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Posts posted by ianwuk

  1. I am looking for a standard PSP (not the Vita) that is hacked with a memory stick and everything included. What price would I be looking at second hand and where might I find one?



  2. Facebook or anything else unwholesome will never get banned here purely for the fact that, if it was, it'd be one step closer to putting the blame on the real culprit, the people, and that will never happen. The government needs things to blame for the societal situation after all, that is not themselves, and usually avoids the main issue or cause entirely and spouts rubbish articles like this.

  3. I am working on my university project which is to design an iTunes style application designed for low end computer systems whilst researching and abiding by all copyright and digital content laws and ethical issues. I am not the best at programming and I am doing all this in Visual Basic 2010 and wondered if there was anyone here who would be kind enough to fix the issues that I am currently experiencing and obviously would get paid for their time based on the workload.

    I can provide full system spec and my current source code for review also and I am sure a seasoned programmer would find something like this very easy.

    Basically the end result has to have near enough the same features in terms of music interaction as the likes of iTunes but designed to run more on low end systems.

    This means the software needs the following features:

    1 - Fully editable song database with MP3 tag editing and album art

    2 - Media player based on song database with full media controls, playlist and option to export playlist file, songs playing display correct ID3 tag data.

    3 - ID3 tag editor for songs in database as well as option for user to open their own files and edit and save those.

    4 - Option to select songs/albums and buy from iTunes/Amazon

    It also needs to be hosted online.

    Thanks for your time.


  4. Hello.

    I have a black 80GB VDO iPod and was wondering if somewhere like MBK would upgrade the hard drive for me to 160GB as I see that as being much cheaper than buying another model.

    Is this possible? If so, where do I go and how much would I be looking to spend?

    Many thanks.


  5. I'm sorry, I didn't read all the posts regarding helping farangs.

    The main concern seems to be a work permit, which is needed if you perform (paid) labor.

    Assisting or aiding in a catastrophe like this is country wide "allowed". In other words: Nobody will enforce the labor law in combination with the immigration law regarding visa and work permits.

    Calling the foreigner, who refuses to help because he doesn't have a WP, arrogant is overdone; it's his good right. It may be ignorant, that's all.

    Being paranoia of having no or no correct WP is a bit overdone; there will be no government-official who will check foreigners on having a WP.

    However, some foreigners will continue performing labor after the ordeal has been solved claiming that they didn't need a WP during the floods, and that they won't need a WP after the floods.

    Good point, the work permit paranoia brigade are not arrogant, just ignorant. And in some cases just looking for a way to ease their conscience so they dont have to get involved. There has been some hilarious examples of excuses for people not lifting a finger when they could have done and initially gave the bogus impression they were willing to do so.

    I have a work permit and see that as a reason to actually help. I spent the best part of yesterday helping move the condo furniture and fitness equipment to higher ground. I am sure a lot of people who help are not seen on TV.

  6. This:

    Once you've lived here for decent stretch of time - and I'm thinking 15 years plus here - you will come to the realisation that the world that you came from; the world that you, so often, use as a baseline for your criticisms of the way things are in Thailand, does not exist anymore. You will be severely dissappointed to find that the only place where it exists is inside your head. And if you were to go back to that mythical place, that you cling to as a crutch to justify why your view of how things should be in Thailand is correct (and why the Thai have it wrong), you will be incredibly shocked to find that you don't fit in anymore and that life there is far more difficult and tedious than it could ever be in the "land of Smiles."

    You will appreciate the following:

    1. That you can step out of your door at any time of the day or night and get a decent bowl of noodle soup within 5 minutes walk of your abode.

    2. You can buy a reasonable range of alcohol from a 7/11 and that there are plenty of them everywhere.

    3. That you can go to a bar/gogo/night club and receive undevided attention from a bevy of lovely ladies (even though it is largely an act).

    4. That you are, everyday, eating some of the worlds best food that people back in those mythical lands (you come from) pay a fortune for and only get to eat occaissionally.

    5. That the weather is always warm, and as you advance on in years, the problems with old joint injuries seem to be more managable in the said warm climate.

    6. That health care is, by and large, very good and is inexpensive compared to the cost back in those mythical lands - As an aside; I have comprehensive accident and medical insurance through SCB. It's 26000 baht a year. I've used it a couple of times and I've never handed over a single baht at the hospitals I use. I just hand over my insurance card and that's the end of it.

    7. If you give someone a smile - even someone you've never met before - you will almost always get a smile back in return.

    8. That Thailand is a relatively free and easy place to live and that those mythical lands have become PC governed, over taxing, police states.


  7. What is really needed is a first post listing reported locations, with time-stamp next to recent sightings.

    To be able to predict my areas coming water I need to scan several pages of sightings and political debates...

    (Huay Kwang, close to Vibhavade, dry.)

    This is a great idea :)

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