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J Branche

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Posts posted by J Branche

  1. Communicating effectively with someone from the East (Thai) can be challenging at times.  We use different words, different word order sometimes.  Additionally Thai Style, they build, and do jobs, logic, think differently sometimes.


    Having a partner who is Thai helps a lot. 

    Sometimes Thai people either do Not know and want to "Save Face" or they will only tell you part of the answer or solution leaving you to figure out the rest.


    Do Not Get Angry, Saving Face, respect and living in Harmony are highly valued in Thailand 



  2. This is my impression/opinion of what I have read from credible sources.


    USA Tourist Visa in Thailand application they Require Strong evidence that you have Strong Ties to Thailand and will most likely return.


    Most of your Close family living in Thailand, A Job or Business, a verified Bank account statement like we get for immigration might help, A travel history of recent (past couple years) Passport Stamps showing Entry/Exit in short duration and returning to Thailand.  Maybe a Spouse or Boyfriend who is and has a history of being a Resident of Thailand.


    Lastly the ability to Answer Interview Questions in Person convincingly, without delay, and with detailed information if requested.

  3. Concerned?  If there is ANY concern people would pressure officials to test if water is Safe to Swim.


    Unknown is, "How many people have to seek medical attention after swimming at Pattaya, Jomtien Beach?"


    10 or 20 Baht for use of a shower, try Not to drink or get much in your mouth.  


    Many Years and I almost Never read about someone sick from swimming at Pattaya, Jomtien beaches.

  4. Many of Opinions.  Where is any proof to the water quality being a consistent problem?  


    Do they test the water quality and publish an itemized list of the results.


    How do the results compare to Europe, USA, etc for what is considered safe.


    Lived in South Florida and some days what appeared to be Safe Water by color, clarity, smell was tested and Do Not Swim Notices were posted until the next test 3 or 4 days later and a Safe test result.

  5. Another senseless, life is lost.  Possible far off family will need to deal with the challenges of someone close passing unexpectedly.

    As I have said before, Survivability should be at the Top of your List.  If you ride a motorbike it doesn't matter if your right/wrong, if the other person is doing something dangerous or illegal.  If an accident is Avoidable you take whatever movements necessary to Stay Safe.

    Some of us are not working, and can drive cautious and arrive a couple minutes later.  It's like the people you see who race to be First to the Red Light.

    Hope we can all learn and be reminded about the effort involved to stay safe riding a motorbike

    • Like 1
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  6. This is my opinion.  In US this unfortunate incident can still happen.  Caring for aging and sick family members has provided a lot of understanding and experience the average healthy person may not have.


    YOU know better most times when something is wrong.  When the treatment is Not working adequately.  


    Our family has needed to request/demand additional tests, perform our on research and verification from trusted Hospital, Medical website.  Additionally a couple of times we changed hospitals or doctors. 


    Very sad experience this family will have to deal with.  We go to Hospitals and Doctors for help/care.  Hospitals/Doctors possess the Experience, Knowledge, Training, have access to equipment and resources that is out of the reach/affordability of most patients.


    DO NOT come unprepared about your condition, Do Not wait to Long.


    DO NOT be afraid to challenge a Doctor or Hospital when you believe the care is inadequate or being provided fast enough.


    Take Care Everyone.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Understand the Higher Visibility colors.  Choose ones that are not similar to the environment you travel in.

    Bright Blue, Red, Orange, Bright Green.  I do Not like Bright yellow as my opinion is it could be confused with the Sun, traffic sign, or other object in the normal environment.

    Reflectors, the light, high Visibility socks will benefit in some conditions.  


    Think of people looking at a Radar screen, you want a High Visible Awareness.  


    Your skill, experience, Bike, equipment, and Luck are the only other things to keep you safe.

    • Agree 1
  8. Just MY opinion.


    I believe you will receive a Warning, before you are denied entry.  If entering via the airport, I believe if one official attempts to Deny entry on arrival you May have option to Find and Talk with another official who is more accommodating.


    Additionally YOU would need to monitor Any changes to the 60 Day Visa on Arrival for Changes.


    Lastly if you need to apply for Non-O and Extension of Stay the Baht in a Thai Bank Account or other financial qualification method will need to be in place.  Money in bank at correct amount for X months

  9. So a Russian either living or just had friend in Istanbul Turkey. Friend provides counterfeit currency and instructions to USE it in Thailand.


    Criminals did you Not get the Info.  Thailand is Closing your businesses down Almost everyday.  Thailand has the technology, resources and capabilities to detect, investigate and Stop just about Any Criminal Activities

  10. My recommendation for food cart lady if she had time is to pull to side of road.


    Motorbike riders in Thailand need to think highly about surviving.  Not whose right or wrong. Not they are driving the wrong side or to fast.  


    Lastly you can do everything right like the one story above and still be in accident.  If the Risk out weighs the Reward for riding a Motorbike here, alternate Transport options should be considered.


    Stay Safe People 

  11. I have noticed that in general Thai violence on others is targeted (only one individual is harmed) most of the time.  GF watches Amarin TV and bystanders and other people around the "Targeted Person" are not injured.  So why us Foreigners sometimes feel unsafe because of the media unless you are being targeted there is high percentage chance you will not be involved.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  12. Yes, this is a complex issue.  Creating and adjusting the tax structure from Foreign Businesses and Materials should be top priority. Tax = (Tariffs, import tax, business, personal) Thailand already has some Jobs that are protected.  If some other Jobs need to be protected then make then change.


    I Don't Understand Chinese Fried Chicken Brand being threat to Thailand. KFC is number 1 Foreign chicken franchise.  


    There are already requirements for a foreign business to have a percentage of Thai ownership.  Start Enforcement and checks on the Businesses with largest employees, income, potential to unfairly impact Thai Businesses for compliance.  


    Lastly the Potential for China to sell materials and products to Foreign Markets Below Fair Market Value is a serious concern for any of the competing businesses in Thailand.

    The time to take some action is soon and then work through the best plan later.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Lorry said:

    Not sure whether you are serious or joking. 


    Very wrong.

    It doesn't matter when you remit the money. 

    TRD looks at one calendar year, eg 2024.

    In this calendar year,  were you in Thailand more than 179 day?  If yes, you are a tax resident and have to pay taxes on all remittances during this year,  no matter where you were at the time of the remittance. 



    Depending on the amount he could show was assessable income prior to 2024 Order 162 2023 would allow income before 2024 to remitted at 0% tax.  Better English version when Google "Foreigners Pay Tax 2024 pdf"

  14. Yes. Once you change the attraction of a location, it becomes to populated, with lack of planning and foresight the investment return could be in jeopardy or even fail.  


    Absolutely there needs to be a study and balance to serve everyone's needs.  The impact on these changes and size of Port project for size and infrastructure of island should be top concerns.

  15. Father's company fixed road sinkhole.  Majority were located near pipes or poorly managed drainage.  The foundation with proper support material under surface needs to be the proper depth and material. Lastly they have compaction tester to determine ability of material to support weight.  


    I just hope this is a learning experience and they improve the processes and inspections to reduce the chances of a serious collapse.

  16. The comment about at the DLT to not worry when your licenseis expired. Isaan lawyers website states fine for expired Driving license is up to 1000 baht.  In addition your Insurance may deny a claim and deny claim from government’s Road Accident Victims Protection Fund. So best to renew on time

  17. So, some bored members have wasted 3 pages of comments predicting Thai Logic.  Why? Those who that have been consistently successful are not Known by Name.


    What is Known is Revenue Department follows info and orders available on the website.  They have a number and date like order 161 2023 or order 162 2023. This is helpful, useful, verifiable info to share.


    The Double Tax Treaty is usually in digital PDF Form.

    There are Page Numbers for documents which are sometimes  different than the PDF page number so provide Both.  The section and paragraph and "Quote the Tax Agreement", then your supporting interpretation.


    STOP, WASTING the limit time we have left posting info, comments, beliefs that have little value and are Not helpful to many others.


    DEBATE Out of the comments section, DIRECTLY with someone you want to discuss your  opinions or beliefs that have No BENEFIT to others who read to be educated, informed, prepared and seek guidance and help.

    • Like 2
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    • Sad 1
  18. Legally could tax you but you pay 0% on first I think 210,000 baht. 150,000 is 0% tax + 60,000 one individual personal exemption, Amount paid up to 25,000 baht to Thai Insurance Company. Tax is on Foreign Accessible Income remitted to Thailand that was earned/newly Accessible in 2024


    Are you bringing in Accessible income available prior to 2024.

    Thailand Revenue Department Order No. Por 162 "The provisions of paragraph one shall not apply to assessable income arising before the date 1 January 2024"


    Your Welcome, Enjoy your stay, Thailand is still  "Open for All"

  19. 2 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    I think it's part of our culture.  When challenged, most of us respond.  If that fits the definition of fighting then ok. We fight the most. We will settle disputes directly and at times get in your face.  At times we are out of control. So be it.  I

    Sometimes good. But one thing I like about Thai culture is they do Not openly give their unwanted opinion which criticizes or is hurtful

  20. 14 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

    You mean help the government exert greater control over the citizenry, NO THANKS! Americans do have guns, but unlike their British cousins across the pond they still have freedom of speech, and the press, and the right to express their opinions freely on the Internet without any fear of being arrested.

    And like all our posts and conversations.  We have limited power, not enough to make changes without a mass support.  


    I would rather have limits on what I can criticize and more power to change governments processes and spending so its fair and balanced for citizens and businesses. Not have Super pacts impact on getting their way

  21. Fully support comments that Media plays key role in being strongly biased, sometimes giving No time to an opposing view.  


    People are in some ways a product of the environment we live, grow up and work in.  


    USA is a litigious society where we expect uniform, consistent, and unfair punishment for offenses.

    Example, The fine, for a wealthy person should be a percentage of yearly income to be fair.


    USA psychology and behavior is concerningly flawed.  Zero Tolerance policy (So we give up on people). Almost No workers rights. (Lack of job security or notice of job dismissal lacking.) USA business psychology (Every business should enrich the owner, workers, and profit this is disproportionate compared to other countries)  compared to other countries US top level management is paid excessive amounts and then make workers fight for a small percentage raise or benefit contribution by company.


    Back on Topic: It is challenging moving to Thailand.  The resources, processes, requirements, need to physically go to Bank, Immigration, etc. and lack of information, and consistently in paperwork and requirements can change Without proper Notice.


    This frustrates us Americans.  Thai's are well know for Not providing all the information or documents for completing a task in one visit.  


    Americans seem offended when they have to do 90 day reports, have to provide financial info every year, seem unfairly targeted when Police checkpoints fine foreigners for no license or helmet.  


    If like most who have lived here a couple of years and comply with the requirements and procedures, Life is Good.  Harmony is found


    You have control and choose to be happy, sad, or focused with just getting through a process you do not enjoy.

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