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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. True that. Nasdaq in for a shafting.
  2. Hiliarious. What about resource stocks, tech stocks, biotech stocks. Where is the business? The proper definition for a mine (especially a rare earth mine) is "a hole in the ground with a liar standing next to it."
  3. Yep still a thing. But yesterday was a bull trap rally.
  4. You are already wrong bumping on 18K today. I am not a crypto cynic by the way. I just have analysed bitcoin long term charts and I think 10K will be the significant resistance point this time around. I did notice a bull trap rally yesterday however which did provide a good trading opportunity.
  5. I predicted to a friend last week that I think it will find a floor around 10KUSD. If you look at the life time graph that looks about right. My friend argued tooth and nail with me that it would not drop below 20K. What do you think....and why?
  6. https://onlyfans.com/iamnatkejsarin
  7. Last time I saw this twit she was doing a photo shoot putting Harold's socks on. Where were all the articles about here taking Harold to the cleaners. I missed those entirely.
  8. These will grow themselves in pretty much any soil: Krapow (basil) sweet basil Pak Boong Long beans Lemon grass watercress Aloevera Mulberries Chilli These all require research if you want results: Tomatoes Corriander Pak Choy Bok Choy Kale You have not got enough space for pumpkin, watermelon, or corn. Buy youself a little spray bottle and mix dish soap and cooking oil (Youtube). That will keep the aphids. As the Gecko guy warns catterpillas are also a big problem. With such a small plot you can not use chemicals and just check you garded everyday to remove them. Pineapples are fun but way to much effort for reward ratio. Same applies for banannas. This is my suggestion for best reward for effort: Two mulberry cuttings at outer edger of your long thin plot. They grow tall quickly and then you can train them over and tie them in an arch to increase fruit yield and provide shade over your whole plot. The following in pots: chilli krapow basil Aloe vera Then in the soil the following patches: Pak boong watercress lemongrass (put in very middle of plot will help with bugs) long beans. (put at base of mulberries and can train up the mature plants to save on using trellis)
  9. The media have failed to report the most crucial detail in this case. Did the Russian have a "Z" on his shirt.
  10. It is no secret I have raised this as the elephant in the room for expats trying to stay here long term. Yesterday Citibank announced that Evergrande has defaulted on it bond commitments. Massive financial turmoil assured. Political situation already red hot in China due to Covid lockdowns. They refuse to licence an effective MrNa vaccine and only 30% of their elderly population is vaccinated. Moving forward the CCP have three options: 1. Keep lockdowns in place indefinitely and (along with the Evergrande fallout) ensure the economy is done for 2. Let covid rip and have a societal meltdown 3. Start a war My money is on option #3. Here is some light reading for you: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/explosive-audio-leak-details-chinas-plan-to-invade-taiwan/articleshow/91740273.cms
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