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Everything posted by novacova

  1. It’s nice that most of the psychopaths congregate in pattaya, all will be fine as long as they keep going there and not here.
  2. One that has very filthy pool who has trouble finding anyone to clean it. Probably uses the pool for the house waste water.
  3. Moved and/or changed name or withered as many other businesses. Note that many businesses/restaurants and such are not locals and if things get rough they go back to their province regroup and come back here or somewhere else.
  4. The pill too hard to swallow? You obviously didn’t watch the clip which has a hardcore leftist talking, a leftist that carries the same ideology and beliefs as you.
  5. He gives a lot of good points and it applies to the right as well, take the Cheney’s as a good example. Some folks on the right are hell bent on being loyal to the neocons in their utter delusion. A good assumption would be that most on the left and neocons would have a difficult time watching this video because then they’d have to admit they’ve been duped, and much easier to hold animus against those they disagree with, which of course is a result of propaganda.
  6. Just a short few decades ago the left was dead set against the establishment, but those who weren’t paying attention got themselves hoodwinked scammed bamboozled and sucked into believing that the establishment is their true saviors and are now complete slaves drowning in the thick of their beloved propaganda machine.
  7. I would advise to go 100% cold turkey. Refined sugar is poison, detrimental to health, stay away.
  8. Why is that? Haven’t you ever had Mexican food? They put cheese on beans on a lot of dishes. Peanut is a legumes, a can of peanut butter is just a can of refried beans.
  9. That is your personal opinion. Some software will not function on anything but a MS OS. Been using for research since the 80’s and still use it without any problems. Your Linux is limited and cannot come close to being able to handle the cross platform software I’ve used. Just use what works best for you, no sense in hyping up or cutting down, it appears to have a lack of understanding.
  10. You sugar junkies are very fortunate with the ability to expand horizontally and broaden your aspect living a much “fuller life”
  11. You’re not qualified to make this assessment. & neither is this liberal rag
  12. Christmas is more of an aesthetic thing here, an excuse for decorating a doing the selfie thing. None of the Thai folks I know celebrate Christmas in exchanging gifts or have Christmas dinner.
  13. Sugar is sugar, no matter the natural source. Of course fruit is part of a healthy diet and is a good source of minerals. The problem with sugar is when it’s heated melts and breaks down into glucose and fructose changing the molecules making it more difficult for the body to assimilate and causing health problems. The sugar in Tipco fruit juice is just as poisonous as table sugar. The raw sugar from cane is no different than sugar in a fresh mango, the only difference is the amount it contains per volume by weight. Not only fruit have sugar, many vegetables are high in sugar, so give that a thought next time you cook up some carrots or beets.
  14. So this means it’s expected be at 35.50 within the next ten days
  15. Downloading MS products off of torrents and goofy hacks isn’t necessary to getting around paying for MS software
  16. No, not at all and have absolutely no subscriptions for anything and don’t subscribe to most of what I read on TV/AN
  17. As if no one noticed, yet everyone did notice though denied by nearly every one of their constituents in order to maintain their rational of buying into one of the many lies that they accepted.
  18. Then rent a cheap fan room.
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