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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. And the hair dye industry in LOS rejoices!!!!!!!!
  2. TAT is out of touch with the current world economy. That has to be the only plausible reason for their complete unawareness when predicting these far fetch forecasts.
  3. All you have to do is watch youtube videos on Thailand. In Bangkok, the majority are wearing masks. Only westerners, Indians and non Thais are not wearing it. In Pattaya, it's mostly the bar girls who are maskless along with the ex pats, tourists and non Thai. Posters on this board have said, even in the countryside the vast majority are wearing masks.
  4. Lol!! I love this board. Posters are quick to point out all the dye job on these old gizzards. They have no shame with it from Cha Cha to Thaksin
  5. Yingluck in that picture looks like she knows what she wants and how she wants it! ????
  6. US opioid crisis: New government report finds Mexico is dominant source of fentanyl trafficked into US - CNNPolitics Mexico has replaced China.
  7. I think he meant Malaysians as in the Malay ethnicity, not Chinese or Indian from Malaysia. And you're correct , unless they have a conversation with you , you really can't tell the difference between a Chinese from any SE Asian country. The mainland Chinese are a bit more obvious for several reasons.
  8. So very true. You remember Thailand almost went to war with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple, a wat that was actually by the ancient Khmer ?? Lol!!!
  9. Just to be clear, the origin of these artifacts are not Thai. The creators of these items belong to the Kingdom of Srijivaya ( Malay) and Dvaravati ( Mon). Just like all the ancient wats dotted throughout Thailand that were built before the 12th century belongs to the Khmer civilization.
  10. He gave his opinion on her look, nothing wrong with his opinion. You don't have to agree with it. It's a public forum the last time I checked. Just like you gave your thoughts on his post. She entered a public pageant knowing the whole contest is about " judging" therefore she is going to be judged by selected judges or anyone that wishes to critique.
  11. There's nothing Thai left of her from all the plastic surgery! The nose , eyebrows, whitening of the skin etc etc. You could easily replace her with every other contestants in these pageants and wouldn't notice the difference. I don't usually bashed or critique on these topics, but it would be nice to see a contestant without all the " extras" just for once.
  12. Honestly, I don't think Thai authorities read their own news and I'm not trying to be funny either.
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11026577/Covid-Australia-Data-shows-mask-mandates-dont-work-New-Zealand-Singapore-pass-Australia.html
  14. And the award for " No $hit Sherlock" goes to the Labor Minister. Congratulations!
  15. False numbers? Lol!! See the graph above for reference dear sir. Btw, your statement about the overestimation of my " worth" to Thailand is simply ridiculous. For some apparent reason you're set against the actual numbers on how much tourism plays an essential role in Thailand overall GNP.
  16. Even with this latest article stating in black and white whether its post pandemic or not is irrelevant because they the press are telling you what it is at this moment. you're one of the apologists on this forum I'm referring to and you don't even realize it.
  17. You have Thai apologists as well on this forum who refused to acknowledged tourism is 20% or more of the GNP even with numerous articles stating it plain and simple.
  18. But first they need to form a committe to discuss what statements will be stated
  19. This junta is a running parody of itself. Why even bother extending the " emergency decree " when in reality is just a guise for complete control of this so called democracy?
  20. Thx, but I dont need to, I know how they lived. My wife's family are from Roi Et, Korat and Chumphon and I've spent enough time in those places to witness their daily lives. But to your point, not every ordinary Thai as you stated lives in the " rural area". They have an emerging middle class and they too represent Thailand of today and not just the villagers.
  21. Lol!! I think your take on " ordinary " Thai is 20 years behind!
  22. While we're at it, what happens in a storm when your power outages are damaged? How about the availability of stations throughout the country ?? And so on and so on...
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