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  1. It’s a good photo for the anti criminal tourist industry, a personal preference and would like to see more of it. More photos of banged up apprehended criminals should be broadcasted, even if they’re fake, it would help keep the peace given a perspective of criminal activity is dangerous up against the cops.
  2. Your perspective is noted. Though perhaps photos like these would deter criminal behavior, maybe. No heart here for any criminal, not in the slightest.
  3. They were not hogtied, ever seen a hog tied? What do you expect, polished shackles? They’re criminals and tried to elude law enforcement and deserved detainment, it’s not like they were whipped. Lighten up with the overt sensitivity for criminals.
  4. No, it’s about the left’s pathetic failure to snap out of it and get with the program.
  5. This stuff has sodium bicarbonate in it, squirt h. peroxide in the tube...
  6. Michelin is the only tires that go on our vehicles, better performance, safety and longer wear.
  7. Not necessarily, mostly tourist and out-of-town’rs there. Much prefer dining at Rimnatee in that area, quieter and good food.
  8. Why are you using toilet paper? Just go to Daiso and get some coffee filters.
  9. In Pai, sounds about right.
  10. Scrambled
  11. No. Biden did that, seems you have forgotten.
  12. Typical miserable broken leftist, hope you get well soon…
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