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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. "The Thailand Pass system cannot be cancelled because it holds data and important information on tourists which can be used to trace them when they travel in Thailand " Mr. Pipat said this is exactly why the Thai government should abolish it!!!!
  2. we all know this inept and corrupted government will continued to keep the boogey man fear factor as long as they can. it's their only way of controlling the mass, fear is much more effective than threats and guns.
  3. "quarantines, masks, lockdowns, business bans, constant testing, border closures, ever complex and onerous regulations for flying, immigration, eating, drinking, breathing, exercising, or just walking outside. " You sir, summed up the last 2 years perfectly.
  4. " it's as much about some people making money as it is about most people losing money" FIFY
  5. Unless there is another coup which is possible, he isn't going anywhere. the man is the epitome of what delusional grandeur looks like. while we are in the wishful thinking mode, this illegal gov't should also ditch their 2 yr emergency decree security blanket, But then how do they keep the citizens off the streets and allow democracy to actually thrive ? The real problem in LOS has been the 7 yrs of Prayut and his cohorts, not the 2 yrs of the pandemic.
  6. "Thailand Elite Card, Elite Ultimate Privilege, Elite Superiority Extension and Elite Privilege Access "
  7. Much to do about nothing. Thai politics will be the same regardless who's in power. The rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnam-eyes-full-reopening-tourists-next-month-2022-02-15/
  9. I don't have much respect for Thai monks. its almost as if its a carte blanch for them to get away with anything.
  10. Vietnam To Re-open To Tourists After Two-year Closure (ibtimes.com) the latest is one day quarantine not 3. I believe come late Spring or onset of Summer, all restrictions will be lifted once they see that the virus has subsided. the country is 93% fully vaccinated from 18 years and up and the boosters are at 55% at the moment.
  11. Vietnam to fully reopen borders from mid-March | Reuters ????
  12. You're absolutely right , Thai cops are so much better than Viet cops..???? yes Viet Nam has very little to offer, how dare they be included on the list! Its always amazes me how many posters on this site who have decided to retired in Thailand get quickly irk or "triggered" whenever the subject of retirement comes up between LOS nd Viet Nam. ????
  13. I had a Filipino co worker tell me Filipino food is like many other SE Asian cuisine without the flavors or originality, but contained more saturated fat and sugar. He said the food is mostly similar to Chinese with a just different name. ????
  14. right..as if your average Thai sounds so pleasant in every day conversation. my Thai wife when freely conversing with her family or friends sound like they're about to see who can raise their voices the loudest!
  15. that's too bad Mike. Viet Nam is known far and wide from seasoned travelers as a place where the local population are typically very welcoming and eager to meet and engaged with foreigners. You say they are heavy hearted, isn't a bit much painting the country with a broad brush?? after all, VN went through two major wars with millions of family members and friends dead from both conflicts.
  16. Bang Rajan The Legend of Naresuan Pat. 1 and 2 The Legend of Suriyothai I believe their historical movies are their best work.
  17. Mexican food can seemed similar and repetitive no doubt., but it is delicious comfort food at its finest. I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I don't want to force or debate on attractiveness. I will say one last thing on Thai women, they're not getting smaller from what I've seen these days. ????
  18. Mexican food is among the best in the world, why do you think you can find a Mexican restaurant or cantina pretty much anywhere in the world? As far as their women goes, they are second to none!
  19. https://vietnamdiscovery.com/hoi-an/attractions/hoi-an-old-town/ Tell that to the people who actually born, bred, worked and lived there.
  20. LOL!!! these clowns at TAT spend more time coming up with these asinine schemes than actually fixing a broken pavement on 2nd Road in Pattaya.
  21. Unfortunately, Fear is a powerful tool especially among the uneducated and ignorant bunch.
  22. Mike, I think you wisely reiterated before but it is worth repeating, if most ex pats didn't have any family connections to Thailand , there would be a bigger exodus. I have no doubt. I have enjoyed coming to Thailand for many years ( 15 x since 2006) , its a wonderful country to vacation for the $, but honestly I wouldn't frequented as much as I did if I wasn't married to my Thai wife. With covid the last few years, we had to cancelled our bi yearly trip in 2021. She's not asking me to go to LOS this summer.
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