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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Possibly probably, but ours didn't have the black head markings, and had a more triangular-shaped head. Neighbor (Korat outback) gave my wife the Thai name.
  2. That looks about right for a bicycle tour. Three weeks, 1500km. 15 100-km days, and 6-7 days off bike for seeing the sights.
  3. This little fellow fell out of a palm branch that I was collecting from the garden. I've been told it's a Sumatran Green Pit Viper. Can anyone confirm?
  4. Which contact method did you use? They have an email, usually ignored as too old-fashioned. Try the facebook or instagram or line, or telephone. Have you tried the link to schedule service for your scooter? https://www.decogreenenergy.com/index.php/en/service-en#service-en
  5. Take some close-up photos showing details of your scooter. Compare to other brands at nearby dealers. Many are selling nearly identical products, differing only in shape of turn signal or decals. This brand? https://www.decogreenenergy.com/index.php/en/
  6. You don't have to remove yourself from all societies in which WHite people are present, to avoid associating with some bad WHite people.
  7. What's the problem? If you want to get away from "racist, white supremacist" ideology in Arkansas or Texas, you could suggest one moving to the Netherlands. But there are WHite people in the Netherlands!
  8. Excellent news. Can't wait to see the pride of the Thai navy patrolling the Mekong.
  9. I was not aware the Philippines had such strict laws regarding ponzi scams. Good for them.
  10. Raise emus. Imagine the cockfighting spectacles you can charge admission to.
  11. Do the math. 12 year old girl, mother conceived at 15, grandmother at 14.
  12. It's good you were prepared. You've lost it. Now move on.
  13. I did exactly what you said. I googled " buffalo attacks / deaths in Thailand" Not many facts. Only applicable article on first results page was an elderly farmer trying to capture an escaped female buffalo in heat.
  14. A good slap and a proctology exam? He'll be getting both soon enough where he's going. Look for livestreamed GoFleeceMe in 3....2.....1...
  15. I'd need some evidence to support this wild accusation.
  16. Open a fixed account with the minimum 2000 baht at the same bank you have 400/800k in savings. Once you get your fixed passbook, hand both to the nice lady at the desk and ask to transfer 400/800k from savings to fixed. You'll have two passbooks showing evidence of the transfer on the day. The transfer is immediate, with no break in maintaining the required balance. You'll need to provide letters and statements from and copies from both accounts next extension.
  17. Depends on which office. Korat requires a 2-month statement from the bank in addition to the guarantee letter.
  18. You'll probably need to get that info from the Korat bus station, the new one just past the Terminal mall. Last bus from Korat to Phimai leaves around 5:30 PM. (changes daily) Last bus from Phimai to Korat leaves around 11:30 AM. If relying on bus service and want to visit the historical park, you'd plan on an overnight stay. There are (I think) 3 bus services from Mochit Station to Korat, all same price about 256 baht. Nakonchai Air is comfortable, has wifi. Korat Pattaya also comfortable, no wifi. Chudchai.......seats too cramped.
  19. Buses run from Korat new bus station to Phimai about 5-6 times daily, final destination of buses is Chum Phuang. Fare to Phimai is 59 baht. Buses will stop at Phimai Historical Park and Phimai Market.
  20. first things first......... a great man once said
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