As a section head you should be focussing on whether or not the German is good at his job. In my 50 odd years experience in Engineering workplaces the guys that call a spade a spade usually are. There is no clear definition of racism. And there never will be because the greyness surrounding the concept creates a whole industry of mostly worthless government deparments and workers. If you waste time heading down the woke rabbit hole you are destined for failure as a manager. The other guy already said he is not troubled by the comment and that should be that. Can I ask, are you a millenial?
  15. A snarl. You lucky lucky 8a$tard. I used to dream of a snarl.
  16. The oldest known tattoo was found on the mummified skin of a Bronze-Age man from around 3300BC. He was found in a glacier of the Otztal Alps near the border between Austria and Italy. He had 57 tattoos. So no, this new information will not end the tattoo fad. Because something that has been around for well over five thousand years is not a fad.
  17. The problem is manifestly obvious. You are not an effective communicator. First, you need to buy the following two items: 1. A old style bicycle horn with rubber end you can squeeze to make the honk honk noise 2. A Jew's harp to make the Boinnnnnng noise Secondly, you need to ensure that you only try to communicate in periods of time commensurate with your Thai partner's attention span. I find about 2 minutes is the sweet spot. Thirdly, as you are delivering your message make sure you punctuate the key points with a honk honk or a boinnnnng. Please post back to let me know how you go.
  18. The economy is such a basket case now that there is not enough money flowing upward. That is why this call has been made. And be careful gloating about Prayuth's ousting. His replacement will be Anutin. Things are about to get worse for expats here, not better.
  19. I would be taking her to the andalab in Phuket. There is a list of available tests on their website: https://www.andalab.net/list_of_medical_tests/ Which specific test(s) should I be requesting?
  20. Hello Sheryl. Thanks for your input and support. I was going to ask you about UTI and specifically if bacteria that could cause prostatitis could be passed from my GF to me. I have not been with any sexual partner other than my GF for more than a decade, to the best of my knowledge neither has she. Given your previous advice that having already starting to medicate might impact the efficacy of my urine culture, I think what I will do is take my GF for one: To rule out that she does not have a UTI. I would be taking her to the andalab in Phuket. There is a list of available tests on their website: https://www.andalab.net/list_of_medical_tests/ You can pick and choose what specific tests you want so as to minimise cost. When I take my GF, what specific test(s) should I be requesting? And also, can I also take the same test or is that entirely off the table now that I am self medicating for prostatitis?
  21. Amoxicillin is mostly given for respiratory infections. I will assume that the OP is not 7 years old, so he would already know if he is allergic to penicillin. My initial advice holds true, does he have a skin infection and/or bone infection of the foot?
  22. I have been here a very long time. Today I went on a road trip through Khao Lak. I used to live there years ago. The entire town now has the mildew covered tumble down appearance of a lost city in the jungle. Big ocean side resorts are shuttered and now the paint and roof maintenance is so far gone there would be massive expenditure to brings things up to scratch to attract tourists. Probably a good 70% of everything is closed up, shuttered, or for sale. It dawned on me today that resort style tourism in Thailand is NEVER coming back. The beaches are too dirty and destroyed, the Thais just can't get their heads around English or customer service, and none of the scams or attacks on foreigners have been addressed or eradicated. There is a tiny bit of monger fizz around core whoring areas like Rawai in Phuket. I was there last week. There is always a demand for easy sex. But as a family holiday destination Thailand has had its day in the sun and tourist numbers will never recover to the previous all time highs. Thailand has been moving backwards for a good while. Now that core tourism infrastructure is crumbling the pace of the decline is accelerating. The future is bleak for Somchai and Nok.
  23. A better question is what are you trying to treat? Because the answer to that question will help identify what the best antibiotic for your condition: Amoxicillin Chephalexin Chephalexin is probably a better choice in your case because used to treat both skin and bone infections. Both Amox and Cheph are available over the counter in any larger pharmacy and the cost is inconsequetial. A sheet of 10 capsules for both these drugs should cost you less than 40 baht. If you buy a carton which will have 25 sheets then it will work out about 15-20 a sheet.
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