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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Good back up plan if the NON-O retirement gets tampered with. I wonder how much the agents will charge to provide fake 800K and covid insurance.
  2. Piffle. There are lots and lots of poorly trained and terrible medical practitioners here especially at the GP level. There are also (some) excellent practitioners. You also overlook the issue of patronage in Thai society that sees many rich and entitled kids becoming doctors in the absence of sufficient intellect, academic achievement, or work ethic.
  3. My immigration requires a photo of my house, a photo of me standing in front of my house, a google map of my house location AND.....a hand drawn map of the house location....for a non O extension. Back when I was renting they wanted copy of the lease AND signed photocopy of Thai Landlords ID card. They like to get that information because it opens the door for some tea money in the advent that the Thai land lord has failed to lodge the TM30.
  4. You need to check that very very carefully. It is sometimes the case (especially up north) where blocks are issued with chanote even though they are entirely internal (surrounded by other properties). Was not an issue back when the plot was rice or sugarcane field....and the neighbouring plots were in the family anyway...but obviously a problem if land now used for housing and the house you intend to buy does not front onto a government road.
  5. Lots of chanotes around like this. Two reasons. First is that plots are often handed down and split up for the kids. Second is that they sometime do not request seperate chanotes because they are tight fisted and also assume the land will remain in the family for ever. What you do need to check closely is that the four digit number on each of the whooa chanote (cement pegs) is the same as the number printed on the chanote. It also looks like there is some kind of easement across the front (or it might be the back) of the block you want to buy. Best check that out in detail also. Also take care to note that most land offices have a long wait time for issuing chanotes, pegging, or checking, boundaries....think 6 months or more. You might be able to arrange express service with a bribe.
  6. At least they didn't draw guns on them. I saw one <deleted> officer do this in a Snooker hall in Phuket town years ago.
  7. No need for a secret weapon when the outcome is entirely predetermined.
  8. Hell is other people.
  9. Absolute nonsense. Tourism in Thailand is done for.
  10. I am sure your story is genuine because the bouncers at Taipan were a nightmare, but I find it utterly inconceivable that your friends encountered a Patong taxi driver with a moral conscience.
  11. I will PM you my bank details and if you deposit 2,000 THB I will take the time to fill you in on the individual incidents. Other than that you can bite me.
  12. Thai Minivan driver came over the crest of the hill on wrong side of the road. Head on with the girls they didn't stand a chance. I was 3 cars back heading up the hill behind them.
  13. Thanks for the link. Can you walk me through ghosting and whether I can just put the newly ghosted sSD into my computer and boot off it like the orignal SSD.
  14. OMG. Yes...It's Damien. Is that you Micky? I thought you were still in rehab in DHSA?
  15. OP things here are far more isane. But because you do not read or understand Thai you are shielded from 98% of the daily sh*t storm.
  16. No doubt you are very good at hearding cats as well.
  17. Jesus...why on Earth did admin hire this guy...
  18. Yes. Please show me these stocks.
  19. Off topic...and sorry for hi jacking. But I built my own pc several years back. Os is sitting on a 120GB Kingston SSD. The PC is getting a bit long in the tooth now and I want to ghost the abovementioned ssd. What free ware is best to ghost with. And how do I go about it. I have a spare sata plug on the motherboard and cable. Can I just connect the new drive and then use the ghosting software to copy my existing OS ssd content to the new one. And then if I stick the new one in another computer will it boot up ok.
  20. Can we extend the definition of farang beaten up by a Thai to include killing the farang with a motor vehicle. I have personally witnessed more than a dozen foreigners killed on the roads here. I saw the cement truck that failed the corner in phuket and mowed down the pregnant woman on her scooter...with her husband watching on. I saw two female 20 something backpackers killed by a Thai mini van on the hill between kamala and kalim. That was horrific, dreadful head trauma and lots of blood. List goes on....
  21. Rohinga fishing village on Koh Siri.
  22. People can read what you wrote on the forum thread that I posted a link to and form their own view of what the intent of your comments were at that time.
  23. I too, have never been disappointed by an agent.... I have never used one.
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