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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Careful, general. Go after the wrong criminals, and Trump is liable to sanction you!
  2. Here's one for you, from your little buddy, the "American" lawyer. Immigration has no inclination to include tax documentation in visa/extension matters.
  3. Would it matter? You'll just keep "cycling" through your narrative, and post more drivel, demanding someone refute the latest clickbait youtube clip. Tax season is half over, no new forms have appeared, no new documentation requirements have been been added. We're still self-determining accessibility, we're still self-determining need to file. No taxpayer has been audited, no taxpayer has been required to submit proof of source of funds. A few have voluntarily handed over a binder of financial statements, and the TRD officer either hasn't cared, or had to fudge some way to use them. Extensions are being granted by immigration as before, travelers are crossing the borders as before. Nothing has changed, and nothing will change.....this year, fer shirley!
  4. It's not the writing on the wall, it's the dollar signs in their eyes, thinking of all the fools they can fool into paying for unneeded services.
  5. We've been flooded with videos from multiple sources. One prolific poster is from a law firm that clickbaits customers by running a website with an address impersonating the Thai embassy. Another is a conspiracy guy who renounced US citizenship but is claiming to be an "American lawyer." Who am I to trust?
  6. C'mon, man! Be fair. Ask if the Biden fans wear their Depends with pride.
  7. This fellow is getting more and more entertaining in each video. It's like one of our reptilian overlords living on a secret base on the dark side of the moon, assessable only via stargate behind the Antarctic ice wall, ran a cloning operation that merged a flat earf'er with a creationist, resulting in a sovereign citizen. "But officer, I'm not driving, I'm traveling! And this is not a motor vehicle, it's my conveyance, my personal property not in commerce, traveling from A to B. And you don't have personal jurisdiction over this flesh and blood, standing on the earf', lower case name not affiliated with the all-caps entity shown on that arrest warrant. I want a supervisor. NOW. So is this an Article 3 detention? Are you coercing me under common law or maritime law? Hey! You can't taze me!"
  8. Here's your buddy saying immigration has no plans to include tax documentation in the extension process. There you have it. An authentic youtube video, so case closed.
  9. Oh, c'mon! You can't expect him to say: "Hi, my name is Bob, and I used to be an American attorney, but now I'm not actually an American attorney anymore, I'm a Thai attorney because I renounced my citizenship, so legally I'm not an American, but I'm gonna say it anyway, because I originally came from America, and it all depends on what the meaning of "is" is." I don't care if he's a US-hater, as long as he knows his way around a tax return, but if he's representing himself as something that he is not, ummm.....I'd say that's a question of, uhhhh....integrity.
  10. Wow. Some dude on the youtubes says some dude told another dude something that turned out to be incorrect, assuming the third dude actually told the second dude the thing, and the second dude didn't misunderstand the thing, and first dude is relaying this mildly interesting anecdote........but in the end both immigration and TRD tell him it's not true. But go ahead and post it, 'cause why again?
  11. That's generally the way it works. We self-determine assessability of remittances. We self-determine need to file. When Officer Somchai says "You bring in salary or pension?", we reply "prior savings," to which Officer Somchai says "Okay, Joe! You no file!"
  12. We had another poster full of advice, who had not yet filed. I'm gonna file! Just you watch and see! I'm really gonna this time! I'm not kidding! I'm gonna!!!
  13. Nice choice! Read his video summary: Are you a foreigner living in Thailand for more than 180 days a year? Then listen up - Thailand considers you a tax resident, and that means you're required to report your worldwide income if it's brought into the country during the same tax year. He claims: If you are tax resident, regardless of income, you must obtain a TIN. If you remit ANY 2024 income, exempt or not, regardless of amount, you must file a return and declare it. Scaremongers gonna mong! Maybe find a credible source if ya wanna post some fearporn. Oh, and at 9:30, news guy says if you have questions, put 'em down below in the comments. But.........."Comments are turned off." Seems they aren't so very sure of themselves, after all.
  14. Might as well move back to the US in that case, as Panama will soon be the 58th state.
  15. I'd go to India for medical again. Less expensive than Thailand, no concerns over tax on remittance for surgery, and the hospital food is awesome.
  16. Don't ever look into a garbage bag dumped next to a gas station trash bin. You might be surprised.
  17. I do not declare my remittances, as all are non-assessable and have no place on the tax form. I only file for the tax refund, and to have a history of approved tax filings. If you have ASSESSABLE remittances, you can file online, declare the totals without uploading documents. At this point, we don't know if those are necessary. If you fall below your TEDA, you don't owe tax. If you do owe tax, you can pay online. Either way, you've filed, paid any tax due, and done what's needed. If TRD wants more information, you will be informed, and can upload later. Although at that point, I'd just go to TRD in person with a stack of copies, let them straighten it out. Even if that occurs after the 90-day filing season, you should still be good. No penalties, as you've filed and declared what is required. If you have NON-assessable remittances, you can't do that online, at least not yet. There is no way to deduct them from the PIT calculation, and doing so by the wonky method offered by some TRD offices will likely set off alarms. If under TEDA, you should be okay as with assessable remittances, but if over TEDA you'll owe tax. I would think if you want to declare NON-assessable remittances in excess of your TEDA, just for the exercise of having it on a tax filing, that you'll need to do that in person. And 99 times out of 100, the TRD officer won't want to bother with your filing and will actively try to prevent you from adding to the workload. ***AS ALWAYS, NOT ADVICE. OPINION ONLY***
  18. Yes, we know your US social security is exempt and you aren't even required to apply for a TIN, but............gosh, those meanies at the TRD could arrest you and put you in debtors prison! Better pay us to file a tax return!
  19. Not her first rodeo. It is claimed she had been previously thrown out of Thailand and deported to Russia after running into issues on a previous visit. She then went to Dubai for several months, before returning to Thailand. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/beauty-queen-thrown-hellhole-immigration-34635790
  20. Append when? Last time I checked (disclaimer, just now!) 45% of this tax filing season is gone. No new forms are coming out, and no new requirements are going to be added. They could potentially add this for NEXT year, but it'll have to be for ALL taxpayers. Consider the implications for millions of THAI taxpayers now being required to attach documentation of their remittances. All the foreign workers, all the berry pickers, all the soi girls with multiple boyfriends, all the sick buffalo emergency blood transfusion payments! Hub of thinking before acting.
  21. Yes, you can upload required documents when you file online. If you do not, your return will still be approved, but you'll get an SMS advising you to check status online, and will be directed to upload missing paperwork. Check status on the web address where you filed, then go to a different address, log in and upload. https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-efiling-web/authen/MTA2 I've had requests to submit a scan of my passport, bank tax withholding statements, and a photo of my marriage certificate as filing jointly. There has been no question of my null filing, no request for proof of sufficient funds, no demand to show how I support my extravagant foreigner lifestyle. Basically just to properly identify myself and the person filing with me to check boxes and put us in the right category for processing, and then proof of tax withheld for the refund requested. We're still in self-determination land. I haven't declared any remittances, so don't know if anything would actually be demanded UNLESS you were claiming a foreign tax credit. If no tax due, that's the end of it. I tax due and you pay, that's the end of it. We'll have to see if online filers start getting requests to show proof. In my limited experience in-person in Bangkok and Korat and online, nothing was asked for regarding remittances. In Korat, i showed the TRD lady a handwritten list of Wise transfers (date and amount), she asked "salary or pension", I said "savings", she said no file unless wanting refund of tax withheld.
  22. Some of the taxspurts have said this sort of remittance would of course not be savings. You would be remitting a sum consisting of part capital gains and part initial capital. The problem is how to account for this. ALL examples we've seen are simplistic, remitting the entire proceeds of the sale. There is no explanation of how to account for partial sales, or how to declare partial remittances. Some have said various accounting methods may be used, but of course, there's never a real-world example provided. Some have stated that partial remittance of a complete sale of a holding would be part capital and part gain, again with no example given. There's been no official word that when we sell a holding, we can't separate the capital from the gain, remit the capital (at what cost basis???), and retain the gain in our offshore accounts. We haven't been told what the cost basis should be........is it the cost of stock purchased in 2013, or is it NAV at COB 31 Dec 2023? I don't plan on paying tax on a decade's worth of unrealized gains, pre-2024, while NOT tax resident.
  23. That could work to our benefit, as well. This year's rental income can be used to purchase a Trump memecoin and voila!, it's no longer income, it's a capital asset. Then it can be sold for cost, and voila! again, now it becomes savings with no gain! How are they going to track what any specific remittance is, and somehow match it to transactions that occurred years in the past? I don't think they thought out their plan to become the hub of tax interpretations, as they apparently believe rich foreigners all keep their money in physical bank vaults, and visit once a month to take their heirs swimming in gold coins.
  24. There are allowances on the tax forms to deduct health and life insurance premiums (I think total max 100K?), but premiums must be paid to a Thai insurance company. See page 5 of the tax return, the allowances/exemptions attachment, line 7. Once totaled, they are deducted on the tax calculation, No. 11(2) https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/attach9091_220367.pdf
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