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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. You can't prove that! I suspect it's a scam instigated by their second cousin who owns a paint shop.
  2. Further, the bill (1) prohibits states from registering an individual to vote in a federal election unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof of U.S. citizenship; and (2) requires states to establish an alternative process under which an applicant may submit other evidence to demonstrate U.S. citizenship. Those evil republicans, adding a mandate in the legislation for the states to design their own alternative methods to prove citizenship! What exactly are you afraid of? That ineligible voters might be removed from the voter rolls? Don't worry, the dead are still citizens.
  3. Problem is they wait until you're on your cellphone or looking for your wallet, and scratch up the car while you're not watching them. I could probably make a fortune selling automatic fly swatters with motion/distance sensors that mount on the car grill...........maybe the mosquito zapper kind with higher voltage!
  4. Again, too many pages to sift through to find the info, but....... Did you not attend two TRD offices, getting conflicting information? One who correctly said you don't need to file, as you have insufficient assessable income to require filing, and then a lady who lied to you about declaring a tax-exempt UK pension? The bad lady who lied must have read the examiner article.
  5. That's because the US is composed of 57 individual, sovereign states, and that elections for national offices are run by each state setting their own rules. If there is NO voter fraud, the democrats can make their points by adding a clause in the legislation mandating regular publication of voter fraud statistics. Then each month they'll have updated talking points to regurgitate on all the talk shows.
  6. ........and the pump jockeys at the filling station put a big magnetic advertising billboard on the hood of your car, not caring that the magnetic strip picks up metal debris when they stow it on the ground between customers.
  7. SAVE ACT This bill requires individuals to provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. Specifically, the bill prohibits states from accepting and processing an application to register to vote in a federal election unless the applicant presents documentary proof of U.S. citizenship. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8281 If this is just a rehash of already current law, then what's the problem? Why would you oppose legislation that makes no significant changes? If there are no illegals voting, then nothing will come of it, and the republicans are just wasting their time with a useless public relations exercise. Wouldn't you prefer them expending their resources on trivial nothingburgers, than writing legislation that will affect the country? Do you want them to start working to rename the "Gulf of Mexico" instead?
  8. Murder and bank robbery and shoplifting are also illegal. Who needs enforcement when you have a law?
  9. Are you gonna believe a rando reporter, or the TRD instructions published on the official government website? Computation of Net-Income In computing tax liability by using the net income method, a taxpayer has to bring into account all assessable income arising in a tax year.
  10. Journalistic license, reported in the examiner. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2025/01/03/revenue-department-boss-calls-on-tax-residents-in-thailand-to-file-2024-runs-by-the-march-31st-deadline/ Certainly, this year, all expats who have been residents of Thailand for 180 days or more in the course of the last year are liable to file a return. The return pertains to taxable income earned within Thailand and remitted to Thailand during 2024. So the infotainment writer is apparently unaware of non-taxable income streams and how DTA's work. The writer is not an expert, just a dude. Changes to tax regulations in 2023 make all income remitted to Thailand by foreign residents in the country for over 180 days last year declarable.
  11. Too many pages now to try and find where that quote came from. If from a newspaper or tax advisor, this is a mistranslation/misunderstanding or they simply shortened the actual change in interpretation of the law for brevity. My understanding is there were NO changes to the existing law, only in the interpretation. From the instructions for the form: In computing tax liability by using the net income method, a taxpayer has to bring into account all assessable income arising in a tax year. "bring into account" = declare
  12. From the instructions for PND91 Computation of Net-Income In computing tax liability by using the net income method, a taxpayer has to bring into account all assessable income arising in a tax year. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/GUIDE_91_66_Complete.pdf If not assessable, not declared, thus no need to "find" an exemption to deduct it.
  13. Assume so, but the 2023 form does not specify that. Maybe 40(1) designates Thai employment only? Personal Income Tax Return for taxpayer with only income from employment under Section 40 (1) of the Revenue Code Only https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/230367PIT91.pdf The instructions do not specify Thai income only, but that would be assumed by most. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/GUIDE_91_66_Complete.pdf Note item A2 is where you enter the total from section B, exempted income. But section B does not have an option to list foreign excluded income. My guess is @thecyclist TRD officer just plugged the number in a somewhat related slot, probably line 2 "government pension fund contribution", in order to avoid admitting a misteak. PND90 would be required if the taxpayer is reporting interest or dividend or rental income, etc. It has the same exemptions in section 1, item 2.
  14. I would believe the IRS disagrees. You generally need to file if your gross income is greater than your standard deduction. Unlike Thailand, we don't have to guess. https://www.irs.gov/help/ita/do-i-need-to-file-a-tax-return
  15. It appears you knocked off 0.01 baht. Shirley, you've shown yourself qualified to work as a CPA in Thailand!
  16. You appear to be directing wise to PULL money from your bank, rather than having your bank PUSH money to Wise, using PLAID as an external (paid) facilitator service to shorten processing time. Am I correct that there is a service charge from Wise when you add to your balance via ACH? If so, how much? The fee appears to be 0.25% of the amount added to your balance jar. https://wise.com/us/pricing/receive/ When calculating fees to send USD to THB, the cost to send US$1000 as transfer from your balance is $6.68 (variable fee = 0.54%), while the cost to send via bank debit (ACH) is $9,60 (variable fee - 0.80%) For $2,000, the fees are $12.06 and $17.55 For $10,000, $55.07 and $81.22 https://wise.com/gb/pricing/send-money?sourceAmount=10000&sourceCurrency=USD&targetCurrency=THB So the fee for your $3000 (~100K baht) means at the current exchange rate, you'll get 103,383 baht (fee $17.44) sending from balance, or 103,103 if using Plaid (fee $25.51). Not a big deal for the convenience, I suppose, when you look at the difference in baht. Plaid is not a free service. They charge Wise per use to facilitate bank authorizations, otherwise a normal ACH pull to add to your balance takes longer. Finally, it's helpful to know that the Wise ACH transfer time may be slower than some other payment methods. That’s because banks tend to take a little longer to process ACH payments, meaning it can take up to 4 days for your payment to be cleared and received by Wise. I have always sent FROM my credit union TO Wise. Never used this Plaid thing you and others have encountered from the Wise side of the transaction. I may have been asked in the past to set up a Plaid link, but I don't recall.
  17. She's more relaxed, about to retire. Unburdened by what has not being elected.
  18. It's always a remittance, from start to finish. The term describes the sum of money being sent, and/or describes the process of sending the money.
  19. Dearest Sir, I have been requested by the Nigerian National Health Administration to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Prophylaxis Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for Covid® interdiction in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately attracted donations equaling US$500,000,000. The Nigerian National Prophylaxis Company is desirous of Covid® interdiction for other viruses, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to transfer these funds........... Yours in scientific trust, Prince Aloha Snackbar al Fauci
  20. Nothing suspicious here. I'm just surprised he didn't claim one of his captors put a rope around his neck and yelled out "this is MAGA country!"
  21. Shazam! That Trump is one clever dude! He's got y'all pushing Kremlin propaganda talking points! Here’s why Trump’s talk of annexing Canada and Greenland should not be dismissed The US president-elect’s “shopping cart” of other countries’ properties should worry all American vassals https://www.rt.com/news/610533-trump-annex-canada-greenland/ Trump demands Denmark hands over Greenland The US president-elect has also refused to rule out military action to retake the Panama Canal https://www.rt.com/news/610559-trump-greenland-panama-military/
  22. Interesting when you google it and find this appears in such fine publications as easternupdates.com diplomaticwatch.com thestreetjournal.org and my favorite dailypost.ng Yepper, I get my breaking international health news from Nigeria. I guess they can afford the huge research staff, being supported my all those Nigerian princes and all.
  23. I've seen this exact same video hundreds of times. Only difference is all the faces in those videos are WHite and speaking English, wanting to escape the relentless rat race in (insert western country) for a more relaxed lifestyle.
  24. Simple solution. Log onto your bank account and SEND the money to Wise with a free ACH transfer. It should arrive almost immediately, unless your bank batch processes ACH transactions, in which case it would be at opening next morning. No Plaid involved, and you'll save yourself the transfer-in fee charged by Wise to PULL from your bank account, as well as the extra days of processing by your bank.
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