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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. be careful, nigelforbes will come along with his graph and multiple reports telling you otherwise. ????
  2. If they revert back to the traditional form, that would keep away some falang who comes to LOS during sonkran to have a wild time. Should be interesting regarding the tourist numbers for April
  3. The old saying, don’t put all your eggs in one basket comes to mind..
  4. Perhaps reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Read my post again.
  5. VietJet has done a good job of promoting themselves in the region. Hopefully, they continue to provide affordable pricing and increase their routes going forward.
  6. exactly. High Season will end soon, and we will know the true indicator of the economic outlook for 2023.
  7. Like I said in a previous post, Thailand heavily depends on tourism for any potential growth to their GDP. we were told by the Thai authorities that tourisms make up roughly 20% of the total GDP. it seems much more than that with all these articles appearing lately.
  8. 100% agree with your post. furthermore, you can add Northeast Issan and Buri Ram, Si Sa Ket, and Surin to that list as well. While these regions I mentioned are considered Thai citizens, the majority are Lao descent and speak Lao/Issan language at home and to each other. Same thing goes for the Khmer descent in the southeast part of Issan near the Cambodia border. Thailand has attempted in the last 7 decades to assimilate the people in those regions to think and believe they are Thai, but in reality, it hasn't worked so well.
  9. but we were told by Thai apologists on this forum over and over again that LOS doesn't depend on tourism, or it only accounts for a small fraction of the overall GDP. with the number of articles, we get weekly on this site regrading tourism and ways to lure back the Chinese and others, you would think tourism makes up a significant amount for the Thai economy.
  10. my heart weeps. it's a tragedy on so many levels. to survive a heralding ordeal, only to die 4 years later. he had a very promising life ahead of him, an opportunity to for a better life and future that most of his peers could only dream of.
  11. LOS=Land of Schemes/ Scams from taxi drivers, police force, and politicians to so-called celebrities.
  12. Stay updated on the latest covid reports and be safe.
  13. 8k inbound flights in a 6-day period?? At that rate, LOS will get 40 million in no time! ????
  14. This right here is the crux of the issue going forward. If the airlines want to bounce back, they need to seriously examine their prices because with the impending recession looming around the world, it's going to get really ugly.
  15. Hit and run causing a fatality and flees the country leaving her family behind. Says a lot who she is.
  16. I think at this rate, Sanook would report a horde of Chinese tourists watching a street vendor making pad that an " amazing experience".
  17. my top choice in order is: Viet Italian Mexican Indian Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean Mind you, my wife is Thai, but we hardly eat Thai food, and she normally cooks her Thai favorites which usually doesn't agree with me and the kids. ???? We eat plenty of Thai when in LOS and it satisfies my craving for a while.
  18. Agreed. aside from Thai, Viet food is loved the world over esp. in the U.S., Australia and wherever the Viet diaspora happens to be (France, Germany, Czechia etc.)
  19. yes because its better worded than I can. you have a problem with that?? how I want to cut and paste it's up to me, why does it bothered you so much. who the hell made you the forum police?? I could have agreed with the OP and say Thai food is <deleted>. would that have been better for you??
  20. they do like Thai food, but most just eat pad thai, tom yum goong, khao pad/ sapparod and pad kra pao moo and believe they are Thai experts when it comes to the cuisine. they dare not tried the hard-core dishes and I can' say I blame them! ????
  21. When it comes down to variation, Thai cuisine doesn’t have that much room for creativity. Since this cuisine is flavour rather than ingredient-base, you can’t stray off the path that has already been laid for you in the aged-old recipe otherwise people will find your flavour “off”.
  22. They just can't help themselves, can they?? With all the economist's prediction of a looming recession and economies slowing down the world over coming this year, they should be very grateful anyone is coming to LOS.
  23. You can count me as one of those Americans that will not be coming again this year. Tickets for 4 are outrageous in the summer months from SFO to BKK. I haven't been back with the family since June 2019. I missed LOS, always had a blast and great memories, but the plane tickets have increased so much due to all the things we discussed since the pandemic makes it difficult to go these days.
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