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  1. Not near the top ten…5! There is no top ten, it’s not even distinguishable. Pick your preferred ten, that’s all there is. And there are those who were/are some of the best.
  2. Boston wasn’t anything more than an average loud rock band that used reverbs and distortions layered over simple riffs. Neither was Rush, even worse and intolerable redundant simple riffs was never interesting lacking progressive detailed creativity. The Cars offered up something completely different, though not my cup of tea, definitely creative and progressive in various aspects.
  3. Another op of desperate delusional disappointing psychosis, wish you the best and hope you get well soon!
  4. Scuffle
  5. Really? They’re saying without any empirical proof or evidence. Okay, I’m saying that someone hacked into your mind and hijacked it. You outta be more careful before crossing without a pathway, you might get slammed.
  6. Malicious
  7. Why should any Westerner care, Ukraine is not a democracy and both Zelenskyy and Putin are warmongers and are both responsible for the quagmire they’re in. Shut the door and let them have at it within the borders of the two countries if either one of them resist a solution.
  8. Moaning

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